Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 29th August 2024 Written Episode Update: Kavya and Palki plan a surprise for RakshaBandhan

Kundali Bhagya 29th August 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Preeta says as far as she remembers he always desired to hear thank you from her, Karan gets shocked wondering if Preeta remembers it all, Preeta replies she knows the day they first met when Karan gets excited asking if she remembers the car, Preeta says it has been almost a year when she was about to fall and he desired to make her say thank you so she knows from that moment how he always wants her to say thank you, Karan agrees telling Preeta that it is a very long story when Preeta asks if she should say thank you when Karan starts smiling, Karan says she keeps talking a lot and does not know how to stay quiet, Preeta says he is the one who makes her talk a lot but Karan replies she does not even let him speak, Preeta says she is not going to talk anymore when he will say he did not give him

the chance. Karan starts thinking of how he saw Preeta trapped in the glass tank after which he got very restless when Preeta asks why is he looking at her like this, he replies he was looking if she is fine, Preeta replies there is someone who is not fine for whom he has to do something, Karan does not understand, Preeta replies she is talking about Kavya whose life has been in turmoil and she knows Kavya is very strong but she knows that Kavya still needs a support. Preeta says even if the police have arrested Varun but still his black omen has not gone away from her, Preeta asks if Karan would do something for her, she says she desires he should love both kavya and Shaurya when she knows he indeed loves them but she desires that he should take care of their emotional needs as it can be seen they both are emotional, Kavya suffered such a big trauma but she does not know the reason for this behavior of Shaurya rather knows they need his support. Karan promises to take care of all his children, Kavya, Shaurya and even Rajveer when karan mentions he will not say Rajveer is like his son so promises to take care of all of his three children, Preeta thanks him but says Karan must not worry about Rajveer as Shristhi has raised him very well and he can handle everything before hand, Preeta mentions even Kavya and Shaurya are very good children but she feels they need the family support which they are in desperate need of, karan agrees.

Bani Dadi asks what is Rakhi doing who replies that her pain is going to end very soon when Rakhi says that the pain is surely going to end, Bani Dadi says she is scolding her but Rakhi is still caring for her a lot, Mahesh brings the medicine for Karina. Kavya then comes to Bani Dadi assuring everything would be better. Palki and Rajveer also come and then seeing Bani Dadi in pain, Paki gets very restless so goes to check for herself, she asks Rakhi to give the ointment to her while Bani Dadi says it is just a scratch. Palki requests Bani Dadi to let her do it, Rakhi also says Palki is just fulfilling her duty, Bani Dadi says before they just had Preeta but now have even Palki, Mahesh says that it is good as then no one will get ill. Palki is glad that no one got injured and they are all fine, Mahesh says that Palki does not know that Ma is very strong and even he has suffered a lot at her hands. Rakhi then goes to Rajveer who seems tensed, Rakhi says Rajveer is very glad to have found someone like Palki as she is very respectful and takes care of everyone a lot, she feels Palki is just like Preeta hearing which karina gets furious. Rakhi explains even their Luthra Mansion is very lucky to have such lakshmi come to their house, Kavya says indeed Rajveer is very lucky to which he agrees explaining she is one in ten million, Mahesh praises him while Kavya says she is going to bring water for everyone while tomorrow they will fix everything in the out house and make it in the house. Rajveer tells everyone that Kavya is not that normal and is trying to hide her emotional after whatever she suffered as it would have a deep effect, Rakhi praises Rajveer for being very understanding as Kavya did not say anything but he knows it, she agrees that the storm named Varun left but Kavya would need some time to get better, Bani Dadi is very worried for the future of Kavya as she trusted Varun a lot and now Kavya is going to need a lot of years, Mahesh says he is going to meet the Inspector not for Varun but Prithvi and Sherlin. Karina agrees saying Mahesh should go and complain as a lot of years have passed but Prithvi and Sherlin still want to take revenge, she does not know what they have planned, Mahesh mentions this is why he is going to file the LC. Bani Dadi says it was the worst day when Sherlin came to this house as she ruined the life of Rishab, Rajveer assures no one would be able to harm Kavya.

Kavya says she is going to leave with the bottles, palki thinks she has to even take one for Mohit and so walks out of the kitchen, she stops when Shaurya comes in front of her yet tries to leave but is stopped by Shaurya, she says she needs to leave when Shaurya replies she is forming relations with his family and they would have thanked her, Palki asks why is Shaurya behaving so strange, he replies he does not care whom she helped or not but he is not going to thank her, she replies she does not expect anything from him but he says he expects her to behave and that she should not put his sister in problems. Palki asks what is he trying to say, Shaurya asks why does anyone near her always gets in trouble, Palki falls while trying to walk away then says he can at least say sorry, he replies he is still asking her to behave when Shaurya says these words are emotions and he is not an emotionless fool. Palki says there is no place for people like him in her dictionary. Nidhi comes to Shaurya saying this girl can become a lot of danger for him, Shaurya says Palki cannot do anything but Nidhi says he is mistaken as usually the girls are impressed by him, but Palki does not respect him and so can be a lot of danger, Nidhi says she is not money minded but has values and he is good for nothing for her but she respects Rajveer and she feels the position has in this is due to Palki, as she is the one who respects Rajveer a lot so he says Palki can harm him a lot and do very bad for him, Shaurya asks his mom to relax saying she is getting scared a lot of Palki and what can she do to them, Nidhi says Palki is important to Rajveer who is important to karan and she says it was her duty to warm him while it is up to him, Shaurya leaves when Nidhi smiles thinking she once again manipulated Shaurya.

In the morning Rakhi tells Karina and mummy je that she is very worried for Kavya who tries to show everything is fine but is not as a boy came in her life and caused a storm, she says Kavya did not know Varun was a bad person and it will take her time to heal, weather if she shows or not but she is broken emotionally as she has been cheated on, Karina says that love is love, Kavya loved Varun and she is very hurt. Bani Dadi praises Kavya saying she does not show her pain, as Mata Rani even does wrong with good people while Varun has deceived her a lot Bani Dadi sees Kavya so calls her, she comes asking what are they talking about, Mahesh says they were saying bad things about her Grandmother, Rakhi praises she should always stay happy and nothing bad should happen, Rakhi mentions she meant that Kavya must always be happy. Kavya replies she should not go to someplace form where she cannot return, Karina asks her to take some butter but she says it is enough however Mahesh mentions she should take some more, they all start joking while eating and then Kavya tries to stay calm.

Palki is working in the kitchen when kavya goes to stand by her side, Palki asks what happened when Kavya says everyone was talking how she is going into depression when Palki says they are telling the truth, Kavya replies she is trying her best to come out of this trouble but she fears that till she gets better then her family members would go into depression and she wants everyone to stay happy while all the problems end, Kavya says they are going to celebrate RakshaBandhan in a grand manner while even decorate the house, Palki agrees saying they will decorate it and she asks if she can take the things needed for the decoration, Kavya hugs Palki saying she is glad they are friends but palki replies a lot more then it when kavya says she is also the sister of the groom, Palki explains she is making the herbal drink. Kavya prays that everything should get better and her Preeta maa remembers everything

Kritika is walking when she hears a sound so wonders I someone is in the store, kritika asks Palki and Kavya to get down when palki reveals tomorrow is RakshaBandhan so Kavya thought she will decorate the entire house after everyone falls asleep tonight. Palki then reveals even she will help Kavya who wants to decorate her own room, Kavya says wants to celebrate it as then everyone will find out but it will be a surprise in her room, Kritika praises Kavya and she agrees to help them explaining the RakshaBandhan is also for her, Kavya says she is going to come back when kritika advises her to be careful. Palki tells Kritika Bua that Kavya has been depressed and she herself wants to be normal which is why she is doing it all, while she is sure this RakshaBandhan would bring a better change for her, Kritika says it does not seem that kavya is depressed, Palki replies she feels that Kavya is more furious as Varun ruined her entire life then she will get angry, Kritika says she understands and asks when will her aunt come to use so assures she would handle Kavya, Palki is sure that now she will handle Kavya then Kritika says she is also glad Palki is by her side, Palki says Kritika knows how to handle relations while they are the ones who teach them they can even pass a storm, Palki asks if they can start.

Gurpreet asks Preeta to come and sit as they would have tea, Mohit says he will go and go to the sisters house and tie the Rakhi, Mohit explains then he will go and get the permissions from the police. Rajveer says Mohit can call him if he needs anything then he will also call him. Garesh comes asking Preeta je what can he make for lunch when Preeta replies she will also come to the kitchen and help him but Garesh says he can handle everything, Karan comes asking Rajveer if they should leave so they agree then he tells Preeta to rest while explaining he will call Garesh to ask about Preeta. Mohit also leaves saying he needs to meet the contractor. Preeta tells Gurpreet she sometimes feels weird as Karan talks as if he knows her from a long time ago, and as if they have an old relation when Gurpreet says Karan knows her very well as he is very pure at heart and then it causes a sense of belonging, Preeta says this is what Nidhi does not like as he is her husband and why would a wife like when her husband gives importance to another wife, she says this is why Nidhi hates her so much. Gurpreet thinks Preeta je does not know Karan je is her husband, Preeta tells Gurpreet she has tried to tell Karan about it but he does not listen, Gurpreet says Karan is not a child and knows how to live with someone while make a path by himself. Preeta replies she does not want that someone gets into trouble due to her while if there was any relation between them then it would have been different, Gurpreet asks why is Preeta talking about this suddenly, Preeta replies she knows that Nidhi does not like her while Shristhi told her about this that she feels Karan is interested in her, then it is obvious while a wife would dislike it and Gurpreet knows Shristhi is very clever as she is aware of the intentions of anyone she is talking to, so it is the truth. Preeta says Nidhi hates her then how can she fix it all and do that Nidhi realizes there is no reason to be scared while Karan is not after her. Gurpreet says there is a lot between them like a relation, Gurpreet explains she meant the relation of friendship and it is not less then anything so they should not be concerned about what anyone else thinks about it but she should just have the tea, Preeta is worried.

Arohi tells Nidhi to not be negative as everything would be fine, she is the one who took care of the Luthras and spend the valuable time for them while even then if she thinks there is any problem then should call her, Nidhi promises to call her so Arohi leaves advising her to take care, Shaurya tells Sunny he is not going to come but then mentions he will come, Nidhi asks where is he going, Shaurya replies to a bachelor party where he was not interested at first but has no agreed, Karan hands the keys of the car to Rajveer asking him to drive but then calms him down saying Rajveer has a lot of qualities that he has and so is like a younger Karan, Shaurya gets furious hearing it.

Precap: Kritika says to Preeta that Varun will be punished, they are shifting him to different jail where he can find similar criminals like him and they will welcome his the way he deserve.
Varun says to Police I’m ready to come to jail with you so take me, I won’t run. Inspector says okay. Varun starts running police fires his gun at him but he escapes.

Update Credit to: Sona

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