Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 29th June 2024 Written Episode Update: Preeta is able to get the hard drive from the club

Kundali Bhagya 29th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Shaurya tells Rajveer they will see who gathers the first proof to save Palki, Preeta thinks they both are fighting but since it is for a good cause then she is not bothered by it, Sandy tells Rajveer about his aunt so he asks if they should leave and they all prepare to leave.

Roma asks Varun what is he doing because first Preeta suspected him and now even Nidhi as this is not good for his plan, Varun asks they cannot do about what is done and she should tell him, Roma says he must think about taking each and every step and not make any mistake when she knows he loves Aaliya a lot, Varun says that he does not care about love but just his mission which is the destruction of karan Luthra and his entire family because he was not able to stay for even a day with his parents in a single house as

they both have so many causes on them that they could not live. Roma says Varun is sitting on a time bomb whose name is Palki and if she tells the truth to Kavya then she is going to leave him, Varun says that Kavya will never leave him and he will make sure those who try to come between go far away, vowing to end all of the trust and respect they have for each other.

Kavya asks Palki to not be worried as they all are with her, kavya says she knows it is horrible for a girl to be in the lockup and even people talk about her career and character, while even Palki has not done anything but just been trapped yet she should have hope and they will help her be released, Palki says she has complete faith in Rajveer and Preeta je while is not that weak that she loses strength, she is also not at fault when Kavya replies she knows Palki is scared then why is she smiling. Palki says she trusts Rajveer and Preeta je that they will help her be released but she is a doctor and is wondering if her license gets canceled, Kavya tells Palki to not be worried assuring that if she is innocent then nothing wrong would happen to her. Palki asks Kavya if she is also tensed and is she hiding, Kavya mentions she is worried but it is which she does not know if she should tell her, Kavya takes the name of Varun, Palki asks what has he done so Kavya says that Varun said that all the blames on Palki are true and he wants her to break their friendship, Palki mentions she understands the reason behind it, Palki tells Kavya that Varun might have said it just like that due to the stress of the business but she would advice Palki to not be stressed, Palki thinks she can tell the truth about Varun to her but she will not believe it so she needs to first gather the proof against him, Kavya asks palki to take care of herself saying she will once again come to meet her.

Rajveer and Preeta both enter the club when Preeta asks him to go and talk with them, Rajveer goes to the reception saying it is very bad about what happened in the club and they arrested an innocent girl but for this he needs her help and is sure she is not going to refuse him, the receptionist asks how can she help her, the manager comes down saying that Preeta came again and they told her that they have some protocols in place otherwise he would have to ask the guards. Shaurya also enters the club and then asks for the manager, informing that he will just talk to them and then informs his friend Sandy really praised their club. The Manager gets excited and then says that both Rajveer and Preeta should leave as it is their working hour, Rajveer asks if they can have some water to which they agree and then the manager leaves with Shaurya.

The manager is showing Shaurya the club and takes him to the place where they organize the parties, Shaurya asks what kind of themes can they arrange, Sandy asks Shaurya to talk with him about the CCTV footage but Shaurya says that everything has to go according to the plan and it might ruin it all, Sandy says he can recognize the person who put the drugs in the bag of Palki, Shaurya then says he does not want to throw a party anymore as he is worried about their security arrangements, the manager assures they have a lot of camera’s in their club but Shaurya asks if they even work, he then dials the number of Rajveer telling him that the CCTV room is on the first floor and it will take them five minutes. Rajveer runs with Preeta while the receptionist returns wondering where have they gone to as they were just here. Shaurya asks the manager where is the extended place and so go to check it out, Sandy is really amazed with it when the manager says they would not be able to go out of this club after five minutes, Shaurya asks the reason so the manager says that he is just advising him as the traffic is very in this area, Shaurya says they did not like any theme when the manager asks what is the reason that he did not like, Shaurya thinks that he has did what he wanted to, Shaurya then starts arguing with Sandy saying he said this is the biggest club in the area but they all have to make sure everything is perfect however it is not the case, then Shaurya starts making a scene saying he does not want to get involved in it all as Sandy got trapped due to drugs, Shaurya is about to leave but Sandy asks Shaurya to wait. Rajveer and Preeta get on the first floor and head towards the CCTV room when Rajveer says he is feeling they are doing something illegal but Preeta replies they have to do weird things for the right purposes. Sandy starts behaving as if he is not able to breathe, Shaurya says he is just acting but the manager asks him to calm down.

Preeta enters the CCTV room when Rajveer also comes to close the door, Preeta says she does not know how to do it all but Rajveer assures he can do it and starts searching for the footage but it is all empty, Preeta asks him to look carefully while Sandy is also worried and says that their friendship is going to break and their club will become memorial for it. Rajveer is still searching when the worker comes asking how did they enter the monitor room when Rajveer tries to reason however they donot listen and he goes out to call someone, Preeta takes out the entire hard drive after which they both start running, the manager follows them so Shaurya and Sandy also run outside the club, the employee informs the manager about what happened and so they vow to not leave the culprit, Preeta is about to fall but both Rajveer and Shaurya catch him, seeing which Preeta is amazed.

Update Credit to: Sona

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