Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 29th March 2023 Written Episode Update: Rajveer and Preeta reach Mumbai

Kundali Bhagya 29th March 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The girl says just as Rajveer said he is a doctor then it is his duty to treat all of the patients, Rajveer sitting down questions when did he say it, she instructs him to do more work and speak less, she starts applying the medicine on the injuries of Preeta, Rajveer is just sitting beside her holding the first aid kit while she is busy in working, she even notices that he is staring at her however refuses to think about it. Rajveer takes out his napkin to rub on his wound, she is shocked so immediately stops him, she takes the first aid kit then informs ho he should rub the cotton on his wound, Rajveer is just following her instructions, he starts smiling when she once again turns to complete bandaging the hand of Preeta. Rajveer jeeps staring at her, another person asks the doctor to come quickly

as the lady is in immense pain, she asks for a moment. The girl explains she has given Preeta the injection but it would take her some time to regain consciousness. She asks him to inform her if anything happens.

The girl is shocked seeing the injury on the person, she immediately calls Rajveer calling him as a doctor, she asks the person to not call her as doctor since she has just gotten her degree and came here because of her promise. The person does not understand anything, the girl explains that she made a vow. Rajveer informs she means she has to take a vow after getting the degree due to which she came here, the girl says he does not know how to treat the patients but is aware what is the vow, she forces him to repeat the vow after her. The girl leaves when someone else calls her, Rajveer turns to go and check on Preeta but the girls calls him, he turns back when she asks where is he going leaving her.

Shaurya stops the car, he notices the mark on his car and so remembers how the boy was running after them and then threw the rock, Sandy explains that it is because of that boy, Shaurya questions why did they stop him as he was about to teach the boy a lesson, the girl mentions it is their mistake as they should not have over taken the bus, Shaurya assures he would teach the boy a lesson if they meet again in the future.

Shaurya gets a call from Nidhi who asks if he has reached the farmhouse, Shaurya replies that he got in a accident, she instructs him to drive carefully then says she knows he meant someone else got in the accident. Shaurya praises that she is really clever and has even made him clever, she ends the call and starts smiling.

Rajveer turns back in shock, the girl questions where is he going when she needs his help. Rajveer informs that the women is his mother and he has to go be with her, the girl replies that his mother is still unconscious and she would tell him that he is a really nice person, Rajveer sitting down informs the women is his aunt and he would tell her everything, the girl replies it is his look out but she just needs his help due to the patients, otherwise would have never asked him. Rajveer standing refuses to go with her, Preeta asks why would he not go to help her, Rajveer runs to Preeta asking if she is fine, she assures that nothing has happened to her and he must go support the girl.

Preeta is sitting when the girl brings water for her, Preeta asks if she is fine and then explains she is a brave girl.

The girl is applying the bandage, Rajveer goes to stand beside her, she instructs him to bandage the feet of the person, Rajveer starts applying it but the girls panics asking if he has not learned they must first clean the wound before applying the bandage, she questions what did he learn in collage, Rajveer angrily says he does not want to be a doctor, the girl is stunned. Rajveer apologizes to her for his behavior, she instructs him to first bandage the wound. She notices he is furious so says he can say whatever is in his heart as they live in a free nation where they are allowed to say what problem do they have with someone else, Rajveer explains he would once again say that he is not a doctor, the girl says that only Bhagwan can protect the patient who gets treated by someone like him , the passenger also asks why is Rajveer not a good doctor like her when the girl leaves instructing him to take care of the patient. Rajveer comes to her asking if she would teach him, she replies she would surely teach him because after seeing how he works, she feels he is not even worthy to be a junior doctor. She does not know how he got the degree, Rajveer asks if he can tell her, she is eager to know when he informs, he got the degree by cheating, she is shocked so he leaves.

Rajveer goes to Preeta who informs she is glad he is helping all these people, she mentions she heard how the girl was talking to him and she thinks Rajveer is a doctor so why is he not telling her the truth that it is not the case, Rajveer replies that she is not even letting him speak. Preeta smiles, the driver comes revealing it would take some time for the bus to get fixed, he has talked with the driver of the doctor who has agreed to take them, Rajveer takes the hand of Preeta, and they both start walking to the bus.

Rakhi opens the door for Karan, he questions where are the servants when she mentions that a lot has happened in their house. Karan informs that there is an important meeting, Rakhi gets emotional asking if he does not have even some time to talk with her, he agrees he would not take the call, but Rakhi says she will leave however he stops her. Rakhi explains she feels like she should scold him but he is not present in the house and is somewhere else, Karan replies he needs something to live his life. Rakhi says she would not talk with him about herself but he must be concerned about Shaurya who is his son, she says that he has forgotten the difference between right and wrong so he must talk with Nidhi since she is not being fair to Shaurya. Karan explains he has no interest in the household matters, she can surely handle Nidhi. Rakhi gets tensed seeing Bani Dadi standing there, she tries to leave but Bani Dadi informs she warned Rakhi to not talk with Karan about the house hold matters because after Preeta died he has lost all interest in the family matters. Karan leaves even after listening their conversation, Dadi asks if Rakhi saw how Karan left without saying anything. Karan while walking in the balcony thinks he is really furious with Preeta and would ask her if they ever met why did she dare leave him.

Preeta steps out of the bus when she while walking for some time wonders why is she feline she has some connection with this city, because she heard Shristhi say that this city took everything from her the last time they were here but she prays to Mata Rani that she get all the relations which she has lost while even all the desires of Rajveer get fulfilled.

Update Credit to: Sona

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