Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 30th August 2024 Written Episode Update: Anshuman Panday helps Varun escape from police custody

Kundali Bhagya 30th August 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Karan says Rajveer is his duplicate or should he say the next Karan, he explains he was a very good batsman of his time and was even able to make sure he catches it if it came to him so Karan praises Rajveer for picking the catch when Karan says he was also a flirt but Rajveer replies he does not have that quality. Nidhi turning to Shaurya says this is what she meant as Shaurya was also going to the office but Karan did not even look at him and he can only see Rajveer while Karan told Rajveer to drive the car when Shaurya is his real son but seeing Karan she feels Rajveer is his son and Shaurya an outsider, Nidhi says she is very scared that Rajveer might take his place and explains Shaurya must do something as he keeps drinking and then goes somewhere else, Shaurya says he is not going to come back

to the house and will go straight to the party from there so if his father even asks then she must tell his Dad that he should just worry about Rajveer, Nidhi smiles thinking she has surely ignited a fire and when it will burn then both Preeta and Rajveer will burn in it.

Preeta tells Gurpreet that Palki is a very nice girl and she sees herself in Palki who is always ready to help others, Preeta thinks Palki helped them a lot yesterday while she was thinking that Palki was not able to spend time with Rajveer during what is happening when they both are not able to spend some time with each other so if they do it then it might be easy for them to get to know to each other, Preeta says she knows Rajveer is very nice but she is his aunt and would say it, Gurpreet sees Palki entering the house then preeta asks why does Palki not go with Rajveer for a dinner hearing which Palki gets worried, Gurpreet asks why is Palki so tensed when Palki says that Maa will refuse and she says even she wants to spend time with him and go to dinner but she does not know if Rajveer would be available, Preeta says he would have to be ready to take her out so asks Palki to get ready till 9pm and then Palki thinks how can she leave with Rajveer when she needs to help Kavya so Preeta agrees saying that this is also her house as she considers Palki as her daughter more then daughter in law, Palki leaves when Preeta asks her to be ready by 9pm, Gurpreet questions why is Preeta worried who replies she even wants her Kavya to feel the same emotions but she does not know why her life took such a big turn as they thought Varun would keep Kavya happy but he is a very bad person who broke her heart, kritika coming tells Preeta their Kavya is very strong and her heart would surely heal but Preeta replies Kavya is not well as she just tries to show she is fine,preeta explains Kavya is not angry and tensed after finding the truth about Varun for which he would be glad but Kavya would be blaming herself for all that happened with her as why did she not see the truth, Kavya would even curse her fate for snatching it away from her, Preeta wipes the tears saying no one is able to believe after such a pain and who knows if Kavya would be able to trust anyone else as she fears the pain might turn into an injury as if it happens then it takes them a long time to heal, Preeta says she wants Kavya to become the same girl she was before the incident, Kritika says nothing wrong can happen till the time Preeta is present. Preeta replies if it was up to her then she would have gotten Varun punished severely, kritika says Varun is being shifted to another jail where dangerous criminals would welcome him in their own manner.Kritika is furious while Preeta gets nervous.

In the night Varun is being shifted in the police van when the Inspector says Varun would feel very bad for ruining his own life as he thinks of himself as a very big goon while he will get punished that he would not understand what happens, Inspector says Varun has kidnapped a girl and played with her entire family when the inspector says they are taking Varun to a jail where he will meet people like him. Varun says he is not interested in listening to anything from other people and he would see what happens in the future, Inspector says Varun should know how to talk with the police as he can surely teach him when Varun questions what worse can they o with him when a lot of people are present who already wrong him a lot, Inspector goes back to the van telling him that he is making the proof he orders Varun to come out who gets a bit worried then walks to stand in front of the Inspector asking what does he have to do, Inspector orders the constable to open the handcuff then Varun says he would be asked to run away then shoot from behind, Inspector says Varun is very intelligent and told him that he is about to perform the encounter as they both would get famous after it and both of them would be in the newspaper. Inspector orders Varun to run away but he replies he is ready to o with them to the jail however the Inspector angrily fires at his shoes ordering Varun to run away again, Varun tries to run away when the Inspector fires the shot and then orders the constable to also shoot at Varun after which everyone will find out that the police managed to encounter a criminal. Varun hides when Anshuman Panday stops the car then asks him to quickly sit in the car after which he drives away then the Inspector coming worries what happened because if Varun complains then the al would lose their job. Varun sits asking whoa re the men, Anshuman says they are also his men and he can trust them, Varun asks why did Anshuman save him from the police, Anshuman replies he should get something in return when Anshuman replies he found something good about Varun who wants to take revenge from the Luthra’s, saying even Rajveer came to join hands with him but then went to be with karan but he knows Varun is not like this as he heard all the stories about the warehouse. Anshuman says those who are against the Luthras are his friend and he is glad to have helped Varun who would have been transferred to the jail from where he would not have come out. Varun says he has to kidnap a girl and he does not have much time, he says they would not have been able to overcome the attack from yesterday night so he needs to do everything quickly, Anshuman Panday stops the car which scares Varun when Anshuman says now Varun will rive the car revealing the number plate is fake, Varun gets into the car after shaking the hand of Anshuman Panday.

Rajveer is standing playing with the file when Palki opens the door, he is about to drop the file after looking at her and then is not able to take his eyes off her, he keeps looking at her while Palki is also smiling when she gets a bit nervous, Rajveer just keeps looking at her saying she is looking very pretty, Preeta comes saying that Palki was always very beautiful but is looking even more pretty after his compliment when Karan comes asking if everything is fine in the house then Preeta assures there is nothing wrong so heads back inside, Kavya comes asking Rajveer to change his dress, Karan asks if something has happened that he is missing as when Kavya called him to bring Rajveer immediately then he felt that something big has happened, Kavya says Rajveer and Palki are going on a date. Rajveer looks at Palki and then also gets a bit nervous when everyone starts smiling for them. Preeta says karan is not at all romantic and her son has also become unromantic so he has forgotten anything that he knew and he has no idea how to spend time with his fiance. Karan stops Preeta asking her to take back the words and who said that The Karan Luthra is not romantic and he knows how to do it all, as there is a lot of romance inside him as it is a grantee that when he looks at someone with love, they are not able to take their eyes off him.

Rajveer once again starts looking at Palki then Karan realizes what he has just done and explains he knows how to do it all and can even sacrifice his life which is what he meant to say, Rajveer and Kavya start smiling when Kavya questions why is Rajveer still standing here when he must go to change and the restaurant will get closed, karan suggests Rajveer to go to the restaurant as if anyone is not even romantic then they tend to get romantic there, Kavya forces Rajveer to go and change while she says she is going to apply the black tika on Palki. Preeta starts smiling when Karan comes to her asking what has happened, she says she wanted to apologize for calling him unromantic as she made a mistake when he is actually romantic that is why he knows about the restaurant which is open till two in the morning and he would have taken his wife there. Karan says her memory is also the biggest the problem and he is telling the truth as it breaks his heart, Preeta gets confused when Karan starts smiling.

Kritika is decorating when Rakhi notices her so she comes into the room and is shocked by the decoration, Rakhi is amazed after looking at it all so calls kritika who gets scared, Rakhi asks what is with all the decoration when kritika steps down and then she quickly closes the door so no one else sees it and then running to Rakhi asks when did they bring t, Kritika says Rakhi aunt was not supposed to see it and what is she doing by staying awake, Kritika says that Kavya decided to surprise her brothers in the midnight by decorating it, Rakhi says it cannot happen and they cannot change the time of the Rakhi which is after one thirty in the day, Rakhi says this is why they called the decorators in the morning. Kritika exclaims she should know about it and pleads with Rakhi to make sure no one finds out about it, Rakhi agrees but asks Kritika to tell Kavya that she cannot tie the Rakhi at midnight, Kritika says that Shaurya has gone to the bachelorette party of his friend while Rajveer went with Palki and they both could not come back before midnight. Kritika assures no one will tie the Rakhi in the midnight when Rakhi says Kritika should have asked her, Kritika explains it was the desire of Kavya who does not show her feelings and pain but wants everyone in the family to celebrate and enjoy with themselves, kritika thinks this is why thought of agreeing with the desires of Kavya so did she do the right thing, Rakhi agrees with Kritika explaining Kavya wants to move on and she is trying to find happiness in the small things while says Kavya is just like Preeta who used to find the happiness in the small things and she is doing what her mother used to do, Rakhi asks Kritika to go and sleep as they need to prepare for the RakshaBandhan, Kritika hugs Rakhi then both leave the room.

Preeta asks what did it mean when Karan replies he said they both are friends and there was a rule that there should not be any thank you or sorry but Preeta replies she felt he was talking about something which she cannot understand, she apologizes if she made him uncomfortable when Karan replies she did it again so Preeta agrees to his desire. Then Preeta asks if he does not think that people tend to take advantage of it as their friendship does not have respect in it and they should praise each other for the good while even apologize for making mistake but they tend to take advantage of the relations, Karan agrees they tend to get bound in the relations they love the most and donot care about their feelings or emotions while taking them for granted so he agrees with Preeta that they should take even more care for the feelings. Karan agrees to make a new rule saying they would say thank you and sorry when it is needed, Preeta agrees to it and gives karan a fist bud which shocks him, he keeps looking at Preeta who is smiling.

Update Credit to: Sona

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