Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 30th June 2024 Written Episode Update: Nidhi is able to steal the hard drive for Varun

Kundali Bhagya 30th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sandy asks them to hurry up as the team is coming so they all run away but Sandy is caught by the team, Rajveer starts fighting with them to free Sandy but then Shaurya is not able to get the car to run, Rajveer requests Shaurya to start it but just then Karan comes in his car asking them to hurry up so Shaurya along with Preeta and Sandy sit in the car while Rajveer is also able to sit at the last moment after which they all leave, the manager says they took the entire hard disk and it would have been better if he had shown the CCTV footage.

Rajveer praises Karan for coming to the club and Shaurya asks how did he know, karan says the aunt of Rajveer is very smart but Preeta replies she was very worried and the good news is that she brought the entire hard drive after which they would be able

to see the footage, Karan along with Rajveer, Shaurya and Preeta enter, Rakhi says they are just looking back when Karan says they have stolen it, Shaurya replies they had asked them politely but they did not give it to them, Sandy says and what car did Karan sir drive, Karan praises the aunt of Rajveer for this plan but Preeta says that she had the support of everyone with her, Karan asks what about him when Preeta replies had he not come then they would not have been able to do anything, Rakhi says then it means this hard disk has the CCTV footage, Nidhi is walking down the stairs while Rajveer says after the police sees the proof then Palki would be released, Nidhi also says that it will surely happen.Nidhi is furiously leaving when she bumps into Kavya who apologizes, Kavya asks what are they all doing here, Shaurya replies he has done his best to free her friend hearing which Kavya gets delighted. Nidhi going to the corner starts calling Varun, Roma while entering the room calls Varun, he asks how many times does he have to ask her to just be his doctor when they are alone as it irritates him a lot, Roma says that until Sherlin is not here then she is going to be his mother so he should not misbehave with her so much but respect her, Varun replies he hates her and these long lectures, he answers the call from Nidhi asking her what happened, Nidhi asks him to come to the Luthra house right now when Varun questions what happened as it will give him the panic attack, Nidhi says they have brought the CCTV footage and everyone is going to see it together after which they will find all of the secrets so if Varun wants to be saved then must come here, Varun is shocked.

Preeta says Garesh did not come till now so she is going to bring the laptop and she leaves.

Varun in the house starts panicking saying that all of his secrets would be revealed, Roma asks what would happen if he acts like this, he says it is all because of that Palki and they all are trying to save her even when she does not have any relation to them, he says the entire Luthra family is madly trying to save her, he throws the vase which causes the injury on her ankle, Roma says it is his madness and his behavior might take the life of someone, Varun asks her to sit on the couch while he runs to bring the first aid.

Preeta returns with the laptop so Karan sitting starts to search for the video, Preeta requests them to look carefully as they will surly find out who is behind it, Karan plays the footage which is running on the television, Karan asks why is he feeling that Preeta and Palki went to search for someone, Preeta gets hesitant saying they were searching for the friend of Palki who invited her there but they could not locate her so started searching, Nidhi thinks she has informed Varun but what is he doing now because if they get to know the truth then he would be locked up when she has made so much plans with him. Karan suggests that he should play it from the time when the police came, Varun texts Nidhi saying he is about to call and she must make sure the call is on speaker, Nidhi starts thinking about it then puts her phone on the speaker but just then she drops it, Varun tells Nidhi she is very tensed and his mother is hurt, Nidhi asks what happened to his mother but then Rakhi takes the phone from Nidhi, Varun informs that his mother has been hospitalized and is very alone so he needs them all by his side, Karan asks Varun to not be worried when they all are by his side, he says he has just admitted his mother while tried to call Kavya, Karan asks where has he admitted his mother, Nidhi takes the hard drive while then she calls him assuring he is safe but she is going to watch it, Varun says he is glad to have teamed up with her and he must appreciate her as she saved him today, he says he is going to come to the Luthra Mansion. Varun turns to Roma informing Nidhi mom took the hard drive from the laptop which contained all of the footage and he is going to the Luthra Mansion, Roma says even Nidhi is mad as she stole it from the house and they would be caught, Varun does not understand when Roma says everyone would realize someone from the house stole it, Varun says the thief from the house comes in front when they want to and everyone would wonder where did the hard drive go but it would not have any answer and if the criminals does not accept his crime then they cannot be blamed till that time, Roma thinks Varun is going to get them killed on day and it is time Sherlin comes here.

Palki is in the cell when Daljeet and Shanaya come so Palki asks what happened, Shanaya says Daljeet is very angry with her but Shanaya says mom saw a bad dream about her last night, Daljeet asks why did Palki go to the club and now she must reveal the entire truth to her, Palki asks Daljeet to not be worried as she is going to come out very soon but Daljeet says she saw a nightmare, Shanaya says that Maa saw that palki did it purposefully to earn some extra money, Palki asks if Daljeet thought the dream is true and does she not trust her own daughter but Daljeet replies everyone says the dream in the morning is true, Daljeet says Palki must be pure after coming out of the cell and she knows that Shaurya and Shanaya are to be married but if there is any proof against her then it would be very worse for her, Shanaya says she trusts Palki and knows their mother says such things but she must not be worried. Palki calls Shanaya back advising her to take care of Maa, Shanaya says Palki must take care of herself before leaving, Palki says strangers trust her but not her own mother and Rajveer, Preeta je trust her but not her own mother, Palki sits on the bench thinking how Rajveer saved her from falling after which they both had a couple dance. Palki praises Bhagwan for bringing such people into her life who trust her and they believe in her.

Karan asks Nidhi to call him again and Shaurya says that Varun is a grown man who can deal with it himself while they should first look at the footage and realize who did this fiasco, Karan agrees to Shaurya but is stunned when he cannot find the hard drive, they all are stunned, Rakhi also says it was right here, Rajveer mentions they cannot understand it as no one came from outside, Kavya asks how can it vanish on its own, they all are tensed.

Update Credit to: Sona

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