Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 30th March 2023 Written Episode Update: Palki protects the children from Shaurya

Kundali Bhagya 30th March 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Preeta is standing by the balcony where she closes her eye and recalls when Shristhi insisted that she must not go, however Preeta said that Shristhi is not going with Rajveer but she cannot let their child go alone, Shristhi says what is the need to go when that city has not given them anything nice, she also reasoned with her saying Rajveer just got the job here but is now insisting on going to Mumbai. Preeta replies then Shristhi herself should ask her go and ask him, Shristhi explained that the people in Mumbai are really bad, even when they have forgiven those people but such people would surely hurt them, Preeta assures Shristhi she believes that Bhagwan jee would never let anything wrong happen with them because he is really big and caused her to forget all those memories of the past that hurt

her, she assured she would surely take care of Rajveer in Mumbai but with a smile on her face explains he indeed would take care of her, Shristhi then hugged her after being emotional.

Preeta prays to Bhagwan that whatever this city took from them the last time, she prays that they should get them in return this time and she prays she should even get all her memories. Preeta seeing the Mandir starts taking her step but is about to fall after stumbling, Rajveer protects her before she can fall asking if she is fine, Preeta replies that she just twisted her ankle. The girls comes explaining she has asked the driver who is going to take them to the hospital, Preeta agrees saying it is the right decision however Rajveer does not agree but then Preeta replies he has gotten injured so they should be safe, the girl says that a doctor who cannot even treat himself should surely go the hospital. Preeta asks him to come before walking to the bus, Rajveer kneels to pick the bag while the girl starts leaving, her dupatta gets stuck in the watch of Rajveer, she is shocked seeing it but Rajveer assures he would take it out, however she is in a hurry so herself tries it but gets frustrated when she is not able to achieve. Rajveer signals her to stop and finally manages to remove the dupatta, she thanks him mentioning she is going to give him the responsibly of all these people, Rajveer assures he would do it, the girl leaves.

Shaurya is with Sandy and the girls in the farmhouse, they all are drinking and dancing while having a great time partying, Sandy even brings another drink for Shaurya who accidentally drops his phone, he after picking it remember what the women said to him, saying he must take care of his things as sometimes if they lose it then would never be able to get it once again, he wonders why is he thinking about the lady. Sandy asks what has happened, Shaurya says he feels they should just party in the club at Mumbai because they are not getting drunk with this alcohol, the girls mention they would lose the interest to party in two hours, Sandy assures there is nothing to be worried about because their friend Shaurya is very fast driver, they all leave for the club.

Rajveer is waiting when the doctor asks him to come and sit as he would do his bandage, the doctor explains that the doctor who has performed the first aid is really good, Rajveer starts smiling so the doctor asks if the doctor was a girl, Rajveer is shocked when the doctor explains he guessed it by how Rajveer was smiling when he praised her, he explains that this means Rajveer has started to like the doctor and asks for her name, Rajveer starts thinking about it and informs he did not ask for her name. the doctor jokes asking if Rajveer was so drowned in her thought that he did not ask for her name.

The girl reaches the road and is trying her best to stop an auto but no one is listening to her, she wonders why is no one stopping. She even gets a call from her father but is not able to talk with him, she wonders how did her father know she is coming back to the city. The girl notices Shaurya driving with his friends, she is stunned thinking that the children are in danger so she pushes the blockage in front of their car, questioning if he doensot have any driving sense, Shaurya stepping out of his car questions how did she dare stop his car and he even warns her to not even think of it ever again otherwise he would drive this same car over her. Sandy informs that she should befriend Shaurya as he is their star, Shaurya asks what has happened to the choice of Sandy since this girl s not of their standard, he informs he would arrange a party which Sandy has never seen, they all leave when palki exclaims he is a spoiled rich person.

Palki reaches his locality when she meets a neighbor who asks if she met her father, Palki goes to knock on the door but after a while turns back to leave but her aunt opens the door, she greets Palki who mentions she has not told anyone she is coming back, her aunt replies she would have surely told Mahi, Palki agrees she told her. Mahi wakes up in her room. The aunt explains Mahi is her secret keeper and Palki tells her all the things, the aunt explains she knows Palki loves her father the most, Palki replies she loves everyone when her aunt says she is just teasing her but Palki should know her father loves her the most. Palki replies she has to go back home otherwise her father would leave for the hospital, the aunt explains even she has to go and get milk from the market but Palki replies she will surely bring it for her as she would need it tomorrow, her aunt blesses Palki who leaves. Mahi finally gets ready in her room.

Palki’s father opens the door and is shocked to see his daughter, even Mahi is glad that her sister has returned back. Palki sitting beside her father explains she has finally passed the exams, her father explains he would be proud now that she has become a doctor, Palki says she is just a junior doctor. Mahi coming explains she is going to be a model while her sister will be the doctor. her mother coming explains that Palki should have at least informed them, mahi mentions Palki di told her but she purposefully did not mention it since palki di wanted to give her a surprise. Palki manages to convince her mother, Mahi forcefully takes Palki away, her father instructs Raljeet to be a bit polite as Palki is her own daughter, she gets furious exclaiming he is trying to say that she is the most evil person in this family.

Update Credit to: Sona

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