Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 4th July 2024 Written Episode Update: The Luthra’s get shocked when they are not able to win the project

Kundali Bhagya 4th July 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Palki says Preeta je knows that Kavya is very soft hearted and it breaks with the slightest of problems so they have to protect it, Preeta says they both know it but has something happened causing her to talk like this, Palki informs Preeta that Kavya came to meet her and asked if she got in a fight with Varun, Preeta tells Palki that Varun is very clever and he would never desire that Kavya talks to them both as he is worried they might reveal his secret and Varun is worried if they find the entire truth about him, Palki says they cannot let Kavya get married like this and Preeta ke knows why she likes Kavya so much as she is like her brother, Preeta replies and she feels Kavya is her daughter so thought about looking at the footage once again so they can see who was the girl with Varun.


Jindal is chairing the meeting saying they should wait for Parveen Singhania, Mahesh says he could not understand why Mr Jindal kept the meeting online, Mr Jindal says this is a very big project and people are going to give back to back quotations so he does not want anyone who is in experienced to get in the business, Parveen Singhania comes to greet Mr Jindal and says he is glad that Mr Jindal has only invited the two best companies for this project and now they would see who has given the lower quotation, Mr Jindal starts looking at the quotation and then says that the difference is just of one rupee so his project is going to go the one who has stated one rupee lower and the one whose quotation is one rupee higher is none other then Mr Karan Luthra so Mr Jindal praises Mr Singhania and then he wishes luck to Karan, while hugging Mr Singhania so Rajveer is stunned to see that Mr Singhania just made the quotation one rupee lower, Mahesh along with Karan, Rajveer are stunned while Shaurya is smiling.

Gurpreet is packing while Preeta is worried and Gurpreet replies she said she will come back soon but Preeta says she needs to come back in a week and then forces Gurpreet to promise her, Gurpreet says that Preeta should just take care of herself and so she leaves, Preeta thinks it has been very late and today was a big meeting of Rajveer so she thinks of calling him and then starts dialing but it is not able to connect, Preeta then dials the contact of Karan who is walking in the office, he gets the call from Preeta who asks how was their meeting as they were about to get the project, Karan says that he is sure someone leaked the quotation as it was very secret, Mahesh asks Karan to not think about it otherwise he would get in a lot of trouble, then says Karan knows only the three of them knew about it and neither of them can leak it, he then says a lot of other projects would come to them. Preeta thinks that Karan seemed very tensed and even Rajveer would be worried.

Rajveer is very furious in the cabin when the assistant comes saying they cannot change anything that has happened, Rajveer replies he had worked a lot on this project and only three people knew about it either him, Karan sir or Mahesh sir and they both would never leak such an information and then who did it, she says it might be possible that the guess work of Mr Singhania worked but Rajveer says it is business so he angrily throws the file, Rajveer says that they all trusted him a lot and Karan sir gave him the entire project and he does not even listen to her so she walks away, Rajveer does not answer the call from Palki which worries her so she tries to call him again and then he finally answers it, she asks why did he not answer the phone and she knew that the meeting was over so she called the reception, Palki apologizes for inquiring at the repetition and then asks how was the meeting so Rajveer says he will talk later, she asks if Karan sir is around and requests him to say something, she says he should tell her that he is missing her but Rajveer assures he will call her back very soon so she apologizes to him and he ends the call, Palki gets a bit worried thinking Rajveer seemed serious and he might be with Mahesh sir but why did he not tell her how was the meeting and Rajveer does not even hide anything, she wonders if the meeting was not that good and something bad happened.

Shaurya is laughing while sitting in his cabin telling Sandy their faces were shocked and just as Jindal said that the Luthra’s have lost it so Rajveer was stunned and he is very glad they did it, he ends the call saying someone is coming. Shaurya is sitting in his cabin when he asks Rajveer what has happened so Rajveer says that Shaurya was not affected by it at all, Shaurya asks what kind of effect, Rajveer says they lost such a big tender but he while looking at Shaurya feels as if he has gotten while him along with karan and Mahesh sir feel as if they have lost something very big, Shaurya replies he moves on very quickly and they will be able to earn it, Shaurya then says he is feeling bad as if they have lost such a big project and beard such a loss, he says he cannot focus but Rajveer is just looking at him so Shaurya says if Rajveer did not hear it at all and so should leave him alone then Rajveer walks away, Shaurya thinks that he made such a big mistake and should not have brought such a big smile to suspect him and thinks he has covered it, Shaurya replies that he made such a big plan for it all and was glad to see the face of Rajveer.

The entire family is enjoying when Rakhi coming with Karina asks the reason so Kritika explains they were just trying to cheer the mood since today is a big day, kavya says they will get it very soon but Kritika replies they would also make a deal with Karan sir and Mahesh bhai that they should also go on a world tour but they all look at him then Kritika agrees to just a simple tour, Palki refuses to go but then Bani Dadi mentions that her doctor is going to accompany her everywhere, Karina replies she does not find it funny, kavya says because Karina Bua does not know the entire story that she said even Rajveer will come with them since he has fallen in love, Palki gets nervous when Nidhi thinks they donot know that the Luthra’s did not get the project however it is good they all are laughing but they all would cry a lot when their dreams would break as it hurts them a lot, Nidhi says she has organized a very good party and the chief guest of their party would be Rajveer since he is very smart and intelligent and they would get a project due to him, Kavya says he is just not well by his heart so they all start laughing.

Mahesh along with karan and Shaurya return so Nidhi informs they have arrived, Nidhi explains she will bring the sweets and then Rakhi says she has brought it so Kritika and Kavya both congratulate Karan but then Karina notices he is tensed, Rakhi brings the sweets to give the blessing to Mahesh but he stops her, Rakhi asks why are they both so tensed after that Karina also asks if they got the tender, Mahesh replies they did not get the tender, Shaurya agrees with his Grandfather saying it is just because of Rajveer but that he made a very big mistake however they are going to win another big project, Karan asks kritika to cancel the conference at the airport as he does not want to answer anything, Karan asks Rakhi if the bag is ready and she replies it is just there so Karan is walking out saying he cannot miss the flight as it is a business trip and so orders Garesh, Rakhi says he can at least listen to her that they just lost one project and would get even a bigger project then this one, he should believe Mata Rani so she hugs Karan who says he loves her, karan even wishes her Dadi advising her to take care of herself, he then finally hugs Mahesh before leaving. Karan is about to sit in his car when Preeta comes to him, he is glad seeing her and asks what is she doing here, she asks if he did not feel nice seeing her here but Karan replies it is not like that and he feels nice whenever she comes and now he would be able to go to this trip with peace, preeta says she cannot see peace when karan replies it is visible in the eyes, preeta replies she cannot even see it there telling karan that life is very unpredictable and she is not saying one should not get sad as it is very natural but she is just saying one should not hold the pain close to them very soon as in that moment their life is going away so if they return to the normal life then she desires him to think of something sweet otherwise have something good to eat, Karan is stunned when Preeta says she made them for Rajveer and thought about even making them for him as he might not know that she makes very good laddo, and whenever Rajveer is sad then he gets refreshed after eating so she feels he might also like it. Karan starts thinking for a moment before holding the jar of laddo from which he takes out one to eat, karan starts smiling after eating it asking if preeta can do one thing for him and go to drop him at the air port, Preeta agrees hearing which karan starts smiling while handing her back the jar which she puts in the bag, Karan keeps smiling.

Update Credit to: Sona

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