Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 5th July 2023 Written Episode Update: Preeta reaches the office of Luthra Industries

Kundali Bhagya 5th July 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Karan instructs Sunil to show Rajveer the entire office after which he can start the work, Sunil says Karan sir has never done this for anyone else when karan replies because he has not seen anyone like him before who can make him get what he desires, he starts thinking about how he saw Rajveer talking to Preeta so whispers that only Rajveer will help him reach Preeta. Karan asks Sunil what can Rajveer give him when Karan replies that he can get them to new heights and explains that Rajveer knows how to do the business, ignoring he got impressed with Rajveer when he won a bid against him and anyone who can beat The Karan Luthra is very important. Rajveer walking angrily thinks that Karan thought he would not bid for the other companies if he hires him then it is his mistake, he vows to break Karan Luthra

to the extent that he will not be able to get back on his feet. Rajveer enters the office of Karan who introduces him to Sunil, who says he has heard a lot about him when Rajveer replies he is sure Sunil would not have known everything, Sunil replies now that they are going to work together then he will know everything. Karan greets Rajveer an then hugs him, Rajveer thinks about how Shristhi told him that his mother is in this condition because of the Luthra’s and they never tried to search for her even once. Karan mentions he desires that Rajveer should start the work today, he instructs Sunil to take Rajveer to the conference room informing that there is a very important meeting which he wants him to attend. Karan thinks that now Rajveer is in front of his eyes so he knows he will be able to find Preeta very soon.

Rakhi sees the room is empty so enters calling Kavya but is not able to find her, she hears her cries from the wardrobe so opens the door to find Kavya sitting there crying. Rakhi hugs Kavya and then making her sit on the bed exclaims that she will not ask Kavya the reason for crying because she knows the reason behind it, Rakhi explains that Kavya would sit in the wardrobe and Preeta will come to search for her, Kavya says she hides in the wardrobe each and every day to wait for her mother, as she can still feel her so this is why she hides as then Preeta would come and hug her assuring she is fine and nothing will ever happen to her. Kavya informs Rakhi that Preeta never comes back, Rakhi once again hugs Kavya explaining she also desires that Preeta should return, Kavya informs she prays to Bhagwan each day for a miracle after which her mother can return to her, Kavya keeps on crying questioning why does her mother not come back to her, Kavya while hugging Rakhi starts remembering her time with Preeta and how she would enjoy it a lot, she is not able to control herself. Rakhi assures that her mother will surely return as even her heart says that Preeta is close and will return for her Kavya. She also exclaims she really misses her mother.

Preeta is furious thinking she cooked his favorite dish for him but he forgot the lunch. Sunil tells Rajveer that Karan sir was really impressed with him and said that he won a bid against him, and even said that when Rajveer gets angry then no one can stand in front of him. Rajveer says it is not like that and Karan sir might be talking of someone else, Rajveer then gets a call from Preeta who scolds him for forgetting his lunch, Rajveer immediately apologizes to her for it, Preeta then questions about the location of his office, he informs the office is in business plaza and he is on the fourth flour. Preeta say because now Rajveer would be hungry for the entire day, he replies he will surely order something for himself to which Preeta says today she cooked his favorite Chinese dish but he forgot to take the lunch, she says he has gotten habitual of eating from the outside and then he would get ill, so she will take care of him. Preeta ends the call when Rajveer smiles, Sunil asks why is Rajveer smiling when his mother was scolding him, Rajveer says that those who have parents to scold them are lucky and he feels they should not say anything in return, Sunil and Rajveer leave.

Preeta gets worried thinking she has scolded him a lot when it is his first day in the office, she thinks she has become like Shristhi. Preeta gets emotional thinking what can she do now.

Rajveer is walking with Sunil when Shaurya bumps into Rajveer questioning what is he doing here, Shaurya informs he does not want any problem here since this is his office so he instructs the guards to come, Sunil tries to inform but Shaurya does not listen when Rajveer informs that he has been appointed here by his father Mr karan. Shaurya is shocked hearing it and wonders how can it happen when Sunil asks Shaurya to come since they have a meeting for his music company. Rajveer thinks that his first meeting is with Shaurya.

Shaurya enters the conference room where Karan is sitting and even Rishab takes his position, Shaurya greets the social media influencer, Karan is a bit worried by it, Sunil starts the presentation informing they have short listed a social media influencer who has one hundred and one million followers, Karan stops Sunil and calls Rajveer asking where is he, Rajveer sits in the conference room. Sunil then asks the social media influencer to start his presentation and he starts explaining about the theme of the music along with how their background would be like the social medial influencer also explains how the beats would be like. Shaurya claps for it when Rajveer explains it is a very good idea to ruin the music company before it even starts, the social media influence is offended by it explaining that Rajveer is insulting him since all of the people are mad for his idea. Rajveer explains he should be given the point to present his idea, he informs that the social media influencer is a hip hop singer while Shaurya is a rap singer and he feels they both would not be able to work together. Shaurya and the social media influencer gets furious with it so they both start arguing, karan stops them both informing that it is not a battle ground but his office, he asks if Rajveer has a better idea so instructs him to pitch his idea. Rajveer explains that Shaurya wants to launch his music company which would be based on romantic songs and he feels they should appoint the best romantic singer, with their efforts they would be able to make sure Shaurya gets the fame and business very quickly, however it cannot be achieved by any hip hop singer. Karan agrees with it so asks Rishab how does he feel, Rishab then asks Shaurya who gets up and angrily walks out after pushing Rajveer, karan sits back down after being frustrated by him.

Shaurya enters the office cabin thinking Rajveer even came to his office, he thinks how his father really liked the pitch of Rajveer and even accepted it, he angrily throws the belongings on the table. The peon sees that Shaurya is furious so quickly leaves the office. Shaurya gets a call from Nidhi who asks how is his first day in the office, Shaurya mentions he does not know why he came here, informing that his father has hired Rajveer who was giving the presentation on the launch of his music company. Nidhi assures she will come and handle it, he asks what can she do about it as his father and Rajveer have already done a lot so what is she planning to do, Shaurya angrily ends the call when Nidhi thinks that karan made a mistake by hiring Rajveer.

Shaurya furiously even throws the glass from the desk, he wonders why does his father like Rajveer so much as he feels that Rajveer is also his son but Karan Luthra has only one son whose name is Shaurya Luthra.

Preeta enters the office and thinks that her Rajveer works in such a big company so she did not have to tell the auto driver about the address of this company. Preeta goes to the receptionist but she greets Nidhi who walks past her, the receptionist questions what wrong would happen if she gives a reply of her wishes, Preeta explains that everyone has a lot of problems so they donot know how their reply would d make someone feel really good, the receptionist praises Preeta for having such good thoughts, she even agrees with Preeta asking who does she want to meet, Preeta informs she wants to meet Rajveer arora who has just joined this office, the receptionist says that he is in the conference room, Preeta leaves for the fourth floor.

The social media influencer asks Karan what is his decision, karan replies he did not understand that they have rejected his pitch, he says Karan has the final judgment when Karan points to Rajveer explaining he has the right to make all of the decisions. The social media influencer leaves furiously, Rajveer thinks he must not forget that Karan is not his father but the enemy so why is he drawn to him so much.

Precap: Shaurya asks Karan to take decision if he wants his son Shaurya in his company or crackpot Rajveer. Preeta says to Rajveer, I thought of meeting Shaurya in his cabin. Rajveer takes her away from his cabin.

Update Credit to: Sona

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