Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 5th May 2021 Written Episode Update: Ruchika leaves the court hearing acting as if she is not well

Kundali Bhagya 5th May 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Karan and Preeta both are hugging each other, she steps back and they both are weeping, Karan explains that he has brought Megha and Ruchika so there is nothing to worry about, he says that he desires to say he is doing everything for himself because the room also misses her a lot and even he cannot live without her, Preeta mentions they would talk about it later but Karan asks why could he say it now because he thought he would say how much he and the room is missing her, she needs to come back and take care of everything, Karan explains that he has not come to sit and listen to the hearing without saying a word but instead wants to inform her how much everyone was missing her, she explains that even the heart of their room was beating for her, he even allows her to sleep with him on their bed, Preeta

says that he only exclaims he cannot do anything but she knows he is capable for anything which he desires, Karan mentions it is because he is The Karan Luthra, both of them once again hug each other.

Rakhi is with the doctor who says he has informed them at the Holi event that the memory of Mahesh has not recovered so they must all be really careful because this is a really tense situation, Rakhi explains that what has happened today never happened because he forgot what he was saying just a moment ago, the doctor once again says that he informed them that they must stop Mahesh from taking any sort of tense because otherwise it might deteriorate his health even more, Rakhi is really worried, the doctor explains the memory of Mahesh might take some months to fully come back, he leaves to check Mahesh.

Rakhi is standing, Karina and Dadi come asking what the doctor said, Rakhi replies that there is nothing to worry about, she explains to Karina the doctor explained Mahesh might not be able to remember everything for a couple of months so they all must keep him away from any sort of stress, Dadi advises her to leave for the court hearing while she would stay to take care of Mahesh, Karina also desires to stay back, she explain that she knows Preeta means a lot to her so she must leave for the court hearing without any worries for Mahesh as she along with Pammi and Suresh and Dadi would take good care of him.

Karan and Preeta are both hugging, Rakhi walks along with Kritika, they both get nervous seeing them both, Kritika even signals them but they do not listen, Rakhi then calls Karan’s name after which he steps back, Rakhi explains that Dadi is not feeling well so Mahesh decided to stay back, Karina also explained that it was not right to leave them both alone as they are both patients, Rakhi asks her to never think that her family is not there to support her because she has come for her, Preeta explains she never thought like that, Rakhi hugs Preeta.

karan explain she is hugging her like a mother and so there is nothing for her to worry about because Sarla has also considered him as her son, Sarla says he is her son and there is nothing to consider about, he asks Rakhi if she is feeling jealous, Rakhi holds him by his ears, he asks what has happened, Preeta exclaims that it is the love, everyone gets worried, Preeta mentions it is because he is loved by everyone, Karina also says that she is also loved by everyone now, he promises that he would make sure Preeta is with them at the dinner, ACP comes explaining it is time for the hearing and they have to take Preeta, she starts walking when Karan calls the ACP thanking him for allowing the meeting.

The court hearing begins, Preeta walks to the witness box, Prithvi is anxiously waiting for her to look at him but then thinks that it is not fair because he is really worried for Preeta still she did not even look at him, Rakhi and Kritika also sit down when Shristhi sits in front of Megha and Ruchika.

The judge walks into the court room, everyone stands in his respect after which they sit down, the hearing starts with the lawyers explaining their clients, the lawyer of Preeta calls Ruchika to the witness without announcing ahead and the prosecutor objects however the objection is overruled, Ruchika is asked the questions but she acts as if she is not feeling well so needs some time, the lawyer starts revealing the story promising to not waste any time of the court, he reveals it all started when Preeta along with her sister in law went to meet Akshay in the hotel, there they both got into an argument because of which Preeta had to hit him in his head for her self-defence but this did not kill him because the time of his murder doesnot match, he reveals that Preeta enterd the house at 7:30 while Akshay was murdered at exactly 8:30 in the night so his client could not have possibly murdered him, he presents the footage from the front door of the Luthra house, Sherlin thanks god exclaiming they would have been caught if they had entered from the front door, Prithvi also praises the intelligence of Sherlin.

The lawyer asks the judge to also see the footage himself which would prove that his client is innocent and did not murder Akshay.

Update Credit to: Sona

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