Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 6th August 2024 Written Episode Update: Karan vows to support Rajveer and Preeta

Kundali Bhagya 6th August 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Preeta says she wishes Rakhi would have met Shristhi as she speaks a lot and is very outspoken while is very easily offended, and if anyone messes with her then she would threaten to break his face, Preeta replies Rakhi should have met her before, Rakhi asks the reason when Preeta says she is not well right and is in a coma in the hospital, Preeta remembers when she went to meet Shristhi, Preeta says she hopes Shristhi would get better, Preeta mentions she has heard that children are like their parents but Rajveer is very simple, Rakhi says Rajveer is just like her and Preeta replies that she has lived her life being the mother of Rajveer and if Shristhi was present here today then would be very proud with Rajveer, Rakhi gets emotional

Mahesh says if Karan is feeling it then there would be

a reason and he knows Karan would make any decision after due consideration, Karan replies now the time to think has ended and he must reveal to the world that Preeta is his wife, but she still stays alone there being worried for the normal days routine, Karan says Preeta does not know this is her family and she does so much for them, Karan replies he is restricted with Preeta while Rajveer has so much self dignity that he does not take any help so karan says he cannot let his wife and son stay on the road. Mahesh goes to Karan saying he can do whatever he desires assuring of his support explaining that he knows Karan will never do anything wrong, Mahesh says he is going to tell everyone from the family regarding the decision as they should be mentally prepared for it, Mahesh says he is going to inform them that Karan is going to tell everyone the truth, karan replies this is what he ended as if his father is by his side then he ahs won the world. Mahesh hugs Karan assuring he will always be by his side as his Karan has never done anything wrong so he leaves to tell everyone about the decision. Karan is very worried in the room and walks towards the mirror, Karan thinks he does not have any proof that Nidhi burnt the house of Preeta but he knows Nidhi does not like Preeta and keeps insulting her so one thing is certain that Nidhi is directly or in directly involved in burning the house of Preeta. Karan thinks he knows Nidhi burnt the house of Preeta while Shaurya will fire Rajveer after he becomes the CEO, Karan vows to not let it happen and till he is alive, Rajveer and Preeta cannot become homeless.

Rajveer enters the room after knocking on the door saying Karan called him, Karan ask Rjaveer to sit saying he knows Rajveer does not have any place to live so e wants them both to stay in this house but Rajveer replies it would not be suitable, karan asks if Rajveer wants him to let his wife and son live in the streets and they both would live with the neighbors, Rajveer requests Karan to trust him as he can handle it all, karan replies ti is abut the right as Rajveer knows he is the heir of the Luthra empire and so he should get it all, Rajveer replies he does not know what has happened to karan as his mother will never accept it, karan replies he has been trying to give Rajveer and Preeta their right in this house for a very long time, Rajveer requests Karan sir to calm down.

Karina sees Mahesh walking down the stairs so wonders why does he seem tensed, Rakhi also takes the excuse from Preeta and going to Mahesh asks why does he seem so tensed and if something has happened, Mahesh replies it is about tension and there is a party in the house, Mahesh replies this is why he is worried as everyone is present and he does not feel something good will happen. Bani Dadi asks what does he mean, Mahesh says Karan is about to do something that some people from the family would be happy while others will get hurt and they might even get mad. Nidhi coming asks why are they all standing here and not attending the guests, Shaurya calls Nidhi to him so she leaves after taking their excuse, Shaurya and Nidhi leave. Mahesh says to them all that Karan is going to change his mind, Rakhi asks what doe she mean, Mahesh replies Karan will reveal it himself but Bani Dadi demands he should not make these situations but reveal the truth, Mahesh replies the two members who will feel bad are Shaurya and Nidhi, Rakhi asks Mahesh what is the thing that will upset them both, Bani Dadi says it would be a very big thing, Mahesh replies they all have to be prepared for it, Bani Dadi then asks Mahesh to tell them the truth as they are worried, Mahesh replies it is relating to Nidhi and Shaurya, Preeta is also shocked.

Rajveer says what Karan is talking about is very big so he should not even think about it, Karan asks then who would think, Rajveer replies that Maa does not remember anything and Karan knows what the doctor said that Preeta might suffer a shock and if it happens what can they both do about it, Karan says Rajveer does not know Preeta, he explains that no matter the problem that comes, Preeta will stay strong and he reveals Preeta has a lot of strength. Rajveer replies they cannot think like this and if the health of Preeta deteriorates, so he knows Karan also does not want her to struggle. Rajveer asks why is Karan so tensed when he has always seen him calm, karan replies it has increased after meeting preeta and if he loves anyone in the world then it is Preeta, so how can he let his wife and son see in trouble saying Rajveer does not have a house to live, he accepts that Preeta does not know it but he is aware of it, Karan says how can he forget that whatever he is today and it is due to Preeta, karan asks if Rjaveer knows so says he was a cricketer and was obsessed with it, he was very arrogant and had a lot of fans while were even prepared to kill themselves, he says then Preeta came into his life who changed everything while used to call him bittercourd, and Preeta was never interested in him, he says that after these arguments he fell in love with Preeta and they still had the arguments so he got in the business world and became a tycoon just to prove himself to Preeta as she was the only one he cared about. Karan reveals Preeta is still the owner of a lot of properties owned by the Luthra empire about which she herself is not aware of, and Rajveer wants him to let his son and wife struggle when he knows that their own family donot support hi. Karan says the time has come for him to tell the world that Preeta is his wife while Rjaveer is the elder son, he even vows to ruin anyone who tries to say something to them. Rajveer calls Karan as Dad then hugs him tightly, they both start weeping while hugging each other. Rajveer asks Karan to sit explaining he knows that his Dad loves both him and his mother a lot but should give an answer that if he trusts him. Rajveer promises to take very good care of Maa and even find a new house, Karan says Rajveer is scared when he replies he is worried that Maa might not be able to bear it so says he is surely going to work a lot and make him proud, Karan asks how can he not be tensed, Rajveer mentions they must go downstairs as everyone is waiting for his announcement. Karan asks if Rajveer knows about the announcement, Rajveer replies he is aware karan is going to make Shaurya his new boss but is also aware that karan will do it due to his mother who wants his relation to be better with Shaurya. Karan thinks Rajveer would have to leave the company as he is not aware that Shaurya would fire him after being the CEO. Karan corrects the tie of Rajveer after they get up and even fixes his suit, Karan thinks today he is just going to do what he has planned and bring Rajveer and preeta into this house after which would see who fires him from the company.

Preeta is walking when she sees Shaurya so tries to go to congratulate him but Shaurya leaves with all of his friends to go and sit at the other table Rajveer walks past everyone from the Luthra family when Mahesh sees Karan walking down the stairs holding the file.

Nidhi seeing Karan quickly goes to the stage informing everyone how they know today is the golden jubilee of the Luthra industries and they all have really helped them while the important news would be revealed to them by Karan Luthra so he requests for a big round of applause, karan greets everyone saying today is the day which is a desire of any business empire and that has changed all of their lives. Karan says fifty years ago Luthra industries came to the business world and started their first business while after fifty years, Luthra industries is one of the leading companies from Asia, which has happened due to their support as they say a good team can achieve the desired results and he is about to announce something important, he is aware they all would be guessing what is the announcement going to be, so they can keep guessing while he is going to be at peace after making this announcement. Shaurya looks at Rajveer thinking today would be the last day for his happiness. Shaurya is smiling.

Precap: Karan announces that a new CEO will be joining the Luthras company and he will be living in out house and the new CEO is Rajveer.

Update Credit to: Sona

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