Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 7th March 2022 Written Episode Update: Nagre and Prithvi are shocked when the Judge arrives to attend the Birthday Party

Kundali Bhagya 7th March 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Shristhi comes asking Bi jee to zip her dress, Bi jee thinks if she went close to her then she would know she has drank a cough syrup and would then tell everyone about it so she is going to go away and let her be like this with her zip, Shristhi after a while asks what is she doing there and should zip her dress, while not standing there, she doesnot know that it is Sameer who comes close and is about to but she suddenly exclaims it is tickling, she feels it is her Dadi so asks why is she not saying anything, she eventually finds a Malla and turns but is shocked to see Sameer, she questions what is he doing in her room since she never asked him, Sameer replies that she herself asked him to come but Shristhi replies that she can take care of herself but she once again exclaims she doesnot need his

help, he leaves from the room.

Nagre asks Prithvi why does he think that this would be the truth, Nagre explains that he is Prithvi Malhotra so can he be ruined, it is not possible since the only way he can be ruined is if the family throws him out of the house but it is only possible if Mahesh becomes healthy, he knows mona was thrown out of the house but Prithvi can hire someone like her once again, prithvi explains that ever since he hired Nagre, he was always taking side of his enemies but now has taken his side, Prithvi pours some more drink, Nagre explains that now Prithvi needs to be more careful and alert about his surroundings, he should know whatever they are planning against him, Sherlin coming from behind explains she also feels the same and then Preeta is just trying to scare her which is why she asked the judge to come and attend the party, Sherlin leaves when she sees Karan coming, Nagre requests if he can ask prithvi a private question, Prithvi at first denies when he agrees, Nagre questions how does he manage to keep his relation hidden from the entire family, Prithvi explains because he is a smart person and due to his smartness is able to fool them all. Nagre starts smiling.

Karan enters the party when some guests take photos with him, Natasha comes complimenting Karan for his good looks, she asks him why he does not compliment her since Kara also replies she is looking pretty, Natasha tries to get close to karan but Preeta is really angry seeing this, she coming to them asks karan why does he not tell her the truth about what was going on in the room, she reveals he is so naughty, he held her hand and kissed her after pulling her which is why she is angry with him since a lot go guests have come to attend the party and one should have a little humility, she leaves them both when Karan also goes after her, Natasha wonders what was Preeta sayings since she thought they both were fighting, she cannot understand their relation.

Karan rushes after Preeta questioning why she told Natasha about what happened in the room, Preeta questions if he did not kiss her, karan replies it was supposed to be between them both since they are husband and wife, she is now going to tease him. Preeta explains it is good since now she will tease him with her name and not try to join her own name, Karan questions why she would do it, Preeta explains she is already doing it. Karan questions why is she so jealous, she tries to leave but Karan stops her asking why does she act like this whenever someone comes near him, Preeta explains she is not a little girl but the fact is that he is her possession since she is the owner of this house, and if they look it in any other way even then no one can come close to him, karan questions if she is jealous but she denies it.

Rakhi and dadi accompany Mahesh downstairs, seeing him everyone starts wishing him Happy Birthday, Kritika hugs him when he immediately asks if there would also be a cake, Dadi explains he is the same as before since he only cares about the cake, Mahesh seeing Karan goes to him, he corrects the dress of karan before finally hugging him, karan starts crying since he had not been able to hug his father since the past two years, karan wipes off his tears and Mahesh questions why is he crying, karan replies it is just because today is his birthday so he is happy, Preeta is not able to bear it and rushes away, Mahesh then questions about Preeta hearing which everyone gets tensed when Karan leaves to bring her, Mahesh calls everyone revealing Karan went to bring Preeta.

The Luthra family is standing when the judge walks in, Rakhi signals Karina so they all go to greet him, he shakes hand with Mahesh wishing him Happy birthday, seeing this Prithvi and Nagre are shocked when prithvi questions what this drama is since he said that the judge would not come but seeing his mood it seems he has come to celebrate.

Preeta is standing in the balcony crying, she thinks that now the blame on Mahesh papa would surely be ended since he is going to be fine, karan sees Preeta from behind and then taps her two times but she doesnot respond when he questions why did she not turn, Preeta explains because she knew it will be only him, he in excitement thanks Preeta, she questions how did he thank her so easily, karan replies it is only because of his father since he hugged him because of her, he doesnot know how long his father would remain like this but till that time he is really happy, Karan hugs Preeta who also feels like it but then controls her emotions, he realizing it pulls back. Karan explains he doesnot like her but loves her a lot, Preeta is not able to understand his words, Karan explains this is the meaning of love since even if they do not like someone, they are still constantly thinking about that person and then not able to express it, Karan explains this is love since they do not know what is going on but love each other, Karan sees Bi jee walking, he whistles her asking where is she going all alone, Bi jee explains that she is the one who drank the cough syrup but it seems Karan is under the influence so is teasing her and is Preeta going to be jealous, Karan replies how is it possible since she is the most important in his life and not Preeta, BI jee starts correcting his dress, Preeta receives a text from Shristhi who explains that the judge and lawyer have arrived to the party, she rushes away while Karan and Bi jee exclaims she ran away so it proves she is jealous.

Prithvi asks Nagre why did the judge came to this party, Sherlin explains that Preeta brought Mahesh out of the basement so he can be proved as mentally stable, prithvi questions what is she saying since Preeta is not an idiot and even if they accept she is able to prove that Mahesh is mentally stable because of the judge, he would not lose it but also Preeta since she will not be able to retain her control over the property, Sherlin asks then he should tell her why did Preeta call the judge to this party. Prithvi explains he is asking Nagre while she is questioning him, but she should go away as if someone sees them then it will ruin everything, Prithvi asks Nagre who explains that she was not telling anything wrong, Prithvi asks Nagre to think and not listen to what Sherlin is saying and use his own brains. Preeta enters the party, prithvi asks Nagre to see her face how there is a smile on it, Preeta is about to walk to the judge but she is taken away by some guests, prithvi explains seeing her face it seems her intentions are not pure, Nagre questions what will he do now, Prithvi informs he is going to light a fire, Nagre is shocked hearing it.

Update Credit to: Sona

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