Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 8th May 2023 Written Episode Update: Shaurya vows to take revenge from Rajveer and Palki

Kundali Bhagya 8th May 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Mahi is sitting on the bed, she asks Palki if she can talk with Rajveer, palki replies she should if she feels nice when Mahi says she agreed very quickly and what if she should have said the same about Shaurya, palki warns her to not even talk about him since he is very egoistic and cares only about his money, she has warned Palki to stay away from him. Mahi mentions she was awed for a bit when she saw Shaurya in the store but after hearing what Palki said about him then she has started disliking him a bit, Palki is glad when mahi says but it is a little bit, Mahi informs she is tensed because Shaurya has all those things which she desire like money and wealth while Rajveer has all those things that are not common in men, Palki questions if she has actually started liking Rajveer, mahi is really confused

when Palki leaves to help Daljeet, Mahi thinks if she marries Shaurya then would have a lot of employees to work for her, while Rajveer is so good that he will do everything by himself, she is very tensed.

Rajveer informs Gurpreet that it is very difficult, mentioning he was not able to control himself after witnessing what Shaurya did to Palki but his aunt was right as he must not have done it publicly, he says it all happened by instinct. Gurpreet says she will still say he has not done anything wrong, she explains she has already said what his aunt think about him but what about her feelings, she mentions he is the perfect person who never makes any mistake, Gurpreet explains she feels sometimes very glad that he has come to live with them and even met Palki, these are all the signs of Bhagwan. Gurpreet informs her brother is a very nice family and they needed someone like him so Bhagwan helped them, Gurpreet informs how she feels he has a very old connection with their entire family, she feels he will take care of everyone to the best of his abilities, Gurpreet suggests he should now go and wash his hands as she will bring the food for him.

Rajveer standing beside the window is thinking how Preeta said that she has also met Shaurya and knows about people, she feels there is some connection from her heart.

Shaurya drinking in the balcony of the Luthra mansion is recalling the first time when Rajveer hit his car with a rock, and then vowed to send him in jail. Shaurya furiously goes to sit on the bench, mentioning how Rajveer threatened him to stay away from his aunt, he keeps thinking about all those bad things which Rajveer has done to him before breaking the bottle on the floor. Nidhi calls Shaurya when he angrily takes the name of Rajveer, Nidhi coming to him questions what is he doing, he replies he has not done anything but is not going to let Rajveer get away like this, Nidhi requests him to calm down otherwise someone might hear him, he says he will make Rajveer suffer the same pain, Nidhi advises Shaurya to stay away from that boy because every time when he comes into their lives, Shaurya is misjudged while Rajveer leaves after becoming a good person. Nidhi informs that if his father hears it then would come and accuse him of being a bad person. Shaurya informs that he wanted to end the drama but now after what Rajveer has done, he feels it has just started. Nidhi suggests he should take some rest but Shaurya informs that she must go as he need some alone time, Shaurya thinks it is not the time to be calm and he will surely take his revenge.

Mahi is sleeping while Palki is still awake, she is thinking of how Rajveer took care of her and after a while wonders why is she still thinking about him, she lies down to sleep however still remembers when Rajveer helped her clean the room. Rajveer sitting on his bed is also thinking how Palki hugged him while crying in the store, after which he was not able to control his emotions, and the night when he helped her get back the dupatta which flew off.

Shaurya while sleeping in the room dreams when Palki blamed him and then Rajveer ruined the event and broke the award, saying he is not worthy to take it. Palki also sits up in her bed when she is not able to sleep. Shaurya is also just lying down in the bed and sitting up exclaims he hates that girl with the ear ring, Shaurya then starts walking in the room mentioning and he even hates that crackpot Rajveer, he mentions first only Rajveer was after him and now that Palki is also following him, he vows to make them both pay for what they have done.

In the morning karan mentions he is coming to the office but would get a little late, he instructs them to not cancel the meeting. Rakhi comes to him saying he should leave for office after drinking tea but must not do it in their house, she suggests he should change the name plate outside their house to The Luthra office. Rishab also walks down the stairs when Rakhi explains she was advising Karan but he is also busy in fixing the appointments, Rishab replies they have to do it for their work. Rakhi explains that this is her house and she asks how long it has been since they have had breakfast together. Rishab and Karan both apologize to her. The friend of Shaurya enters the house when Rishab questions if he comes to their house just after waking up, Rishab angrily instructs him to go upstairs, Rakhi questions what is this behavior when Rishab informs that these are the people who have ruined the life of Shaurya.

Karan mentions there is no point in blaming them when their own son is the problem. Rishab questions why is karan trying to ruin the life of Shaurya as he must give him some time since he already talks with him but not karan, he informs Rishab that Rajveer is the same age as their Shaurya but is really mature and not like Shaurya, Rishab informs everyone is different so they should just give him some time since he has his own life and choices. Karan leaves saying they all know what he is saying is true, Rishab comes to Rakhi who explains she also desires to meet Rajveer, as they both have really praised him when Rishab requests her to stop crying informing Rajveer is a really nice person but even their Shaurya is not that different.

Rajveer comes out when Gurpreet asks if he is going for office then suggests he should have some tea, Preeta coming out praises him and even blesses Rjaveer when he says he thought she was angry with him, Preeta questions what is the point of being angry when she knows she really loves him, Rajveer hearing this gets emotional when she mentions it does not seem nice, she asks if she should call Palki since then she will tell him what medicine he must take to stop being emotional. Preeta and Rajveer both start smiling when he gets up to leave, she instructs him to take her blessings and that too properly, Rajveer leaves after wishing Preeta and Gurpreet. Preeta also starts crying when Gurpreet comes explaining he left without having tea, she mentions even she has to leave for some work and will come back in a while, Preeta is sitting alone on the couch.

Precap: Shaurya’s friend says to him, let’s attack on Rajeevr where it will hurt him the most and you know his Masi and his girlfriend Palki is important for him right now. Karan says to Rishabh I felt like I saw Preeta. Preeta says to Shaurya I know you are here to complaint about Rajveer.

Update Credit to: Sona

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