Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 8th November 2024 Written Episode Update: Preeta returns to the Luthra Mansion

Kundali Bhagya 8th November 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Shaurya gets furious wondering what has happened to his memory that he forgot the keys in the house so would have to go back there, he gets out but asks Shanaya what happened, she says he should ask his heart and explains he always keeps dictating her about what to do nor not and she has been hearing them a lot, she warns him that he is talking to Shanaya Khurana and she does not like anyone quickly but if she starts to love someone then the person would surely become her own and she will attain that person as her own, she asks if he is understanding it. Shaurya replies he can understand but in his language it is known as being after someone, Shanaya replies it is called as being affectionate, Shanaya says she is always going to stay by his side and support him, she says his thoughts are right but

the ways he does things are wrong and even then she is always going to stay by his side. Shaurya replies that right now Shanaya is sounding very strange, Shanaya agrees with him that she might be looking as a weirdo but she really is enjoying seeing him so uncomfortable, Shaurya is stunned.

Kavya calls Nidhi mom from behind when Nidhi did she just call her mom when she thought that someone else is her mom, Nidhi says she has raised her for so many years due to which she is now the mom of Shaurya but not of Kavya, hearing this she requests Nidhi to not be like this when she knows that Nidhi mom has done a lot for her and no one is going to snatch this right from her. Kavya says but someone else gave birth to her and it is the truth however this does not mean her importance has ended in their life, but Preeta is also her mother and she cannot even give her love to someone else. Kavya says she just sees her face whenever she calls her maa and therefor she cannot give the right to anyone else, Nidhi asks then what is Kavya doing here while she should go be with her. Kavya says she just came here to tell Nidhi to not create any trouble while not think she is a victim as nothing has happened with her but Preeta has suffered a lot and she deserves their love, kavya agrees with Badi mom that she does not have her memory but even then cares a lot for them which is because of the relations that exist in her heart and no one can end it form their life. Kavya says Nidhi is also very important for them and they would not give her share of love to someone else but it does not mean that the love they have for Preeta will end, Kavya says she wants to see Preeta mom happy for which she can do anything, Kavya says that she desires Nidhi mom should not feel insecure but Preeta is also a mother and they even love her a lot, Kavya leaves without listening to anything so Nidhi follows her vowing to say her part.

Shaurya tells Shanaya that there is nothing common between them both and she should forget it, Shanaya says he must not forget that he does not have anyone else and they both would be a pair even if he likes it or not, he asks if she is scaring him but Shanaya replies she is threatening him, however explains she is just revealing about herself and how she is going to stay with them.

Karan stops the car in the Luthra Mansion when Preeta wakes up, Shaurya goes to look at him but then Karan runs over to the side of Preeta and helps her get out of the car, karan asks her to eb careful when Preeta asks Shaurya how is he doing, Shaurya replies he is fine and even asks about her, Karan tells Shaurya to take her in the house while he is going to bring the medicine and files, Karan says to Shaurya he has said something and Shaurya must take her into the house, Shaurya then holds the hand of Preeta and placing his other hand around her starts walking her to the Luthra Mansion. Karan then goes to the car to take the files and reports.

Mahesh asks if Rajveer is going inside then would he bring the water, Rajveer says cold water when Mahesh asks how does he know it, Rajveer says everyone in the office knows all about his likes and dislikes. Then Rakhi says that Rajveer just praised Mahesh and he is acting like this, Palki says sh feels Rajveer does not know where are the glasses but Bani Dadi replies that Rajveer knows this much work. Rakhi asks if sh wants to see her hero or the glasses then Palki leaves. Karina mentions she has to say something to Bhabhi, she explains that she is aware Rakhi Bhabhi would not listen to her but she is still going to say it, Karina says Rakhi Bhabhi knows that Nidhi feels bad whenever Preeta is around. Mahesh says he wants to say something to Karina, kritika coming asks why is everyone so serious when Karina replies it would happen if the situation is like this. Karina says that Nidhi kept the Varth for Karan butt he had kept the Varth for Preeta and Nidhi kept waiting for Karan here, the doctors had lost hope but Preeta got saved due to the Varth of Karan. Karina says that Karan kept the Varth for preeta due to his feelings but what about the feelings of Nidhi for karan, when Karina says that this family does not see anyone else other then Preeta. Karina says she expected Rakhi Bhabhi would not forget how much Nidhi has done for this family while even her mother promised to support her in case of Nidhi but everyone starts loving Preeta just after hearing her name this is why they want Preeta to stay int his house and not in the outhouse. Kritika gets excited hearing that preeta is going o stay in this house with them and then mentions this is great news for which they all were waiting a lot and wanted it so badly, Karina says how can she forget that Kritika will also support everyone else. Kritika replies it is not like that and she knows their entire family desired that Preeta stay with them and it is a big deal, Karina furiously scolds Kritika when Mahesh asks why is she scolding her. Mahesh explains he wanted to say something to her then Karina asks why would he stay behind and she knows it is going to be in support of Preeta, Mahesh says that it is not of support or side but he wants to make her remember that Preeta is on their side and she does not even know that she is the wife of Karan and daughter in law of this house, Mahesh says that Preeta supported Kritika and even managed to protect Kavya from that Varun while risking hr own life. Mahesh says she always supported Rakhi, Preeta is the one who took the responsibility to try and mend the bad ways of Shaurya, Preeta has always stood with Maa whenever she was ill, even when Nidhi has always humiliated her in the situation when Preeta does not remember anything but Karina is trying to set fire to their happiness so he requests Karina to not ruin this happiness for them. Karina replies she cannot bear what he just said that she sets fire to the happiness of this house when she is his sister and he is supporting Preeta while blaming her for not thinking good about the house. Karina asks if she does not love them or is bad for them all. Mahesh says she is always thinking bad for Preeta and they all just desire she should also be happy with them all. Karina is furious, Rakhi tells Mahesh jee but then she sees kavya standing in front of her so Rakhi asks what has happened when she went to talk with Nidhi then what has happened which caused her to be so tensed. Nidhi also comes out when Rakhi questions why is Kavya so quiet, but then kavya starts looking at Nidhi who is standing behind Rakhi.

Rakhi along with everyone else are stunned to see Shaurya helping Preeta return to the Luthra Mansion, Karina cannot bear herself, Preeta is smiling seeing that Shaurya is helping her enter the house while holding her hand tightly and so she smiles while looking at him. Rajveer and Palki also come when they both are delighted to see Preeta standing in front of them. Preeta notices how everyone is so glad to see her standing in front of them, Rajveer thinks that Shaurya is not worthy of trust and he can eave the hand of his mother at any moment. Rajveer asks his maa to come with him so Shaurya lets of her hand but then Preeta feels a bit worried however she takes the hand of Rajveer. Nidhi leaves furiously while looking at Shaurya who is tensed and follows his mother. They help Preeta sit on the chair when she notices Rakhi is crying along with Bani Dadi.

Nidhi while walking thinks about the day of the accident when Shaurya refused to even let anyone go help the aunt of Rajveer, Shaurya comes after her but Nidhi locks herself in the room when Shaurya says he wants to talk with her, he goes to the window saying he is aware she can hear him but Nidhi says he should go and roam wherever he desires with the aunt of Rajveer. Shaurya says that Nidhi knows that he hates them both when Nidhi opening the window asks why did he bring her into the house. Shaurya replies his father forced him to take her inside, Nidhi walks away saying he has become the reason for her tears. Shaurya asks what is she saying when he hates them both, Nidhi replies that he hated them because they cannot bring those people whom they hate, Nidhi asks him to tell it clearly that he does not hate them, Shaurya replies his father told him when Nidhi says he claims he is very bold so then why did he not refuse his father, Shaurya says he hates them when he promises he would also throw her out just as he brought her into the house. Nidhi manages to manipulate Shaurya saying that he should surely throw Preeta out of this house and hugs him.

Preeta asks Rakhi maa what is the need for it when they all have already given them a place to live so they are fine wherever they are and have even become settled. Rakhi asks what does Preeta call her, so Preeta replies Rakhi maa when she says that Preeta even calls her maa but then makes her feel like an outsider. Rakhi says they cannot live without Preeta and can she not see their love or family. Preeta replies it is not like that, Rakhi asks then what is it and does pre-tea not love them, while she still wants to go and stay in the out house. Rakhi says then Preeta go and stay in the out house but she desires Preeta should stay here so she can take care of her as her own daughter, then what is the need to go in the out house and this is also her house. Preeta asks is why she getting angry and they both are her houses, Rakhi says if Preeta does not want to listen to her then can go stay in the out house while what else can she do about it, Preeta agrees saying she does not want to argue with Rakhi mom and she can keep her anywhere, kavya says now Preeta maa would stay with them so she is feeling their family is now complete. Mahesh says he can say they are all together. Kritika apologizes saying Preeta is not well otherwise she feels like hugging her tightly. Mahesh hugs Kritika. Karan says Preeta is not aware of what she has given him rather them all, which is a smiling family. Rakhi welcomes Preeta to their home once again, she says to Karan that he should take Preeta to the guest room which has been prepared then she asks Rajveer to drop Shanaya and Palki back home. Karan asks Preeta to come while he would take her to the room, Preeta agrees so Karan leaves with Preeta, Mahesh is showering his blessings to Kavya.

Kara asks Preeta to sit peacefully and then the worker brings her bag and files, karan places them beside her while starts looking at Preeta who is smiling. Karan says that Kavya and mom have prepared this room so he does not know how happy he is feeling seeing her here, preeta replies even she is very peaceful here so asks Karan what name should she give it to this feeling. Karan says she must name it as belonging, Preeta mentions she was just some time ago arguing with Rakhi mom but is now living peacefully and feels as if this house is her own. Karan thinks that Preeta is right to think that this is her own house when Preeta asks if he said something. Karan says Preeta is feeling peaceful as she has lived with them for so long and so knows it all, karan says ever since Preeta has thought of this family as her own who is with them in each and every situation. Preeta asks if she was right to see it or was it just a dream, Karan asks what when Preeta asks if he kept the Varth for her life and good health. Karan says it was just a small Varth and she gets emotional so karan asks her to rest assuring they would talk of it later. Karan helps Preeta sit properly on the bed while he starts fixing the bed sheet for her. Karan turns to leave when Preeta stops him, he turns to look at her.

Update Credit to: Sona

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