Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 8th October 2024 Written Episode Update: Nidhi informs Shaurya regarding the decision of Karan

Kundali Bhagya 8th October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Preeta tells Nidhi if her motherhood was true then she would have taught Shaurya a lesson on his first mistake Nidhi says Preeta thinks she taught her son a lesson but the truth is that she undermined her son, Nidhi asks if Preeta has come to this house to snatch her right and son Shaurya, Preeta replies she does not know the reason but feels there would something for her due to which she is present here, Preeta further says the universe brought her to this city while then she came to this house, Nidhi asks what does Preeta desire by being present in this house, Nidhi pleads with her to go back from where she came, Kavya comes behind them when Nidhi accepts that Shaurya ruined the houses and injured those people but it would not matter if some of those people lose their lives, Preeta replies that

Nidhi says she does not care about the lives of those people, when after hearing this preeta says she felt she would have hurt the emotions of Nidhi but is now sure that if she leaves Shaurya with Nidhi then it would be not good and asks why did Nidhi not taught Shaurya that he should not be ambitious for the wealth of his father when it would have been good if he himself earned it, Nidhi asks what did she mean, Preeta replies she has to say that the bad upbringing of Nidhi has ruined Shaurya but if she had taught him to respect and be mindful of the wealth then he would be a different person, Nidhi asks if Preeta is going to teach her how to raise a child, Preeta replies it has been very late and had she met Nidhi earlier then would have shown her the true meaning, Nidhi warns Preeta to stop but she says Nidhi does not care about the lives of those people when the house which she is living in was built by such labors, and even her helping aid is from the same class of workers.

Preeta asks if Nidhi would be able to live without the luxuries as those people hep Nidhi attain them, Nidhi asks what does Preeta care about it when she does not have such luxuries, Preeta replies she does not need them as she can do the things herself but Nidhi and her son have been spoiled by it. Nidhi says Preeta is crossing her limits but Preeta replies that Nidhi and her son donot know about it, Nidhi replies Preeta is standing in the house of someone else but Preeta says she is in her own house explaining she has a lot of respect and care for this family, she says they can not bring change to the house until they think of it as their own, Nidhi furiously asks if Preeta wants to live here and snatch her rights, preeta says she feels she is wasting her time with Nidhi while talking about her teachings as she herself does not have any spanners, Nidhi angrily says she is the mother of Shaurya and would give him whatever she desires, Preeta replies ever mother desires that their children go on the right path and she does not feel after today that Nidhi would be able to do it, so from now she herself will fulfill it even if Nidhi or someone dis likes it as she will be the mother of Shaurya, it is better late then never. Preeta is going to teach him the love of the family and how to live with his family, while also teaching him what it means to love his family. Preeta says now Shaurya would see what it means to be a mother as a mother is not a stranger but just a mother in herself, which Shaurya will see now. Preeta turns to walk away while Nidhi is stunned, she is furious. Nidhi also furiously walks away, Kavya thinks that she feels her Preeta ma has returned the one who would live and fight for them if they are true while would love them more then themselves.

Shaurya is driving the car with Sunny thinking about when preeta said a mother is the one who scolds her children if she make a mistake while even teach them a lesson if they make the mistake, then Preeta punished him by hitting his hand with a metal ruler. Shaurya stops the car when Sunny questions why did he stop the car Shaurya asks Sunny to do favour and drive this car as he is not able to focus and just keeps thinking about the aunt of Rajveer when she is not his mother but still commanding him, Sunny requests Shaurya to calm down when he asks how can he calm own when he is furious, Shaurya says that he gets even more frustrated while talking about him, Sunny agrees to rive fearing they might get in the same situation so Shaurya sits in the driving seat. Sunny is driving the car when he is a bit worried, Shaurya gets up asking where is his phone but when he is not able to find it then asks Sunny for his phone, Shaurya says it is dead but Sunny apologizes saying he had no idea the battery was so low, Shaurya is not able to find the charger in the car so asks Sunny to take a u turn when Shaurya replies where would they go without a phone.

Preeta is walking when Kavya follows her and then thinks she is feeling like hugging her right now, preeta stops turning back asking if Kavya said something to her, Kavya says she just said it in her heart and then runs to hug Preeta who asks what happened but Kavya says she just got emotional. Preeta asks her to say the truth and is she hiding, Kavya replies it is just like that, preeta questions then who is she emotional and what if Varun has tried to contact her again, Kavya says it is not about Varun but herself, she says that she is feeling she is indeed very happy and cannot explains it, she feels someone has arrived in this house who can do anything for her, Preeta asks who has come, Kavya says she meant her and apologizes as she heard her talking with Nidhi mom about what Shaurya did. Preeta replies she should not have beaten Shaurya like this, Kavya says that Preeta has done what a mother does and she considers Shaurya as her own son so if he would keep making mistakes then she will surely punish him, Kavya asks Preeta to not feel she has done anything wrong and a mother is allowed to scold and punish the children if they make any mistakes, Kavya says Shaurya has committed a crime but then gave them money while after that trapped those people so Preeta did the right thing but had she not done it then he would set out to commit even a bigger crime. Kavya says Shaurya is an angry young man, she asks if Preeta maa would be able to correct the ways of Shaurya, Preeta gets excited saying she would surely correct him in the future and even punish him with a scale but then she refuses to not hit him, Kavya replies Preeta has the right to do it as she is like his mother and the next time she will be the one to bring the stick, Preeta asks Kavya if she is joking when Preeta sees Shaurya and Sunny so asks him to come to her.

Nidhi is walking when she hears Mahesh asking if Karan is sure to make this decision, Karan replies if Shaurya behaves in this manner and not apologizes then he is going to give the entire business to Rajveer. Mahesh asks Karan to not take the decision in anger, karan replies that Shaurya is not a child as he has ruined so many houses but even then is not ready to accept his mistake, karan says if this goes on then he would not give Shaurya even a single company as a boss needs to be able to lead the team, Mahesh asks why has Karan reached the conclusion so early and needs to give Shaurya a chance, Karan replies that the boss of the company should be kind and honest while the talent comes after it, he says the boss should be humble but Shaurya is not like it and how will he listen to the suggestions of everyone. Mahesh agrees with Karan saying that he is furious because Shaurya did not apologize and explains that people tend to take time to apologize while karan must give some time to Shaurya but then Karan asks if he should give his entire life, Mahesh requests Karan to give it a bit of time and then make the decision, Karan replies he has decided to give the entire Luthra empire to Rajveer, Nidhi is stunned.

Shaurya slowly walks towards Preeta with Sunny then preeta asks why is he staring at her like this, Kavya also asks Shaurya to not look like this, Shaurya replies KD is always ready to blame him without knowing the full truth, Shaurya says he is wrong if anything happens to Rajveer, Palki and even Shanaya but now this women, Kavya furiously replies she is their mother but then corrects herself saying Preeta is like their mother, Shaurya replies she cannot be his mother as she is just like Rjaveer and what else do they know other then to enter the house of strangers., Preeta asks Shaurya what is the way to talk like this with elders, Shaurya replies how do strangers enter the house of others and beat the children, Shaurya blames Preeta for being a very low person, Kavya furiously asks Shaurya what is this behavior but Shaurya questions who gave Preeta the right to beat him in front of so many people, Kavya replies that Shaurya is at fault and then Preeta asks if Shaurya thinks she did not feel the pain but she has felt it however still bear it, she asks if Shaurya did not realize that she inflicted pain to others so he would not be able to stop, Preeta explains that once a person keeps doing wrong then they are not able to find the true way and wealth would not always be able to save him, Preeta replies this is why she did this to him today so he would not behave in the same manner in the future, Shaurya warns Mother India to keep her steps to herself and not come near him, Kavya questions Shaurya what is this behavior as he should at least respect her when she is like their mother, Shaurya asks what has happened to KD when they call such people as those who do such things to get in respect of the other person. Preeta asks Shaurya what is the way to talk with Kavya when she is his elder sister and Preeta warns if he does it again then she would slap him, Preeta asks Shaurya to apologize to Kavya, Shaurya indeed apologizes to KD saying he took out the anger of someone else on her. Shaurya then walks away without listening to Preeta who says that he should not go out as the family is waiting for his apology. Kavya tells Preeta maa that Shaurya has not apologized to anyone before today, but he accepted his mistake because of Preeta and apologized to her, she says she told that she is very happy someone has come who can make Shaurya realize of his mistakes. Preeta replies she feels Shaurya shows he is very stubborn and does not consider her as his mother but in reality thinks of her as his mother so she is sure he would still accept his decisions in the future, Kavya warns Preeta maa to not have such high hopes as she does not believe Shaurya would listen to anything else other then apologizing.

Rakhi comes to sit with the people when Daljeet comes with Shanaya saying she felt that it is time for them to leave but Rakhi asks what is the need to leave, Kavya and Preeta also come when Rakhi asks where is Shaurya, Rajveer coming says that Shaurya is not in the house, Preeta replies that she just met him and thought he would come here, Kavya also tells Rajveer that Shaurya might be in his room. Daljeet says she cannot even see Karan jee so would leave after taking his permission when bani Dadi says that the announcement is left, Mahesh and Karan are still talking about, Preeta replies that even Shaurya might come till that moment.

Shaurya and Sunny enter the room when they start searching for his phone but suddenly hear the sound of the ring tone ad then Sunny finds it, Shaurya says he does not want to talk with anyone even his Nidhi mom, she once again dials his contact when Sunny advises him to answer it. Nidhi says she does not care for anything he is doing and he must come back, Shaurya replies he is in the house so Nidhi says she will come at the moment. Shaurya says he does not know why she is so furious, Shaurya asks Sunny to charge his phone. Nidhi furiously asks him to come down and apologize when Shaurya asks what has happened to everyone when why would should he apologize to them, Nidhi says he will lose it all but Shaurya replies he is not bothered by apologizing to them. Shaurya asks if Nidhi mom would do it, she replies only if her time was not bad when Shaurya replies his time is good. Nidhi asks if Shaurya did not remember when she told him his Dad is planning to divide the business between Rajveer and Shaurya so then she reveals his Dad is planning to give the entire business to Rajveer. Shaurya asks how can his Dad give everything to Rajveer, Nidhi replies she heard his dad talking to Mahesh Dad that a boss is the one who knows how to lead the team and take them ahead in the field but Shaurya lacks it, Shaurya replies he does not care about what his father does with the business, Nidhi questions if he wants to take the revenge from Preeta and Rajveer but if Shaurya loses the business then he will not be able to do anything but after getting the business he can do it all, Shaurya replies he does not want such business for which he has to bow down to those people. Nidhi acts as if she is emotional explaining he should do it for her as Shaurya knows how she is treated here each and every day and if he does not get the property then her position would be ruined, Nidhi says she has always looked to Shaurya whenever she needs anything, she requests him to turn back and look at him. Nidhi kneels in front of him saying her life has become hell and begs him to apologize, Shaurya turns back to hug his mom and requests her to stop crying while saying she should get up, Nidhi pleads with him when he says she is his mother and he can do anything for her, Shaurya replies once he gets the business in his hands then would not leave Rajveer and his aunt but at that moment she is not going to come in between and stop him. Shaurya furiously walks away when Nidhi thinks she feels she is his mom for the first time, while now this Nidhi is going to show the talent and do it all with the help of Shaurya, Nidhi is adamant.

Precap: Shaurya says they all can save themselves without him and not drown, Karan says it would happen when he is going to give Shaurya the sea to swim, while he would be able to ruin the business if he gets it to run. The entire Luthra family is shocked.

Update Credit to: Sona

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