Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 9th October 2024 Written Episode Update: Karan makes the announcement in favor of Rajveer

Kundali Bhagya 9th October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Shaurya walking down the stairs with sunny and Nidhi asks where is everyone, they all get up and stand around him, Shaurya says that his family has explained a lot to him and after hearing them he has realized he might have made a mistake, he did not plan to ruin their houses and it might be that he was not paying attention or thinking right, but it is even possible that his car was very big for that road but due to his car their small houses got ruined, Shaurya holding both of his hands pleads with them to let it go and forgive him, Shaurya then turns to Preeta calling her Mother india, saying she claims to be like a mother, he says he has even misbehaved with her a lot and she is the aunt of Rajveer so he should not have talked to her in this manner while would think about talking to her the next

time, rather as they say that he would first look at her level before talking. Shaurya says his entire family loves him a lot but in return he just hurts their emotions, but on the contrary when he is hurt there is not even a single person to ask about his emotions, Shaurya says people might get lost in this house or his timing is at fault but in this he tends to forget to say a lot of things as he is the son of this house who needs love and care, but he never got it. Shaurya says he just got a lot of arguments with him which he does not understand happens, and what he said that would have hurt someone but he is just asking them all to forget it as he is not going to say anything of the sort, they all are shocked. The lady says Shaurya does not have to say anything explaining they were not sitting to hear an apology but only because Karan insisted but if Shaurya has realized his mistake then it is enough for them, Lokesh also explains that it is enough for them that Shaurya realized his mistake so now they are going to leave, they all walk away when Shaurya is smiling.

Karan furiously starts clapping for Shaurya seeing which everyone is stunned but then Karan comes to stand in front of Shaurya saying he is proud of his son who has said it a lot, as he said a lot of things to everyone standing here but he did not say what he was asked to, for which he was called meaning sorry, Shaurya did not say it by heat. Karan says that today Shaurya has failed as a son in his eyes, they all get worried hearing what karan just said, who says Shaurya could not even say a sorry and asks what does Shaurya think that they lose respect by apologizing but it is the opposite as they tend to gain even more respect, Preeta requests Karan to let it be when Karan says she will not interfere, Shaurya asks how will Preeta not interfere when she has every right as she is the aunt of Rajveer, the great Mother India and he says his Dad should ask her to go and bring the scale from the library while beat him till she is relieved, karan warns Shaurya to not misbehave but he asks when has he done it, Karan furiously says he should shut up asking why did he not apologize, Shaurya replies he has done what he was told but Karan says Shaurya has no shame in him for his actions and not even tensed, so is this the way to apologize. Preeta tells Karan that it is fine as Shaurya apologized however Karan is furious saying that when the child thinks he is above the family members then it is not okay, while even when the child refuses to accept his mistake and if the person who belongs to a rich family goes to ruin the houses of poor people but is still able to sleep peacefully then it is not okay, when the person does not have any pain nor fear about the respect of himself and the family members then it is not okay, Rakhi requests Karan to calm down, karan says he is calm but saying everything after thinking o it, Nidhi fears what if karan gives the Luthra empire to Rajveer so she pleads he must not do it. Karan says all of his anger would have calmed down if Shaurya had apologized as everything would have been fine but he is acting. Karan says to Shaurya that one can see the resent meant in the eyes but he is able to see that Shaurya is just acting to apologize Shaurya replies that he listened to his father and bowed to the people from the road and has apologized to those low class people, Karan furiously tells Shaurya that the mindset is low and Shaurya cannot even do a job with the mind set while he is not going to let Shaurya do any sort of business, Karina and the entire family is stunned along with Shanaya and Daljeet. Karan says Shaurya would go bankrupt and even make the family suffer while also drown them all, Shaurya says they should not drown with him but save themselves, Karan says it will happen when he will give Shauyra the ocean to swim, Shaurya does not understand. Karan says Shaurya would ruin the business when he gets it to himself, they all cannot believe what Karan has just said in front of everyone. Mahesh warns Karan to think before speaking anything else, Preeta also says that karan should not take the decision as Shaurya has apologized for his actions, Karan says that Shaurya has ruined everything, explaining the Luthra empire is very big but they have built it with a lot of effort, which is his Dad Mahesh, brother Rishab and even himself so he will not make such a big mistake as the business is related to their house and if the business goes bankrupt then they would also lose it all which s the equation, karan says that wealth is not less then Bhagwan and Shaurya does not have the capability to give the business all of the efforts, he says Shaurya is going to fail in each and everything while is going to fail. Karan says he had decided to give three good companies to Shaurya which would not need a lot of work so he planned to give them to Shaurya, he will understand it and learn to do the business. While give Rajveer those businesses who are loss making as he is a better businessman and has the capability, karan says Shaurya has ruined all of his dreams, this is why he Karan Luthra is going to announce that the three companies which are the most important for Luthra industries and due to which they are known in this world, he is making Rajveer the chairman and leader of those companies, they all are stunned hearing the announcement, Shaurya feels emotionally broken. Karan says he is sure Rajveer has the capabilities that he will take the three companies to new heights and make them all proud, karan says while the loss making companies which donot have any profit and require a lot of effort, he is going to name them to Shaurya. Karan says that Shaurya needs to handle those companies and make them profitable while do a lot of effort to make the companies profitable so now they will see if Shaurya is able to do it or not. Karan says now the ball is in his court and he would see how Shaurya will handle it, karan says he is done for the day and he leaves, the entire Luthra family cannot believe what has just happened. Shaurya turns to Nidhi congratulating her and says he hopes that she would understand what his father has done today, saying he has given the top three companies to Rajveer while the most non performing companies to him. Shaurya refuses to listen to anything today as he has suffered the biggest loss today, Shaurya mentions they have witnessed it with their own eyes, his Dad has done what he desired. Nidhi requests Shaurya to listen but then Rakhi turns Shaurya saying he is mistaken and requests him to change his point of view, Mahesh also comes saying no company is big or small and there is just profit or loss, he says Shaurya must prove to his Dad that he was wrong and Shauyra should bring a storm in him to work and prove that he can bring the companies into profit. Shaurya says it is very easy to say these things but when it was actually time for him to speak then he did not say anything, Shaurya ask what do they expect from him and how would he be able to turn those companies into profit as he does not have a lot of experience, Shaurya says that Mahesh knows his son had the control of these companies for so many years, Bani Dadi suggests Shaurya should do what his father was not able to do, Shaurya pleads with them to let him stay alone as he does not want to hear anything, Nidhi asks Sunny to g with Shaurya so he leaves vowing to take care of him. Nidhi also walks away. Preeta thinks that Shaurya said what he felt and anyone else would have said the same thing, while such moments might ruin a person. Preeta thinks about talking to karan.

Shaurya is walking towards the car when Sunny stops him asking where is he going, Shaurya replies he would do whatever he desires but orders Sunny to sit in the car with him. Nidhi coming requests Shaurya to listen to her but he replies he apologized to those people because of her, he says she came on her knees and begged him which when he accepted her but for what, saying she knows he is The Shaurya Luthra as he never apologizes to anyone but he changed that golden rule for her as she said that he would be involved in the business but what he has got, Nidhi says that Shaurya apologized and got some business, Shaurya replies that the great business tycoon is the father of Rajveer, but his dad has make him the employee of Rajveer, Nidhi replies that Shaurya is still the head of the companies he has gotten, Shaurya says Nidhi is very simple and does not understand what his dad has done, Shaurya says that the three companies are sister companies and they cannot make the decisions by themselves but have to go to the parent company which will be under the control of Rajveer so he is wondering why did he even apologize, Nidhi requests him to listen to her but Shaurya replies that he is going to say it once and for all that he will not listen to anyone.

Shanaya says that she can understand the pain of Shaurya and so leaves to go and see him, Shaurya is about to sit in the car when Shanaya calls him and he is very angry.

Bi jee tells Daljeet that she is feeling very weak and thinks she will feel better after taking her medicine, Rakhi says to Daljeet that she had to stay here for so long and what happened to Shaurya today so she is going to apologize, Bani Dadi mentions that they should not feel bad about it as such things happen, Daljeet says that the people in the family do not like the things but such things happen and Bi jee says indeed such things happen but they feel bad when it happens around others. Daljeet says she also felt bad about what happened with Shaurya as he has suffered a lot, Bani Dadi says they are children so would be cheered up, Daljeet evens asks palki to come and she walks away after looking at Rajveer. Mahesh is still very worried, Karina goes to him asking how did Karan take such a big decision without even asking to him, as Mahesh talked and it was agreed that Shaurya would get the three profitable companies while Rjaveer will get the loss making ones as he is very intelligent so why did Karan change the decision, Mahesh says Karina new karan was always making mistakes but he changed himself and today never lets anyone else make mistakes, Bani Dadi explains they all know how is Shaurya.

Preeta asks Karan to listen, she asks what can she say when she had told him whatever she could but he did it with his own mind but should not have done it, Karan replies he did the right thing as he is not of those parents who promise to bring the moon but he will ask them to get it themselves, so they have to struggle with themselves and move on in life. Preeta asks him to talk about Shaurya saying that she used to feel Shaurya was wrong to be angry but Karan has made a biased decision, Karan says that preeta does not know Shaurya who has no idea how to make efforts for money but the path where he is being asked to go would teach him. Preeta says Karan knows how Shaurya is like and he should not have given the loss making companies, Karan replies that every company in Luthra industries make profits and if Shaurya works on them then he will surely be able to make profitable, Preeta says that Karan should have given the profitable companies to Shaurya but Karan replies Shaurya would even turn them into loss making companies. Preeta says that the boy who never apologizes came down to them and apologized but Karan replies that Shaurya showed a lot of attitude when Preeta says that Shaurya trusted him, Karan replies even he trusted Shaurya a lot but he broke the trust, Preeta says Karan is the father and it is his duty to give a lot of chances till the time when his son is not like as he desires, and Karan should keep trying until his son also trusts him as they say that one should keep trying.

Shanaya coming to Shaurya says that Karan sir should not have done what he did as Shaurya should have gotten those companies, Shaurya asks her to shut up asking if he ever asked her to come and say anything, Palki says she should not speak but is going to and advises Shaurya to be respectful to the people who love him and try to stop him from asking any mistake. Shaurya furiously pulls Palki towards the main door saying she would be happy as Rajveer got what he came to the Luthra Mansion for. Palki is stunned while Shaurya is furious.

Precap: Shaurya vows to this loneliness that he will surely teach these people a lesson. Shaurya tells Karan he is going to teach them what it means to be bad, they all have to hear it that bad boy Shaurya is back in town, they all get shocked hearing it.

Update Credit to: Sona

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