Categories: Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal

Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal 11th September 2018 Written Episode Update: Kunti Stung By a Scorpion?

Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal 11th September 2018 Written Episode, Written Update on

Kunti walks into home bare footed calling bahus. Pratap disguised as Majnu starts his jokergiri. Kunti scolds not to joke as something got stuck in her leg. She calls bahus and limps. Prema asks why she is limping. Kunti asks to forget her and beware of scorpions. Prema checks Kunti;s feet and in French says blood. Pari jokes not to ask maaji to sing. Prema says Maaji’s leg is bleeding. Panjiri panics seeing scorpion and think it bit Kunti. Pratap throws pillows on scorpion and it crawls away. Pratibha asks to call doctor. Pari asks whether to treat scorpion. Prema says to treat her brain. Pratap asks to call Kanhaiya’s friend, he wil not even take fees.

Kanhaiya returns home calling maiya, sees wet floor and leaves shoes outside door. He steps on scorpion

and gets bitten, thinks its nail bite on door and walks in. He walks to Maaiyaa and asks if she did not take BP medicine. Bahus say scorpion bit Kunti. Prema asks why he is limping. He says he stepped on nail. Doctor comes and checks Kunti and says looking at Kunti’s injury and eyes, it looks like very poisonous scorpion and if poison reaches her brain, she will die. Kanhaiya asks not to joke, snake bit many neighbors and they did not die. He takes doctor out and scolds not to talk about it in front of maiya. Doctor says scorpion is very dangerous. Kanhaiya asks what is the solution. Doctor says he will write medicine, but they should not let her sleep for 2 days, else poison will spread fast, some patients feel cold and some sweating. Pratap feels sweating.

Bahus discuss maiya cannot sleep for 2 days. They discuss ways to keep Kunti awake. Kanhaiya says he is going to shop and asks not to let Kunti take a power nap in the afternoon. Pratibha commments sasumaa wanted to buy sona/gold to bahus, now they have to not let her sleep/sona. Kunti after lunch walks to bed. Pari walks in and starts her jokergiri. Prema brings money bundles and asks her to count as 6 notes are missing in any one bundle. Kunti asks to give it to Pratibha. Prema says Pratibha has gone out, Panjiri knows only to count cooker whistle and didi’s ashirwad. She counts and gets mesmerised in Kanhaiya’s thought. Pari counts then. Prema says Kanhaiya’s name should not be spoilt. Kunti scolds them and starts counting money.

At shop, Kanhaiya asks Khatru to switch on fan. Khatru says it is running. Kanhaiya asks to switch on AC. Khatru says it is running. Kanhaiya asks to keep fan in front of him and thinks why he is sweating so much.

Precap: No precap.

Update Credit to: MA

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