Categories: Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal

Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal 6th September 2018 Written Episode Update: Kunti Prays Lord Shiva/Bhole

Kya Haal Mr. Paanchal 6th September 2018 Written Episode, Written Update on

Kunti sees Bhole and walks behind him requesting to stop. Bhole stops. Kunti apologizes Bhole for her mistake and requests him to let her celebrate teej festival with her bahus. Women in market think she has gone mad. Sarla passes by and says Kunti really sees Shivji. Shivji reminds Kunti the forecast he showed her and says he cannot change her future. Kunti continues pleading while Bhole leaves. Sarla asks Kunti to pray for her also.

Kanhaiya sips tea in tea shop sadly. Pratap disguised as reporter starts his jokergiri. Pajiri and Prarthana’s
Mamaji enters with his goons and kidnaps them both. They both get afraid seeing guns. Mamaji shoots them. Kanhaiya wakes up from sleep afraid and realizes it was his dream. He calls Khatru and asks him to meet him right


Prema plucks rose petals repeating Pari or Prema. Pari asks what she wants to say. Prema says she is thinking if it is her or Prema’s turn. Kunti walks in with tape on her mouth. Prema asks what happened to her. Kunti says she does not want to utter anything wrong against them and let them forget everything. Prema starts irritating. Kunti angrily shouts O prem ki deewani…then stops and asks Prema to make teej pooja arrangements and Pari to cook food for them.

Kanhaiya with Khatru peeps inside Panjiri and Prarthana’s house and sees Panjiri telling she will grind spices to prepare shahi pakwan/royal feast and says she will go wherever Prarthana goes, gun and bullet can separate, but not her and didi. Mamaji returns with his goon and man in a gunny bag. Kanhaiya gets afraid that mamaji brought this man for swayamwar, so they have to free him.

Pratap disguised as reporter peeps into Prarthana’s house and thinks if family went for swayamwar. Prarthana comes from behind and asks who is he. He says he is reporter and asks not to attend swayamwar and finish 2-3 PhD’s more. She asks how does he know about swayamwar, who is he. He runs away.

Prema prepares food looking at recipe book and mixes excess spices, she walks away. Kunti and Kusum walk in and ask her to lift lid. She asks how does they know her mother calls her lid. Kusum says pot lid. Pari lifts and their face get black due to burnt food smoke. Their drama continues. Kunti asks Prema to cook and Pari to light lamp in temple.

Kanhaiya asks Khatru to free mamaji’s captured man. Khatru hesitates. Kanhaiya frees man. Goons come out and think him as kidnapped man and put him back in gunny back while he continues resisting..

Precap: No precap.

Update Credit to: MA

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