Fan Fiction

Kyunki Tum hi ho…Because you alone are…. Part 2

the episode starts with ishaani and naina waiting for Ishaani at the cafe

Sanjana: where is Ishaani why is she late?
Naina: I don’t know..I am so hungry I want to eat my food!

Suddenly Ishaani comes talking with Ranveer.

Ishaani: We should meet more often

Ranveer looked at her and smiled.

Ranveer: yes about today evening?
Ishaani: sure..I have to friends are waiting for me.

Ishaani goes and joins Sanjana and Naina.

Naina: is love blossoming in the air for our cute Ishaani?

Ishaani blushes.

Ishaani: No, No
Sanjana: Where are the wedding invitations?

Ishaani looked at her to hit her playfully.

Sanjana: Poor Ranveer…he doesn’t know his love is short tempered..when he will know, he will get scared of you.

the three girls laugh.

MEANWHILE on the other side.

Samir: Ranveer..Shikar shall we meet today after school?
Shikar: yeah sure bro

Ranveer remembers her promise to Ishaani.

Ranveer: I’m going to meet ishaani today

Samir and Shikar laughs..

Samir: Found a love so soon?
Shikar: Stop teasing him..he’s going red..Anyway how about tomorrow?
Ranveer: Okay.


Shikar looks for naina, while Naina looks for Shikar..they both move forward looking for each other and bumps into each other

Naina: what the-?
Shikar: it’s you

Shikar smiles.

Naina: yes it’s me Naina
Shikar: what are you doing?
Naina: I’m going to go home now..can’t you see it?
Shikar: I can see that
Naina: so why are you asking
Shikar: you are good at arguing! anyway can I drop you home?
Naina: parents won’t like it.
Shikar: Oh come on!

He drags her to the car.

Naina: Shi-
Shikar: shush!

Shikar drives while Naina looks worried.

Shikar: here, have this.

Shikar hands over a bar of chocolate.

Naina: thanks

Shikar and Naina looks at each other.

Shikar: eat!

Naina nods and eat a piece and hands over a piece to Shikar.

Shikar: I’m driving!! I can’t eat..
Naina: so..?
Shikar: feed me

Naina looks at him.

Naina: are you crazy..don’t you have hands?
Shikar: I do..but I’m driving
Naina: but this is a small piece..
Shikar: want me to knock into a tree or something?
Naina: No..but this won’t take long..

Shikar grabs Naina’s hand with the chocolate, and pulls it to his mouth.

Naina: what the..?

Shikar smiles.


Ranveer and Ishaani walk together, while sanjana and samir too walk with them.

Ranveer (whispers): Samir..I want to be with her..can you?
Samir: your friend is nothing compared to your girl no?
Ranveer: like that..
Samir: FINE! I’m leaving..
Sanjana: me too bye..

Sanjana hugs ishaani and leaves.

Ishaani laughs at them, while Ranveer grabs her hands.

Ranveer: Ishaani..

Ishaani looks at him.

Ishaani: my hand?
Ranveer: Oops..sorry…

He lets go of her hand.

Ishaani: so where are we going?
Ranveer: I don’t know..maybe cafe?
Ishaani: but..I don’t have enough..
Ranveer: don’t worry I’ll pay..and’s not going to be that expensive..

They keep on walking until Ishaani bumps and trips over a stone.

Ishaani: ouch…

Ranveer catches her. They have an eyelock.

A man: can you two move aside..?

Ranveer lets go of Ishaani shyly.

Ranveer: so-sorry

Man leaves while Ishaani and Ranveer looks at each other shyly..

Ishaani: thanks
Ranveer: It’s fine..I’ll always be there..for you…

Ishaani stares at him and laughs.

Ranveer: what?
Ishaani: nothing..


Sanjana is in her room thinking of Samir.

Sanjana: Samir is a very very good friend!!

suddenly, sanjana gets a call from Samir.

Samir: Hi!
Sanjana: Hi samir!!! I was just thinking of you.
Samir: me?
Sanjana: yes you’re became a good friend of mine…

Samir laughs.

Samir: you know what? me too..that’s why I wanted to talk to hear your voice.
Sanjana: You are very cute!

Samir and Sanjana laughs.

Suddenly Sanjana wakes up.

Sanjana: what the..? Oh it was a dream..why does it happen with me?


Ranveer gets dressed.

Ranveer: this..perfume..that Shikar gave me..I should wear Ishaani will like me even more

He sprays the perfume.

Ranveer: Oh today..we have a boys night out as well!

Ranveer smiles thinking of school!


Hi everyone!
here’s the second part..i saw ur comments in our last chapter and thank you all for the nice comments..
do keep supporting us..and I do hope you like this chapter as well!!


Life is too boring to worry about things..enjoy it the best you can..!!

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