Hai frnds…. Ur finding similar as bbf…. So dat iam rushing it…. Then twists comes i will write slow…. So u people can find dis as different… Kkk
Going to episode
Break time: canteen
Navya &nandu chatting abt departments
Navya takes drink from canteen she turns
bumps with someone all drink falls on his shoe she says sryy…
By saying sry… It going it be kk he is none other than manik…
N: i will clean it
M: by leaking it
N: vat
Nandini interferes how dare you to talk with her
like dat
M:who r u?!
Nan: iam her frnd
M: then clean by ur self
Nan:vat me…. Nandini takes another drink and throws at him
M: how dare you( fab4 r surprised)
I will see… You….
Nan: do vat ever you want
Next day:
Manik planning something to get nandini down.
Nandini is in dance department when see hears some noice goes there somepeople with frogs and throws at her. She screams and shouts plz dont……she closes her eyes
Then someone comes rescue her… He is dhurv….
D: sry
Nan: y ur sry…. Dat manik….
D: he is bit complicated but he is very nice…. Iam saying sry on behalf of manik.. Let’s be friends….
Nan: kkk…..
M: how is it
Group: plan is failed
Group: dhruv sir came and saved her
M: dhruv vat how?!!! ….. U get out….
Manik thinks i will handle her by my own…..
Next day:
Manik is waiting in music department for nandini with something in mind….. (Nasty)
Precap: manik sees nandini properly he stops by seeing het cuteness… Vat will happend between them???
So frnds tell me ur opinions plz…. Should i continue r not…. Becoz so many ff r going on kyy…. And dis story is having twists in it…. U have wait fr story to go on or otherwise i will stop dis thnk u….
Keep smiling

Hey joe…. Long time ha…. Story is gng gud… Iam fan kyy and bbf so its very cool to make both combined…. Today episode is gud how dhruv saves… She blushing… But vat abt manan yaar… You r saying so many twists r dr waiting fr next episode plz update ASAP…
Good going dear…
Plz continue…..
Please continue dear. …I’m loving it sooo muchhhhhh