KYY Season 3 : The Hidden Love (Episode 4)

I m really thankful to all you dearies. Thank you so much for reading this stupid story.

Manik feels suffocated in his home so he goes to the Famous London Park where there are many cherry blossom trees and he starts painting. His painting had guitar and five people comprising of two girls and three boys. Dhruv comes to the park with his guitar playing the famous fav five music. Manik hears it and starts having sensations “I heard this tune before!” He runs to Dhruv and asks him for his guitar.
Manik : Please Dhruv .

Dhruv : Sure Manik.

He hands him his guitar. Manik starts playing the tune of the song Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan. Everybody give a big applause Manik scratches his head thinking “I never knew I could play guitar. Thank you Dhruv for making me realise what are my capabilities even though its so complicated..”

Dhruv : Everything is not so complicated. Its just that we make it complicated. Feel the air and think you are never far away from true friends and love. Even though they don’t speak anything to you just try to understand their words.

Manik : Woah! Philosophy… Dhruv we will make great buddies. So buddy..

Dhruv had tears in his eye. He escapes them by brushing it off. Manik notices it but thinks it must be due to the gushing wind.

Dhruv : I m getting late. See you tomorrow.
He thinks “Even though you cant see Fab five and Nandini just try to feel their presence in their absence. I know they must be shedding tears for your return especially Nandini.


Navya was in her office in the glass pane cabin. Mukti, Aliya and Nandini peep the door with their nose and lips touching the pane and so they looked really funny. Navya didnt know how to react.
Navya thinks “Why are they feeling so jolly?? Did something happen in my absence??”

Navya rushes outside and Cabir throws water on her. Navya dees him and couldn’t believe her eyes. It was like her last wish come true. She gives him a tight long hug.
Navya : Where the hell were you! Never mind.. Are you okay. How could you just leave me and Abeer just like that..
She gives him a hard blow on his biceps. Everyone tell her what had actually happened. She thanks Abhimanyu and tells she is happy that now Mukbhi would be together.

All get emotional thinking about Dhruman. “I wonder if they miss me. And I have not seen their faces since so many months. I really want to talk to them.. My fab five will only complete after they join us. And I have this intuition that the day would come soon.”says Cabir.

Aliya : I don’t know about Manik but Dhruv I don’t want him again in my life. How could he just walk away like that.
Mukti : This time I agree with Cabir. I want both my boys back! Anyhow. But I think I am demanding too much. I already got my Abhi (hugging him) but Manik and Dhruv will always be missed. They have created a void in my world. I know god I m being selfish but please god bring them back. And if this wish reaches you I will really become crazy . Our life will change and everything would be again perfect. Fab five manan Dhrulya.

Aliya : No way! I wont accept Dhruv again.
She thinks in heart “Please come back Dhruv. Even though I hate you but you know I m nuts about you.”

Nandini thinks “Aliya is just like a coconut. Hard from outside but as soft as like the inner cream. Manik Dhruv please come back for sake of our love!”

Everyone leave. Navya leaves with Cabir to his old rented house.

Cabir sees around and reminisces all his moments with Navya. Their nok jhok and friendship bond they shared.

Navya : You know what Abeer is totally like you. And remember the toy you gave me. Abeer likes it a lot.
Cabir looks on and they chat on topics from their past.

Few days pass and Dhruman become really best buddies just like the way they were before.

Dhruv : Manik I think you should come and visit India with me.

Manik : Why not! I love the idea. And I feel too suffocated here. Its like I don’t belong here.

Dhruv : And India is a perfect place for you. Even strangers feel a connect with India.

Manik : And I wont tell Nyonika and Soha about it. Otherwise they would just come with those ton of body guards and I really want to get rid of them..

Dhruv : Great idea buddy. That would be perfect. I ll book the tickets for tomorrows flight.

Manik : Sure. I ll tell Nyonika I k going to Australia.

Dhruv : Great.. See you tomorrow.

Precap : Escape plan for Dhruman. Will they reach India ?

I hope you liked this part. Give me your lovely feedbacks about this update and silent readers wake up!! And tell me your thoughts about this story.


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