Fan Fiction

KYY:The Modern Love Story full of Madness Ep 17

Thank you so much guys…i know many of you are demanding for more and fast episodes and I promise i will give that to you but PLEASE WAIT THIS WEEK…. Then i will update 2 or more ep in a day and it will be continuous and frequent.. …

Recap: Sohannt, Aishmaan, Mukbhi and Cavya all set to go on a date.

Scene 1: Sparkling 6 were in Mukti’s room.
Nandini: Hey girls today I am gonna make you ready for your first and most special date. Come on no go and wear this dress. Let them stare you entire date.

Mukti: Oh come on,yaar…….It’s not like I am going o this stupid date on my wish…. I am being forced so please just stop it.

Alya: So what Mukti. It’s your first date. And see nandini agreed for the first time that means this boys must be having something special,Right?? You can’t doubt Nandu’s judgements now…

Navya: haa…..I know that but..

Soha: Shut up…Get ready I am so excited.

Navya: That reminds me…Drama Queens(Soha and Aisha) What’s going on between you and Sid and Aryamann??

Soha: What….Nothing yaar…If there was something then I would have told you guys….

Aisha: haa….After all you all are my best friends no…

Both of them hugs Nandu,Alya,Navya and Mukti. Then they have a group hug. But the reaction of Soha and Aisha definitely sow some seeds of doubt in their mind.

Alya: enough..get ready…

Scene 2: Fab 6

Cabir,Abhi,Sid and Aryamann were literally behaving like a kid who doesn’t know what to do and depends on their moms to make them ready. They have messed up all room with dozen of Tees scattered all over. They have caught Dhruv and Manik and were eating their heads.

Abhi: I don’t know what to wear yaar. Help me na.

Dhruv: Stop being childish…Just pick any damn Tee…

Sid: No bro…I can’t. We need to impress them.

Sid tries to change the topic ignoring their perplexed faces.

Sid: I think I will wear this one.

Manik: Tell me one thing..Why are you all dressing up so much that too for a dare date…I meant forced one??

Cabir and Abhi: Bro,nandini compared our charm with a dog so anyhow we need to prove ourself.

Dhruv: Yeah…You gotta point..And what about you both??

Sid(tensed): Same…We need to show them na that we are Fab 6 after all.

Aryamann(with an unsatisfying expression): Yes,that we are their toughest competitors. Afterall we are famous, hot, charming.. Right??

Fab 4 too got doubt of something fishy like Sparklin 4 did.

Scene 3: In the hall
All of them met in the hall while Cabir and Abhi were shocked seeing Navya and Mukti in elegant yet beautiful dress, makeup and Hair style.

Cabir: So date,Ready??

Navya: Unfortunately,Yess…

Abhi(giving his elbow): So partner let’s go.

Mukti(giving a least bothered expression): Yup…Earlier we go faster and sooner we will come back.

Cabir and Abhi were enjoying the pout, least interested face on their date. Soon 4 couples disappeared.

Nandini: Ok..guys..they left..What about us??

Dhruv: Ohh yes….I am starving.

Manik: That makes it two..bro

Alya: Nope 3

Nandini: Ok…stop. I know all bearing their stomach’s growling. Why don’t you guys make dinner for us. As, I remember Cabir telling that Fab 6 is passionate about cooking and all that stuff.

Dhruv: Oh hello..The one who are passionate about cooking have already left us. In fact, Aryamann and Sid have themselves cooked dinner for their date. Me and manik are far far away from cooking.

Alya: OMG…really. That’s so cute and sweet of your friends.(mutters to herself) I wish you were also like them. Anyways,Nevermind that. But tell me one thing don’t you both feel like something is up between Aishmann and sohaant.

Manik: Even I feel the same.

Dhruv: We need to find out.

Nandini: Guys…even I feel the same way but we can talk about it later. Let’s do something new. And since we are hungry and servants too are on leave so
Alya: Please.Stop..Don’t tell me that you are thinking of cooking today. I know love trying new things and experiences but please spare our little stomach. Don’t punish it.

Manik: Oh really..interesting then Nandini I think you should make this.

Nandini: You really think I will accept your advice.

Manik: am not giving you advice I am just giving you the thing which is left and I have full right to give it to you.

Dhrulya was bewildered by his answer. Nandini got his meaning that he is pointing towards their dare game.

Nandini: Okay..fine..I will make it and Alya you will help me.

Alya: What no….

Nandini: I am not asking you I am saying it to you. Saying this she drags her to the kitchen.

Dhruv: Wait…Would you mind if I will assist you?? Wait..Buddy you to help us(he too drags manik to kitchen)

Nandini grins seeing manik in the kitchen that too frowning.

Nandini: That so kind of you,Dhruv unlike others who are just good-for-nothing and just like to wander around.

Manik: How dare you call me Good-for-nothing.

Nandini: Wow..So you already knew that you are good-for-nothing.

Alya: Stop it guys. Now leave your differences aside and get to work only for your hunger. Nandini and Manik will make Palak Paneer and Biryani. Dhuv and I will make cake for dessert and roti. Ok so get working.

Precap: Fun during cooking..And talking about Date will it be beautiful like every girl’s fantasise or a horrible experience??

Hope you all like it..And DO DROP YOUR LOVELY COMMENTS. I know today’s episode was not upto mark and little useless. I am Sorry for that.


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