Fan Fiction

LakRagSan Predefined!!!!@8 – A Journey to Past Birth

Recap : Chapter 7

Lucky was not able to sleep, the same flashes were running in his mind. He tried to close his eyes when he visualised Ameena crying looking at Krishna and saying, “Please don’t separate me and Laksh”.

He woke up suddenly by the name Laksh… he started to think who could be Laksh?? What’s his relation with Ameena. Why Ameena and Raagu are looking alike. Is there any relation between Raagu and Ameena… Why the hell Sanskar and Krishna are alike and who is this Laksh??? Is that me?? Why did Krishna separate Ameena and Laksh…. If Ameena and Krishna are true then Laksh should also be true.

If Ameena is my Raagu and Krishna is Sanky … what should have happened between them? Is that could be the reason of Raagu’s hatred towards Sanky….Is her fear about Sanky separating me and Raagu is genuine??? Who would answer me all these questions. Now how should I find out?? I don’t know anything except the names and I am not sure if those people really exists or its just my imagination which got fixed in my sub conscious mind because of Raagu’s Continuous fear of Sanky separating Raagu and me!!!!

RagSan went into the house and saw the whole house was dark. Ragini was holding Sanskar’s hand tightly and walking step in step.

Sanskar spell out, “Raagu don’t worry, I will call Maa, she would sleep along with you in my room and I will go to their room and can sleep there”

Ragini interrupted, “No Sanky, uncle and Aunty has almost slept and it’s not manners to wake them now”

Sanskar questioned, “Why are you becoming so formal??”

Ragini answered, “Not formal Sanky but they should get their privacy and I don’t ant to disturb them, and you are there so we can sleep in your room”

Sanskar exclaimed, “What??? Both of us sleeping together in the same room??”

Ragini exclaimed, “What is this question??? We 3 always used to sleep together when my parents used to go to my native”

Sanskar exclaimed, “Then it was different Raagu, we were children and now we are grown ups and if someone knows about it they will point a finger on you”

Ragini exclaimed, “I don’t believe in all this Sanky, what I knew is that you are our old Sanky, giving respect to your own feelings matters to me, and when we don’t have any wrong intentions then why should we be afraid of the people around us”

Sanskar exclaimed, “Yes Raagu you are right, but we are made of that people around us”

Ragini exclaimed, “I trust you Sanky but if you insists we can do something “

Sanskar exclaimed, “I am fine if it’s not a plan against me”

Ragini exclaimed, “Funny !!!! We can sleep in the hall u can sleep on the sofa and I will sleep down”

Sanskar exclaimed, “Are you sure Raagu!!! We Can exchange our places if you want”

Ragini stared at him and exclaimed, “Ok then I will sleep on Sofa and u sleep down”

Sanskar went into the room to bring all the necessities. Ragini murmured in herself, “why is this Sanskar becoming too good towards me?? Anyhow I like this Sanky a lot than that angry bird wala Sanky”.

After sometime both of them slept in their respective places and in the mid of the night he observed that Ragini was holding his hand and sleeping. He caressed her head and stared at her lovingly. She was sleeping peacefully.

Sanskar whispered in himself, “How could you have that pleasant smile on your face throughout the day and see even now you have a smile on your face while sleeping Raagu. U are driving me crazy dear. I don’t know how and when I fell in love with you. Now I feel I should express it to you without any delay”

Laksh went near the door and remembering everything from his childhood. How Raagu was afraid of Sanky. Suddenly he heard a girls voice exclaimed, “Hiii… can you please help me??”

Laksh turned to the girl and looked at her, “ Her face was not clearly visible in the dark. Her voice was sweet, his whole mind was disturbed by her voice”, he replied back, “Yes tell me”

The girl moved a bit and the moonlight fell on her and she was glowing with a baby in her hand. She exclaimed, “Can you please take care of the baby for few mins, I just want to go to washroom, my family is sleeping and the baby woke up, so I bought him along with me as he might fell down if someone not beside him.”

Laksh nodded his head and she went into the washroom. Laksh started to play with the baby when something flashed, Raagu carrying a baby boy in her hand and kissing him on his forehead.

The girl came out and took the baby from his hands and thanked him. He came out of his thoughts and said, “my pleasure, but don’t handover the kids to any unknown, don’t you know about human trafficking… be careful and just wake up your parents or your husband if you want to leave the baby with someone”

The girl exclaimed, “Thanks for your suggestions but I am not his mother, he is my sister’s child, it has been lovely talking to you and I would keep your words in my mind”, she forwarded her hand and introduced herself as “Swara”

He exchanged the gesture and introduced himself. They started to talk about their studies and what they are upto and where they are traveling. Both of them were going to Tirupathi. It was a formal talk and after sometime Swara left the place.

Laksh was again immersed in his thoughts, thank you Swara you made me realise something, now I understood the actual relation between us. I will not allow the same thing happen between us again. When I reach back home, I will settle everything, I should be very careful with RagSan. They should never know what I am upto. I would never allow the past repeat again. Now I should get in contact with someone who knows about our past. I should find out the root of the story and what has exactly happened between us.

I should try to know if there is any relation with us to Hyderabad. I should go to the colleges and check if there are anyone studied in the colleges with the help of names.

Sanskar was looking at Ragini lovingly and exclaimed, “I would propose you dear before Lucky arrives, I wish he will be happy if he comes to know that I love you”.


Guys chill, next part the doors will be opened to know the actual relation between LakRagSan in their past births. Guys one more thing I will clarify, I am not disturbing any bro – sis bonding. Have to wait and see what will happen to Sanskar’s love. Will Ragini accept? Would lucky be really happy with this proposal. Is that going to be start or end of RagSan love story!!! Thank you all for your lovely comments and to the silent readers to…Keep smiling always


Life doesn't happens but it just responds to you. It's you who can decide how you want to be.

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