Categories: Lakshmi Narayan

Lakshmi Narayan 22nd July 2024 Written Episode Update

Scene 1
Narayan tells Lakshmi that he was so focused on Bhargavi that he couldn’t recognize her avatar as Padmavati. Lakshmi smiles and says lets become one again. Padmavati and Lakshmi become one. Devshi says the universe will know this avatar of Narayan as Venkatesh. Lakshmi says I am not just Lakshmi but also Rishi’s daughter Bhargavi. I have to go back to them. I know they won’t let me be with Narayan but they are my parents now and I will be wed from that house. Sati says they will never let you marry Narayan. Lakshmi says then I won’t leave my parent’s house and go to Vekunt with Narayan but I am sure Narayan is going to win me over. He is going to take me back as his wife. Vasu hides and hears all that, he says it means Bhargavi.. I am going to get her forcefully now. Narayan smiles and tells Lakshmi to go back and trust their love, it will win.


comes to meet with an evil Asur Kulasur. He says that Bhargavi is actually Lakshmi and I want to capture her, I don’t want her to stay with Rishi as Bhargavi or go with Narayan as Lakshmi. I want her so bring her to me.

Lakshmi is going back to her house as Bhargavi when she finds Kulasur arriving there. She asks who is he? he says I am here to unite you with your true love. You have to come with me as your would-be husband ordered that. She says he has stooped this low? do you know who are fighting against? he says I know you are Devi Lakshmi and I am ready to fight you. She takes her Lakshmi avatar and tries to fight him but he blows heavy winds and she loses her weapon. Otherside Narayan finds Lakshmi’s weapon lying on the ground and says it means she is in trouble. Kulasur grabs Lakshmi by capturing her in his tornado and starts trying to take her away.

Rishi and Kavya are looking for Bhargavi. Kavya says what if he took her away? Rishi says he won’t do that. Mahabali says don’t trust him, he is our enemy and can take her away, we can’t let that happen. Shukar says he is right.

Kulasur brings Lakshmi to Vasu and says she is yours. Vasu says I am going to marry you to teach you a lesson for insulting me. You can try but you can’t come out of Kulasur’s tornado. Vasu says Lakshmi will be punished for Bhargavi insulting me. I am going to marry you and snatch you from Narayan. She says I am Narayan’s and will always be. Otherside Narayan sees that and says I am not going to help her as I am sure she can fight her battles and protect our love. Vasu tries to make her wear a garland, she says this is against a woman’s wishes so you will be punished. He is about to make her wear the garland but Lakshmi grows bigger and says I warned you to not force a woman but you didn’t listen so you are going to be punished. She kicks him and he dies. Narayan smiles seeing that.

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