Fan Fiction

Lambi Judaai (Kanchi) Episode 1

It was breezy morning . A little girl of 7 years is seen sleeping. A lady comes and sits besides her .She caresses her head . The little girl wakes up and looks at her . She smiles. The lady is Sanchi and the girl is her daughter Rishika .

Rishika : Good morning Mumma !

Sanchi: Good morning Rishika ! Now get up ,C’mon , you have your school ,know ?

Rishika : Yes Mumma ! (Kisses her cheek )

Sanchi : Now go and finish your daily chores , then we will leave for school .

Rishika : Ok Mumma !

Rishika finishes her daily chores and comes to the dining table . She looks at the breakfast served to her and a broad smile comes to her face . It was her favourite breakfast ; toast ,boiled egg and juice .

She quickly munched on her breakfast while Sanchi looks at her . She smiles at her and thinks “Kabir bhi to aise hi khata tha , yeh to uska bhi favourite tha … Rishika ki sari adatein kabir jaisi hain ” 

Rishika : Mumma  ,I finished eating ! Thank you for the breakfast. Now ,shall we leave for school ?

Sanchi : Hmm ! Ok

They leave for school. A girl is seen with a young man . The young man is holding the hand of the girl and talking with her . The man is Kabir and the girl is Riana .

Kabir : Ready to go inside ? It’s your first day afterall

Riana : Yes and I am a bit nervous about !

Kabir : Don’t be nervous ,Riana .You will make new friends in here and everything is going to be alright

Riana : Ok Papa ! Bye

Kabir : Bye (waves at her )

Kabir returns home . He goes to SDCH to continue his duty. On the other hand Sanchi goes to Kalyani Devi College Hospital  ; a equally good and efficient hospital as SDCH. As soon as they enter into their respective work places they were bombarded with a number of surgeries ,OPD and many more . In the school Rishika met with Riana .

Rishika : Hi ! I am Rishika Mishra .

Riana : Hi ! I am Riana Kapoor

Rishika : Nice meeting you ! So, friends?  (Forwards her hand for a handshake )

Riana : Friends!  (Joins her hand )

Rishika :My mother’s name is Sanchi Mishra. She is a capable and good doctor at KDCH . She treats her patient with love and care .

Riana :My father is a doctor just like your mother at SDCH . My mother read doctery but she failed in the exam . By the way , what’s your father ?

Rishika : My father ? I haven’t seen him since my birth . Mumma never talks about him . Even there’s no photo of him at the house .

Just then bell rings and both of them run hastily to the gate . Rishika bids a goodbye to Riana and runs to Sanchi while Riana runs to Ria . Both of the parents did not see each other . They were happy with the children .

At the hospital both of our capable doctors Kabir and Sanchi are informed about a seminar to be held in Jaipur . They agree to attend the seminar . After finishing all the works and duties Sanchi and Kabir returned to their dwelling place respectively .

As soon as Sanchi entered a jumping Rishika came into her sight. Rishika quickly ran and hugged Sanchi.

Rishika :Mumma ! You are back ?

Sanchi : Yes I’m back ! Have you taken your snacks and finished your homework?

Rishika : Yes Boss (salutes her )

Sanchi : Ok then , let’s have our dinner and talk about our whole day .

Rishika : Ok Mumma !

Kabir returned home all tired and stressed. He enters into his bedroom . He was welcomed by Riana and horrible Ria . Ria  omes and hugs her but he jerks her .

Ria : Sweetheart!  You must be  tired , Let me remove your coat

Kabir : No need ! I can do it myself . Riana, can you go and play outside ?

Ria : Yes Papa !

Kabir : What do you think of yourself Ria ? How many times do I have to tell you that don’t act as my wife . Our marriage is not real ,we are not married. you get that ? Now stay away from me..

Ria : I am your wife

Kabir : Shut up Ria ! And leave me alone .. tumhari vajah se mera sar phat raha hai .

Riana enters and hugs Kabir . Kabir too hugs her .

Riana : Papa ! As you told my day at the school was so awesome . I made a new friend .

Kabir : What’s her name ?

Riana : Her name is Rishika ; Rishika Mishra …

Kabir : Rishika ; that’s such a nice name .

Riana : Papa ! Do you onow her mother is also a doctor like you and works in KDCH ,

Kabir : Oh that’s good ! Do you know what’s her name ?

Riana : It was something starting with S ..Sachita,Sanjitha or Sanc  … Sorry I couldn’t remember her name but tomorrow I will tell you for sure .

After having dinner Rishika and Sanchi were having quality time . Sanchi was cuddling Rishika and Pampering her

Rishika : Mumma ! Do you know I made a new friend today . She is new to our school and her name is Riana .

Sanchi : Riana ! Really nice name

Rishika : Her father is a doctor at SDCH.  His name was Kubair or something  like that .,actually I forgot .,

Sanchi : It’s ok my child ! Now go to sleep

Rishika : Mumma ! I wanted to ask you something 

Sanchi : Hmm..You are free to ask anything

Rishika : Mumma ! Everytime I ask you ,you always ignore but today I want the answer . Mumma ..I wanted to know my father’s name mumma !

Sanchi : Rishika ! How many times… (cuts off by Rishika )

Rishika : If you don’t want to tell now ,then it’s ok because I know you are my well wisher but atleast tell me his name or his initial letter .

Sanchi : His initial is K and surname is also K

Rishika : KK?

Sanchi nods .

Precap : Kabir to meet Rishika. Riana to cry . Ria forcing on Kabir to get intimate


Medical student ? Author? Foodie ?Philosopher?Traveller?Achiever ?Believer

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