Hey Fam, thank you so much really overwhelmed by your response actually I have locked characters but reconsidering it seeing some of your suggestion so will reveal my selection in next episode.
The episode starts with Kabir and Anirudh arranging the paper works, Kabir asks Anu is everything fine? Mithi looks so disturbed. Anirudh tries to hide but Kabir asks him to open up as he never hide anything from him. Anirudh narrates the whole incident, Kabir gets stunned hearing this and tells, Anu our society is turning cruel and his eyes looks moist. Anirudh tells, we cannot say that everyone is like this, one side our society is growing up but on other side it is still practicing this evil customs, we will try our best to eradicate this evil issues.
Vibha hugs Bondita and asks why she is looking dull, Bondita without taking eyes from Vibha remains numb by her behavior. Thakumaa tells that she is not well and asks Vibha to take rest as they have grand veneration tomorrow. Bondita asks Thakumaa what special as she is planning veneration. Tapur says, di did you forgot everything by going to London? Bondita looks confused. Thakumaa tells tomorrow is color of festival. Anirudh comes there and asks Bondita to accompany him to Holi purchase. Bondita looks little happy and recalls her memory when she used to fear for colors and how Anirudh made her comfortable about colors and gets nostalgic.
Ksj asks Bihari and Koyli to make all arrangements at best as this is Bondita’s first Holi after she is returning from London. Bihari assures that everything will be made according to his commends. Thakumaa asks Ksj to relax as they will make preparation as his wish. Thakumaa goes to Vibha’s room and asks her to rest well and tells her to ask if she needs anything, Vibha smiles and nods. Sampoorna, Som and Tapur sits in Tapur room and chit chats. Som says, “Sampoorna maa this is really good chance to execute our plan”. Tapur tells that we should not commit any mistake, if it happens then we will be in big trouble Sampoorna di. Som says, yes Tapur you are right, we have to be very careful.
Bondita and Anirudh goes to market. Anirudh asks Bondita to buy whatever she wants and goes to a textile shop. Bondita gets everything needed for Holi celebration. Anirudh selects saree for her, he chooses a white saree with golden border. Anirudh takes saree in his hands and imagines how Bondita would look in it. Bondita wears the saree and comes near him with plate of colors, she asks him to apply colors on her, and Anirudh takes colors and applies on her cheeks. Bondita closes her eyes when his hands touched and Anirudh looks at her with full of love in his eyes. Sakha babu… Bondita calls him, Anirudh comes to reality and asks the shopkeeper to pack this saree and asks him to send all the dress the family has chosen by evening to their haveli. Anirudh comes out and sees Bondita searching him. Anirudh calls Bondita, she turns and asks where he went leaving her alone and keeps her face dull. Anirudh tells that he went to textile shop to inform about sending their dresses on time. Anirudh asks her if she bought everything, Bondita nods yes and they both heads to jeep.
Kabir types something in type writer and imagines the girl and smiles, why are you smiling when nobody is around you? if someone sees this they will think that you have gone mad, Kabir turns to the voice and shocked to see that girl. Vibha stands with tray in which she has kept tea and biscuits for him, she places the tea near him and smiles. Kabir asks you? Oh sorry you would have not seen me before and tells the she is Vibha, sort of maid staying in RC haveli. Kabir asks what? Are you Vibha? She nods without her saree pallu drops from her head. Kabir eyes gets moist looking at her. Kabir starts to tremble looking at her. Vibha asks him to have his tea and leaves. Kabir sits numb with tears rolling down his cheek and thinks why god? You have made her like this, does she deserves this kind of life that too in this younger age and looks at the direction she went.
Bondita and Anirudh comes to haveli, Bondita asks Bihari to take the things out from jeep and asks him to make sure that she bought everything. Bihari says, choti malkin can never forget anything and goes to get things. Anirudh smiles and when he was about to move from there, Bondita calls Sakha babu I want to talk to you something important. Anirudh gets puzzled and asks is anything serious, Bondita asks him to not panic. Anirudh asks her to wait in her room and he will come within 5 minutes.
Sampoorna tells Thakumaa about their plan, Thakumaa asks but bahu there will be lots of guest right? Then it will be really a mess for us. Tapur says, no Thakumaa this will happen just in front of our family and in our haveli only. Thakumaa asks them to be careful as this involves everyone’s reputation and leaves.
Anirudh comes to Bondita room. They sit in the couch. Bondita tells Anirudh that Vibha seems to be normal and asks him if he knows anything about this. Anirudh asks what? Vibha is normal. Bondita says, “Yes Sakha babu she seems to be happy you didn’t see her in morning, she behaves really very casual, and I am not sure what is happening”. Bondita asks did Som dada told Vibha about baby or did hide the truth from her. Anirudh says, “Bondita I didn’t ask what happened in hospital”. Bondita tells then we have to ask him, if she is not informed with truth then it will really be very tough for her to overcome. What toughness are you speaking about di? Bondita turns and shocked to see Vibha there.
To be continued…
Hey guys, Thank you so much for all the love, sorry for this much delay. I hope you all like today’ episode. Don’t forget to comment your views.
Much love,
I’m the first
. Finally the wait is over and your update’s here
yay! yes you are first
Thanks Shreya
Loved it

Thanks Marvel
keeping on rocking
Thanks Varrshini
again ending with a suspense
, glad that you are back kritisha, take care
Thanks Versi
sure and thanks for love
Ohoh not so Srishti
Superb episode sis..just loved it plz post the next episode soon.
Thanks Mishti
will try to upload soon
How are u kritisha di all fine take care di
Ur episode is too good thank u for uploaded
Take care of ur health di
Hi HARSHI Sis welcome to officially getting registered account.
I am lil better now and sure will take good care, thanks sis
Today episode is very nice sis. Eagerly waiting for next episode. Pls upload daily sis.

Thanks and sure Raveena I will try to upload soon
very nice diiiii keep it upp really

Thanks Puja
How are you di?
Glad to see you back ! great episode
I am lil better Prachi
Thanks for welcoming and praising the episode
Nice episode when will next come?
Kritisha di I am new here
And the
Thanks and Welcome Krutika I have to scroll long way to see that you are youngest in our fam.
Next episode will be out today
Hi Kritisha
Good to see you. How r u?
All ok? Pls take care.
Nice episode
Hi Satya, I am little better now.
Sure and thanks
Hi Kritisha sis..I am new here but I used to read your episodes
Keep rocking sis
Loved today’s episode
Take care of your health sis
Thanks Dharshini keep reading.
Will take care
Kritisha hope your health is good now. Please take care.
Sure and Thanks Hasini I am little better now.
First of all,how r u now?
Your episode is really commendable dear.
Kritisha,what’s ur age can u tell if u don’t mind?
I am fine Prakrati.
Thanks and I am 2001 born.
Great!U r one year junior to me.But I am really impressed with ur episode writing skills that I want to know the age of creative mind writing the fabulous episodes.Glad to enjoy ur work that u so beautifully encaptivate the whole story in ur words that we have to wait for every next coming episode.
All the very best!If u ever want to be a writer u will definitely be a great one.
it’s really going well sis…
Hey Sp:) thanks gald to see you here
From november my semester exam is there.. but in my free time I always visit this site(telly updates) for your fan friction…. you wrote very well sis

… I just loved it…. hope your health is good… take care sis
… whenever I read your ff , it encourages me to study hard and do something in life..

Hey Shreee best of luck for your semester, I know that you will rock it.
Thank you so much and I will take care, I am glad that my ff is encouraging you, truly overwhelmed
Finally you are back sis.

Episode is awsm
Take love
Thanks di for supporting in tough times.
love and hugs to you
Great!U r one year junior to me.But I am really impressed with ur episode writing skills that I want to know the age of creative mind writing the fabulous episodes.Glad to enjoy ur work that u so beautifully encaptivate the whole story in ur words that we have to wait for every next coming episode.
All the very best!If u ever want to be a writer u will definitely be a great one.
Thank you so much prakrati it really means a lot
When you are uploading the next episode?….eagerly waiting Kritisha sister
Hi Anu it’s out now
Sis pls upload lamp of love episode.
Hey Raveena next episode is out now.
Hi … your writings are amazing .. please update “lamp of love” , most waiting to read .. and also further story ..
Thanks Nikitha next episode is out now please do check it out
Hey Fam next episode is out now