The episode starts with everyone throwing colors on each other and playing. KSj and Thakumaa gets happy seeing everyone. Thakumaa asks, are you happy now Trilochan ji?, he looks at Anirudh and Bondita and tells yes but not to fullest, I want Bondita as Roy Chaudhary ka bahu then only I feel full happiness. Thakumaa tells it will happen soon.
Sampoorna brings glasses and gives to Tapur. Somnath tells, maa you have done great job. Sampoorna says, if it looks like every other glass then there is chance that it can be changed, now its Chandrachur ka turn. Chandrachur takes the glass and goes far. Sampoorna says, “Tupur make sure that no body other than our family witness there bond if it doesn’t happen according to our thoughts then we will feel low”. Tupur assures them that she will take care. Tapur says, but where is Dada and Di? Som tells, even I am also searching for them.
Vibha asks what you are doing, are you mad? Don’t you know that this is wrong? I am a widow and you are throwing colors on me and shouts at Kabir. Kabir looks at her without taking his eyes. Vibha shouts can you hear me, what have you done and cries. Kabir goes near her and turns her around by making her face mirror and says, I want to see you like this and I want to be the reason for bringing colors back to your life. Vibha gets shocked and pushes him, she tells I think you don’t know about our customs, that’s okay you had studied in foreign so listen carefully, “I am a widow and I cannot lead a life like what you are thinking”. She lifts her saree and tells that this is my fate do you understand? This is my fate this faded color is what I will have for rest of my life.
Chandrachur signals Tapur. Tapur thinks everything is ready but where is dada and di? Hey duggamaa, what will I do now our plan succeeds once in blue moon but today everything is fine but where these two went. Som comes to her and asks what she is doing? And asks her to search Anirudh and Bondita. Tapur tells even I am doing that but can’t find them. They both search everywhere, Som says, “Tapur look here and points his finger towards the pond where Bondita and Anirudh are playing. Tapur and Som look at each other and tells I think we don’t need baang to expose them they are already behaving like they have drunk one.
Kabir stands still looking at Vibha. Vibha says, I hope you understand now, you can’t change my life by bringing back colors, maa durga has already took them off from me. Kabir says, Vibha now maa durga wishes to add colors again, Vibha face looks innocent with blend of some anger. Kabir gets near her and keeps his hand in her shoulder and says, look into my eyes what can you see? Vibha looks into his eyes and sees her reflection with Holi colors all over her face, she touches her head and sees that her maang is filled with red color and her eyes looks moist. Kabir asks did you see your sight, remember this Vibha, you will see same even after 100 years.
Sampoorna brings glasses with baang in a tray where she placed some other glasses to avoid Bondita and Anirudh getting suspicious. Tapur says, Sampoorna di we have to do so much and also with utmost careful otherwise these barrister brain will discover everything. Sampoorna and Chandrachur laughs and tells you are absolutely right Tapur. Bondita and Anirudh laughs looking at each other and throws color and plays. Anirudh says, “Bondita these eight years I have not played Holi, do you know why? Because I want you to apply colors on me first like you always wished. Bondita asks really Sakha babu and today we have played for whole eight years it seems and both laughs.
Sampoorna comes there and asks everyone to have drink, as planned everyone takes glass other that the two which is for Bondita and Anirudh. Bondita and Anirudh in tired takes there glass, Som signals Tupur. Tupur shakes the setting tree where they have kept water in bags which as holes at the top of tree, other people thank their family run to other place thinking that it rains. Sampoorna signs thumbs with happiness all over her face. Anirudh starts drinking, when Bondita is about to drink Shashwati comes there with water guns and shoots her so that her drinks get spoiled so Bondita keeps aside and plays with her. Everyone gets stunned by seeing their plan flop.
Vibha shrugs her shoulder and pushes Kabir’s hand and tells him to understand what she said. They hear footsteps, Vibha holds his hands and takes him behind the door they both stand very close to each other, Kabir gets mesmerizing looking at her this close and keeps his hand in her cheeks and he gets much closer by keeping his nose tip in her fore head, Vibha closes her eyes feeling hotness of his breathe. Koyli opens the door and calls Vibha, she looks at room and thinks that she has gone out and leaves there. Vibha drags him and asks him to go and enjoy his Holi. Kabir says, when you are here how can I enjoy there, you are my moon Vibha.
Anirudh starts to feel dizzy as effect of baang, he starts to play like a child. Sampoorna, Tapur, Som gets panic as their plan is half succeeded. Anirudh goes to Bondita and smiles at her. Bondita asks Sakha babu what happened, he smiles like a kid and calls her Bon-dita with his eyes half closed and his teeth visible. Anirudh dances around and moves like imagining himself has train and he falls on ground. Bondita goes near him and tries to lifts him, she says Sakha babu you are intoxicated come we will go inside. Anirudh without looking at her tells, Saudamini I will not go anywhere. Bondita gets shocked.
To be continued…
Hey guys, I hope you all like today’ episode. Don’t forget to comment your views.
Much love,
Wow..It’s Excellent..You portrayed each and evey character so well…Loved it
And it’s my request to not include saudamini in anirudh’ s life again.
Thanks Hasini it really means a lot, please wait till I unleash the truth.
I am thrilled for the next episode. Oh no now ani takes mini’s name, hope it doesn’t create rift between bondi and ani. Please sis don’t create misunderstanding between them.
The ep was great! Good job sis
But pls dint included Saudamini.. none of us want a rift between Anidita once again
Hey Mega keep your thrill saved I will give one good episode
Thanks CuppyCake, please wait till I unleash the truth
I request all my sisters to please read this book!! This book is really very amazingly written by Mugdha Naik. You can read her other books also on Wattpad and don’t forget to vote and comment!!
Please please read this book, she is leaving Wattpad and I don’t want that to happen. Her stories are exceptionally AMAZING!! you all would surely love!!!!!!
Loved your chapter

Wow..!! Kritiksha di , your ff is amazing… what will be the reaction of Bondita??

Thanks Lily22
Thanks Florina wait you can see her reaction in next episode
Yaar ur episodes are twooo amazing even in real bb serial I want to see some soudamini realated matter and I really enjoying ur script it is very very interesting pls upload continually and I cant able to wait for next update

Thanks Puja i am glad that you are enjoying my ff, next episode will be out today
Beautifully written
Please don’t bring saudamini here please
Post sooon
Awesome as always Kritisha! Loved it!
Thanks Rashmi, hope for best .
Thanks Bacii
Loved it kritiksha di

post the next episode soon!!
Thanks Florina, next episode will be out today.
I was enjoying a lot , smiling through out while reading and it faded away after reading the last line with that name SAUDAMINI
. But I hope there won’t be any misunderstandings between Anidita

Pls post the next episode soon
Hey Sreya please smile back I don’t want you to look sad, hope for best.
Hope I will smile back after reading ur next part

I hope so sreya
… Oh God… Solve this suspense soon bunu 

In my imagination Mishkat and Eisha are perfectly portraying their respective character
Thanks di, will reveal soon.
Ya di they will be prefect for this role and I am also imagining same like you.
Anyone knows the current trp of Bb? Please post the link where you check it from. Thanks
It’s 1.3 Bacii
Wow di super episode and iam excited to see bonditha reaction after hearing saudamini name from anirudh keep rocking di All the best
Keep the same excitement Harshi sis, Thank you so much
Current bb trp is 1.3
OMG …. Absolutely amazing

Stupendofantabulouslyfantasmagoricallymagical..(couldn’t find a better comment to express my thrill)
Love your writting di…
Let me inform you @Kritisha Sengupta di, you are turning into my inspiration.
P.S – Please give precaps otherwise I am sure to become unconsious of anxiety
Hey Cutedewill Thank you so much it really means a lot.
Actually I am trying to give precap.
Wow…. Waiting for the next episode
Thanks Harishini , will be out soon.
Hey fam next episode is out now.

Nice episode. Btw, how’re you sis? Haven’t heard from you since long.
Hey Shreya Thanks and yes I am fine now. I hope you are good too.