Lamp of love Episode-4: Anirudh’s surprise for Bondita

The episode starts with Bondita thinking whether Anirudh accepts her dream. Tapur comes their and asks her what she is thinking. Bondita says nothing just what dress should I wear for celebration. Tapur says Anirudh dada has bought a new saree, didn’t he give you? Bondita says no. They hear some sound outside they both check through the window Anirudh is standing and instructing something to Bihari. Bondita decides to play something on Anirudh and thinks. She sees water jug and decides to pour on him. Tapur says don’t do this Bondita dii Anirudh dada will get angry. Bondita doesn’t pay heed and pours water from her window. Anirudh gets drenched. He shouts Bihari what is this? Bihari says water. Anirudh says I know that how it poured on him. Bihari looks up and sees Bondita laughing, he says I don’t know maybe it’s raining or from upstairs someone would have poured. Anirudh asks does it rain inside haveli? Bihari scratches his head. Anirudh looks up, Bondita quickly gets hidden and laughs. He thinks this window is Bondita’s room ka window and he goes upstairs, Tapur says you and your madness dii, I am not going to get scolding from dada and leaves her room.

Anirudh calls Bondita and enters in her room and sees Bondita sleeping. He thinks something by mistake it would have happen, when he was about to leave he sees Bondita smiling through the mirror and sense that it’s her prank. He decides to do same and pours water on her, Bondita quickly piqued out from her bed and asks why he poured water on her. He says as she did so he.

They both keeps their face angry and see each other and laughs. Bondita asks Anirudh about what she told and asks his decision. When Anirudh is about to start, Tupur knocks the door and comes in and see both of them drenched. Tupur asks what happened. And why they both are wet. Anirudh says I’ll come after sometime and leaves. Tupur asks Bondita if she disturbed them. Bondita says nothing like that and they are wet because she played prank on him. Tupur brings towel and asks her to change. Bondita comes changing and asks Tupur what brings her here. Tupur says she bought saree for evening celebration which Anirudh gave her morning. Bondita takes that and keeps aside. Tupur asks her to get ready as celebration begins in an hour and goes.

Everyone gets ready for celebration and comes down. Somnath has done every arrangements. Trilochan praises him and they celebrate Bondita return from London. Village people congratulate Bondita. Anirudh comes their and tell everyone to pay attention. Everyone looks on. Anirudh says that he has something special. He says that Bondita wants women betterment in society. People and their family looks confused. Anirudh calls Bondita and asks her to say what she wants to do. Bondita gets surprised and walks towards him. She then says, ”I want this society to have some changes, I came back after 8 years but there is not much change, I am happy that me and my Sakha babu has somehow helped in child marriage and she thanks the villagers for accepting it”. Bondita says in same way we need to educate women for our country’s betterment, and I’m ready to do it and fight for their rights which they deserve. Anirudh starts clapping, everyone gets stunned as well as surprised by Bondita’s wish and they too oblige for her wish. Villagers question that our village and most villages admit only boys in their Vidyalaya, in that case how can they admit their daughter’s. Bondita says she will take care that and will work on that, and thanks villagers for having changed in their thoughts. Some people leave haveli as they don’t find this right. Bondita gets upset. Anirudh asks her not to worry and tells that he will support Bondita in all her wish before everyone. Bondita gets happy and thanks him.

A man comes and inform something to Anirudh, after hearing him Anirudh tells everyone to enjoy the celebration and leaves as he has some important work. Bondita goes behind him and asks where he is going. Anirudh says, that he will tell her everything once he comes back. Bondita stands seeing him. Tapur comes their and asks Bondita to come inside, Thakumaa and Binoy praises her for her thought, she smiles.

Anirudh arrives to a house with some men and knocks the door as they didn’t open. He asks one of his man to break it. They break the door and go inside. They rescue a crying woman and shouts at her family, how dare you do this again. I have repeatedly said you not to do this, but you people don’t listen when said in soft tone. He asks his men to remove that family’s head from his job. They plead Anirudh, and says they won’t do this, but he doesn’t listen and says you are going to kill an infant, how you can think that I’ll forgive you. Anirudh in raised tone says they are God’s gift but you people are killing them. The crying women’s saasu maa says that female child doesn’t give them anything but instead they take assets and dowry from them, so they are of no use. Anirudh gets angry and tells her that they don’t know about their importance and says that he will send them to jail as it is punishable act and orders his men to do the same. The child’s mother thanks him. Anirudh leaves.

Everyone in haveli has made themselves to rest after celebration, Bondita in her room waits for Anirudh’s return. She thinks of how Anirudh assured her about his support and gets happy. Bihari comes there and tells her that Anirudh has just now reached. Bondita decides to meet him and gets up from her bed, when she was about to go Anirudh comes there. He asks where she is going. Bondita tells she was coming to meet her. They both smile and sit in her room. Bondita asks if everything is fine, as he is not resting and always into some work.

Anirudh tells her that yes everything is good. Bondita asks where he went in the mid of celebration. He asks about celebration. She tells that everything was good. He tells her about the incident, Bondita gets shocked. Bondita tells but this is punishable according to law Sakha babu how can they do this?

Anirudh tells that law is there but they do this so secretly and keep themselves. This practice has suddenly increased so he made some people in village to let him know about this. He made the rescued mother’s and children’s in an ashram. He says that some women try to protect their child but some keeps quite due to their marriage and in fact they are ready to kill them too.

Bondita says we will have to stop this, otherwise it may take over again. Anirudh nods and gives her a paper work and asks her to read when she gets time.  Bondita says okay. Anirudh tells her to sleep as it is already late. She nods him, he leaves. Bondita opens the paper work and it is written Polygamy abolishment.

To be continued…

Hey guys ,hope you all like this episode

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Much love,


Kritisha Sengupta

Spread love and kindness wherever you go. Live, laugh and love.

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