Lamp of love Episode-7: A shocker for Bondita

The episode starts with Anirudh leaving with Somnath, he turns to Bondita and says that he will be back soon with tensed face. Bondita asks him what happened, but Anirudh leaves without noticing.

Ksj asks Thakumaa is everything fine? Thakumaa says yes I have checked today morning also. Bondita asks, what they are talking about and do they know about where Anirudh went? They both remain silenced. Sampoorna comes and tells Thakumaa that the girl is missing. Thakumaa gets shocked and says what? KSj tells them that’s what Somnath would have told Anirudh and asks them to be calm as they will sort this. Bondita in a confused tone asks them to tell what is happening? Sampoorna tells that a girl named Vibha from their village was married to a guy in Deenpur. Some days back the boy died. Bondita asks if her sasural people are forcing her to do sati. Thakumaa says no, but they have gone to other extent. Bondita asks what they did. Thakumaa says she is pregnant, but some astrologer says that she will deliver a baby which will cause some hurdles to their sasural members. Bondita asks did they abandoned her for that. Sampoorna says no Bondita, also a mid-wife has predicted that she is expecting a girl baby so… Bondita asks so? They are deciding to kill both mother and baby. Bondita gets stunned. She says, take me to her sasural Thakumaa. Thakumaa says but we don’t know where they have taken her. Som and Anirudh has gone they have got some clue it seems. Bondita without thinking starts to leave haveli. Thakumaa asks where she is going, Bondita replies, “I have to find Vibha this should not happen” but Bondita, before Thakumaa could finish Bondita leaves. Thakumaa asks Tapur to go with Bondita as she knows Vibha. Tapur runs calling Bondita di. Bondita turns and stop her vehicle, she gets in. Tapur says we have to think where they would have taken her. Sampoorna sends a man to pass information to Anirudh that Bondita is also searching Vibha.

Anirudh and Som reaches Vibha’s Sasural but it is locked. They both asks nearby members but they don’t say anything. Anirudh gets angry and shouts I will not leave them for this cheap act. Thakumaa calls Chandrachur via telephone and informs that Vibha is missing and asks him to accompany Anirudh. She tells him that Bondita is also left in search of Vibha and asks him to inform this to Anirudh. Chandrachur asks, what? And says, Thakumaa why you allowed her? Thakumaa says I tried to stop her but she is not in a mind to listen.

Bondita asks Tapur where cremation are taking place now a days in village. Tapur says, di now there are two place one in Tulsipur river side and other in Tulsipur border. But Bondita di the distance between two place is long if we reach one then it will take more time to reach other, so if we reached one and don’t find them there it is not possible to find Vibha. How can you say that her sasural people took her to cremation area? Bondita says that these people are blind by customs so they don’t kill her in some other place, they will definitely burn her alive with their son ashes.

Chandrachur reaches Vibha sasural and find Anirudh there. Anirudh says they are not here we have searched in railway station they are not their too. Chandrachur tells that Bondita also went in search of Vibha. Anirudh gets shocked and tells it can be danger for her, why kaka allowed her he knows how danger these people are. Chandrachur tells Tapur is also with her, Ksj and Thakumaa tried but Bondita didn’t listen. Anirudh tells now what will we do where can we search and thinks. The man Sampoorna sent informs Anirudh about what she said and also tells them that Bondita is heading towards Tulsipur river side cremation. They immediately leave from there.

Bondita reaches Tulsipur river side cremation. Tapur shouts Bondita di that is Vibha. Bondita looks, there are some people trying to drag Vibha but she begs them to leave her. Bondita runs towards her, Tapur follows. They try to put fire in Vibha, Bondita gets stone near and throws at the man with fire. The man drops the fire. Bondita lifts Vibha and asks her if she is fine? Vibha cries and nods. The man asks her to not interfere in their family. Bondita asks Tapur to take Vibha away. Vibha’s saas ask how dare you? And lifts her hand. A voice shouts don’t dare to raise your hand on my Bondita. She stops and looks Anirudh and starts to tremble. Anirudh comes near them and asks how you can do this being a woman and tells them this time they have crossed their limit and from now on your place will be decided by them and shows police man standing. They run do to fear but the police man catches them and takes from there.

Vibha cries and folds her hand and says, “thank you Bondita Didi if you were not on time I would have lost my life and my baby”. Bondita asks her not to worry and tells she is always with her. Anirudh tells Vibha that, hereafter they cannot harm you Vibha they will be punished. Vibha asks them what if they come out. Bondita tells that she will fight for her in court and tells Anirudh to apply case on behalf of Vibha. Anirudh smiles proudly and says I will inform you once it is done. Chandrachur congratulates Bondita on her first step in her Satyamev Jayate Campaign. Somnath tells that he will take Vibha to hospital and treat her wounds. Anirudh tells okay and sends Tapur along with them. Chandrachur tells Anirudh to call if he needs they both hug and Anirudh thanks him. Chandrachur tells family don’t thank and he leaves. Anirudh comes near Bondita and asks if she is fine. Bondita nods yes, she held Anirudh hands and tells that they did it. They both laugh Bondita hugs Anirudh (RTM plays).

Bondita and Anirudh reach haveli. Ksj and Thakumaa asks where is Vibha is everything fine? Anirudh tells them that Barrister Bondita reached on time and saved her. They get happy, Ksj thanks duggamaa. Som brings Vibha Thakumaa and Sampoorna accompany her.

Bondita writes in her dairy about today and goes to sleep as she feels very tired. Tapur comes there calling her and finds her sleeping. She notices a diary and takes that and flips it’s pages she gets a photo of Anirudh and it is written as “our relationship from Rakshas babu to Sakha babu came across lots of ups and down, separation but one thing is not changed I always love you as your Badmash Bondita”. When she was about to read Bondita turns in her bed. Tapur keeps the diary and comes out of her room and thinks that, Bondita di I’ll see you tomorrow, you have hidden this truth from your sister and smiles.

Ksj tells to Thakumaa that he can’t handle this and will speak to either of them tomorrow and stop this anxiousness.

Kritisha Sengupta

Spread love and kindness wherever you go. Live, laugh and love.

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