Laut Aao Trisha 17th December 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on
Meghan and all of the Swaika family, including Trisha, visit the Grewal house. The police has left with Bobby’s dead body & arrested Kushan. Meghan can’t come to terms that her brother is not alive anymore. Lavanya sits still on the floor, still in the shock of losing her son. Amrita hugs her tightly. The rest of the family are in shock as well.
At the police station, Kushan is in shock too & replies to Kabir’s questions like a maniac. He denies shooting Bobby & accuses Prateek of forcefully turning his gun’s direction towards Bobby. Next, Kabir asks him about the bullet that hit Trisha. He denies shooting her & asks if Trisha is dead & then he himself concludes that Prateek sought revenge of Trisha’s death by shooting Bobby (he’s
blabbering in shock).
The next morning, Bobby’s dead body is kept at home for mourning before cremation. Other mourners have arrived as well. Lavanya is still in a state of shock & says that his son has just turned 19. Kushan is also brought in, handcuffed & accompanied by 2 officers. The other mourners start talking on how he’s the murderer. Kushan goes to grab Prateek’s neck & tries to strangulate him, accusing him of killing Bobby. The officers take him away. Kushan stops when he looks at Bobby’s body. He goes & caresses his face & says that he can never kill his son.
At the police station, Kadam reports that the SIM card that Kushan used was purchased by providing bogus information. Kabir tells him to gather proofs against Kushan so that it can be proved in court that Kushan was the one who called Trisha to Madh Island, to kill her there. Kushan has been brought back to the police station but he keeps denying he killed Bobby. Kabir thinks that he’s experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Another officer reports that the ballistic report has confirmed that it was the same gun which was used to shoot at Trisha (the bullet had hit the tree). Kabir tries to interpret if Lavanya could be involved in all this as well.
Kabir & Abhay visit Lavanya at Grewal house, after Bobby’s cremation. She denies owning that gun & says that she was shocked to see Kushan with it & had no knowledge about him owning an unlicensed gun.
Next, Kabir takes the gun to the Swaika house. Prateek & Gaurav instantly recognize it as their father’s lost gun from 25 years ago. They also tell Kabir how it was stolen by Lavanya as she was very fond of it. Kabir is confused as to why Lavanya lied about the gun. He informs the Swaikas that Kushan was Trisha’s kidnapper. Everyone is shocked. Trisha can’t believe that the uncle she trusted the most & told all her secrets to, is her kidnapper. Amrita calms her down & makes her understand that Kushan took advantage of this trust.
Kadam asks Kabir about why he didn’t reveal Neha’s truth to the Swaikas. Kabir says that she is not the main culprit anyway & the Swaikas are still in shock with what all has happened.
Meghan remembers how she used to fight with Bobby. She misses and cries for him. Dr Aditya comes to meet her & tries to calm her down. He advises her to support Lavanya as she’s lost not only her son, but her husband as well.
At the Swaika house, Sonali updates her FB statuses about Kushan being the accuser & what all he did. Gaurav tells her not to share such things that openly with her friends as this incident has affected their family & especially Trisha. Sonali tells him that Prateek’s bad karma has led to Trisha’s current situation.
In her bedroom, Trisha tells Aditya that she won’t be able to trust anyone after all this. Aditya says that it will take time but she will learn to trust again as such things happen in life quite often.
In the interrogation room, Kabir asks Kushan once again about his involvement in Trisha’s kidnapping. Kushan remains quiet but constantly rubs his hands as if trying to scrub them clean. He looks away while Kabir is talking & constantly relieves the itch on his head & neck. Kabir tells him not to fake insanity as that won’t save him from punishment. Kushan replies that he has to kill Prateek & requests Kabir to release him for a little while to kill off Prateek. The officers take him away. Kabir asks Kadam to get him evaluated psychologically as his mental state is deteriorating. Kadam expresses his doubts that Kushan could be faking insanity. Kabir denies it & says that he’s killed his own child & he can’t be this selfish to use that fact to escape punishment.
The next morning, after the prayer meeting at the Grewal house, Amrita politely enquires from Lavanya if she knew about Kushan’s involvement in Trisha’s kidnapping. Lavanya doesn’t reply. Prateek says that it’s obvious she knew about it. Despite that, he says that he’ll always treat Meghan like his own daughter. Lavanya finally breaks her silence & accuses Prateek for insulting Kushan all his life and for turning him into a criminal. She tells them all to leave her house. The Swaikas leave. Amrita goes home & accuses Prateek for tormenting Kushan & forcing him to kidnap their daughter. Prateek accepts that he never liked Kushan but denies all her accusations about turning him into a kidnapper and a murderer.
Kushan has been shifted to the mental asylum after his mental evaluation. Lavanya goes to visit him there. Kushan is in an enclosed cell & he writes “I will kill Prateek” on the walls. Lavanya calls his name & he recognizes her as “Prateek’s sister” who’s come to laugh at him. He tells her that when he gets out, he’ll go to Prateek & kill him. Lavanya reminds him that she’s his wife. Kushan suddenly changes stance & fondly asks how she’s doing & how are the kids- Bobby and Meghan & why they didn’t accompany her to meet him. He cries & tells her that he’s being tortured there & how he wants her help to get out. Lavanya bids adieu but Kushan keeps screaming, requesting her to help him & to take him to his kids.
Lavanya returns home & stares at Bobby’s garlanded portrait. She vows to kill Prateek as he’s the one who’s destroyed her home. She calls Prahlad (some hired killer) & tells him to kill Prateek.
Precap: Trisha tells Dr Aditya that she wants to meet Kushan.
Aditya goes & requests Kabir to allow her to do the same.
Meanwhile Lavanya meets Prahlad & tells him to kill Prateek by the evening.
Kabir allows Trisha to meet Kushan. Kushan grabs her throat from behind the bars. Kabir & Aditya rush to save her.
Update Credit to: JAHHNAVI