So..Hii Friends…(i would like u all to be my friends?)I am Meethi..I am gng to write my first ever Twinj FF..I am a very big Twinj and SidMin fan always…
….So pls do tell me how did u find the Os⛧..
The scene opens on a man…he is doing some work on his laptop..spectacle on eyes..and stubble on his cheeks…Engrossed in work…Suddenly the phone rings….Yes Mr Kunj Sarna here..yes i have checked the reports u can approve it saying this he kept the phone …
Kunj pov…
Yes..i changed from the careless kunj …to a self made and independent kunj..but wats d point..u left me…yes u did…I loved u…will love u but why..I knw i was at fault but the fault was not fully mine too..U knew my circumstances but I was there 4 u..still u left me…I loved from d bottom of my heart but u betrayed me…
The scene changed to a house..a boy is seen running from here nd there…
Raksh…Raksh wait beta u have to go to school
..the school bus will come any moment..
Yes mom…Raksh said… why r u so stressed the competition is tom not today so chill…
Yes I knw my cuttu..but…Beeep Beeep..the school bus's horn rang..
Go and all d bst for ur campaign…the woman said and kissed raksh on his cheeks…Raksh left ….
Suddenly d maid comes saying..Twinkle Bhabhi…wen r u gng to tell him d truth…(Yes she is our Twinkle).
Never..twinkle said in a stern voice and proceeded towards her room..
She starts crying and sits on d bed…
Twinkle's Pov..
Yes…the fault was make u a friend n then to love u…It was my fault…I knew ur situation still i couldnot resist u …ur touch…Because I loved u…I had no choice …wen i knw u were hers…then to i loved u…I didnt have the courage to face u…to see u becoming hers completely…
The scene changes to kunj..
Kunj Pov…
No twinkle…how could u leave me…wen u and i both knew that we love each other…I knw i was engaged…to chinki's frnd's daughter…but i have always loved u…U left me
The again changes…
Twinkle pov…
I did not leave u..situation made me leave u…I knew u cannot refuse ur dad for ur marriage wid swara…i knew u cant go against him…I loved u..truely…for forever…It was my fault..i knew u were engaged still…i loved u…and let u love me…I could not break chinki my bst frnd's heart ..for my love.
The scene shifts to kunj…
Kunj pov…
How could u think..that i will stand for our love..i proved my loved that day..wen i made u mine forever…but still u didn't trust our love..and me…That day…My wedding Day…i refused…for marriage made everyone accept d fact that i love u and cannot marry swara….Somewhere god was wid me…wen i got to knw chinki loved brother..and not me…everyone agreed for their marriage that moment only…and i ran and came to ur house…to make u MRS SARNA LEGALLY…but…u left me..ur aunt told me u married….and left d town…my whole world became upside jst got over…on few sec..i realised i lost u…forever…
Scene shifts to Twinkle..
Twinkle pov…
I had to leave..i told my aunt to that u can start a new and frsh lyf wid chinki..and forget me..I…but did not leave amritsar ..bcoz i couldnot it was d place..where our love begin..i fell in love wid u and u wid me..we became one here…we separated also here…I changed my name..From TWINKLE TANEJA TO TWINKLE SINGH…so that u cannot find me..and i was right…after Few months..i got to knw..i was carrying a part of urs in me..the symbol of our love…Our SON..RAKSH….I wanted to share this beautiful feeling wid u but could not…i was the chains..of…..But I still love u and will continue to love u tillmy last breath…
Scene shifts…
Kunj pov..
BETRAYAL…u betrayed me but i couldnot stop lovinv u infact i fell in love wid u all over again..I love u my siyappa queen..pls come..back..but i onw u cannot..u r married..u might be living u life wid ur HUSBAND..and maybe ur kid…A tear of drop escapes…
Kunj -Come in..
A boy comes..
Hello Uncle i m Raksh..Raksh Singh..
Laksh wipes off his tears and goes to d boy..
Hello beta..I m kunj…
Raksh-Uncle actually i am frm xyz international school and we have a programme tom..our school has a organised a campaign in which we students will go to diff buisness mans..ans request them to come to watch d play…Uncle will u come plsss..he looks into kunj's eyes wid lots of innocence…kunj feels..a spcl bond..
Kunj -Ofcourse..
Kunj pov..
What happened kunj…u said yes …u d one who hates..these thngs..d one who os now only engrossed in work…but yeah..i fell for his innocence i could not refuse…why was i getting a feeling that he is me…a part of me…but tat cannot be true…never..
I smiled and looked at himm..he was seeing me cabin wich had loads of paintings..decoratng d cabin..He told me that his mom..also liked paintings..I felt happy as i remembered my twinkle..she loved to decorate houses wid paintings..
I called Ramu kaka and told him to brng two juices…
Pov ends…
Ramu kaka entered and bought 2 glasses of juice and gave it to them..
Kunj…Raksh beta have this juice..kunj is gng to take a sip but…Raksh..kaka pls take this juice..
Kunj-Wat happened?Do u want smthng else…
Raksh-No uncle its that it is an orange juice n i hve an allergy frm orange juice..
Kunj sees d juice and realises tat wat he was gng to do..
Kunj pov..
Ohgod i was gng to drnk the juice..inspite knwng that i am allergic to this juice..thank god raksh told otherwise i would …
Kunj -Thank u raksh..
Raksh-y uncle..
Actually i m also allergic to orange juice..said kunj to which raksh replied we both have lots of thngs in common..kunj started thnking abt this..but raksh diverted his mind by his talks…Raksh left d office and reminded kunj to be in tym tom..kunj smiled and waved him good bye…
The nxt day…In Raksh's School…
Raksh met kunj and told him that he will make kunj meet his mother ..
Raksh goes to call twinkle and twinkle comes along woth him…kunj's back is facing twinkle..
Twinkle -Sir..Thank u so much for cmg…My son has been telling abt u since yesterday…
Kunj felt smthng..he felt a part of him..was back..He turned..and was shocked no happy no blessed to see his love his twinkle in front of himm…here twinkle was also shocked to see her heart she was thankng god..bcoz she was able to see her love once again…
Kunj pov…
She did not change not even a bit..her long hair…adorning her face..her smile…which changed into a shocked reaction seeing me…her eyes…still had d same innocence..her hands…that used to hug…me like i was completely hers..was d same…and her lips..that kissed mine…showng d love she had for me…was same..she was same…my love…my twinkle..but…The long chain…the mangalsutra that she had on her neck…and her hairline adorned by the sindoor pierced my heart…it hurted very badly..It indicated now she was someone else's…not mine…the kid…Raksh..was her son..indicting she had become…completely someone else's…My eyes..were searchng for a reason in her eyes..but couldnt find it..a layer of tear had already filled her eyes..and i couldnot see her lyk this..I knew SHE WAS MINE..BUT..
Twinkle pov..
He…He was in front of me standing shocked jst like me…He did not change he was d same laksh who i loved…or i should say whom i love..but d difference was he had spectacle indicating he changed..Everything abt him was same…his eyes had d sme truthfulness and pureness….his stubble was d same…which he would rub against my cheeks to tease me..his hands..which used to pull me into a bone crushing was d safest place for me..amd his was d same lips who used to kiss show d love he had for me..but all these were of no use now…He was not mine anymore…All these thngs were jst memories of our love..i couldnot meet his eyes..i was scared that i might reveal the love i had for him…all over again…But i wanted to tell him..I WAS HIS AND ONLY HIS….BUT…
Suddenly raksh interupted…
Ma he is kunj uncle..he is very good …he talked Wid me yesterday..and we drank juice also…
Twinkle smiled at raksh..and decided to greet kunj for d sake of raksh as she did not want her son to get to knw abt her PAST..
Twinkle -Good Morning Mr Laksh..Thank u for cmg..For MY SON.
The word MY SON..pierced his heart even more..he had no words d way ragini became a stranger..was the biggest shick of his lyf..after gaining lots of courage he said…hi twinkle
Suddenly ragini was called by one of d teacher's and she went…
Uncle uncle..i want to have an ice cream can u take me there..there is an ice cream parlour their..
Kunj had no choice he had to take her love's son….beacuse of the innocence and love raksh had…while gng kunj asked..
Raksh where is ur father..? Is he not here…
Raksh-he got sad actually uncle i have never seen him…
Raksh-Actually mom says he died…wen i was gng to be born..but i knw d truth..
Kunj-Wat truth..
Raksh-Actually i heard my neighbour aunty saying that my father left my mom wen she was pregnant..
Kunj felt bad..abt wat his twinkle went through…
They soon reached d ice cream parlour…kunj ordered 4 2 chocolate ice cream which was his and Raksh's fav…as kunj was busy in paying d money..raksh saw a ballon wala in d the opp lane..he started running but dhoom..a car hit him..and kunj saw a boy surrounded by a pool of blood…
The scene changes to hospital…kunj is sitting outside d ot..he donated d blood for raksh as they both shared d same blood grp..
The doctor came and told he is out of danger and absolutely fine..he has gained consciousness..
Kunj ran inside d room and hugged raksh…u r fine na..who told u to run on d road..
Yes uncle i m fine and sorry..raksh said..
Suddenly d nurse came and asked kunj to complete d formalities..kunj went out but forgot his mobile..while raksh was laying down..kunj's mob rang..raksh saw d caller showed twinkle.!..the phone soon got disconnected…
Raksh pov…
How come kunj uncle has my mom's no..he toh jst met her today only…..wait i will see his phone..but mom says it is bad to see others phone..but he is toh my uncle na..then its ok..he opens d phone and sees kunj's and twinkle's pic together as the home and lock screen…How is this possible they knw each other..?..he thinks..i shd check his notes..i will get some info..he thnks this because twinkle also writes her sorrows or any happy moments in the notes so that it can be wid her always..he opes d notes and jad all their past…their love 4 eachother…so kunj uncle..ooops papa is my i will bring them bck together..
Twinkle and kunj both enters d room at d same time..twinkle runs to raksh and kisses him all over his face..
Raksh-Ma u sit on d stool..and uncle u sit on d bed..
They both ask why but..have to finally agree..
Raksh-Uncle do u love ma?..
Both twinkle and kunj were shocked..
Kunj-Wat r u askng beta..though kunj wanted to scream yes..but he did nt want to break twinkle 's relation wid her son..he said why?.
Twinkle was shocked..though she wanted a yes as an ans but she didnot wanted to break kunj's martial life…
Raksh -Jst ans truely..mummy ki kasam..
Now kunj had no other choice yes! He said…and raksh smiled…
Twinkle was happy but didnot show it..
Raksh-Now ma…do u love him?…aapko meri kasam..
Twinkle-It does not matter raksh…we already have moved on in life..
Raksh-Answer ma..!
Kunj was happy so was raksh..
Raksh-U both r so buddhu na..because of this misunderstanding i had to stay away frm my papa..and ma u frm ur love..!.
Twinkle and Kunj were stunned hearing d word papa!kunj saw twinkle…asking that was it true?…twinkle had no ans..
Raksh mom thought you married chinki Aunty and u thought she married smeone else..but d truth was…u both were waitng for eachother…Twinkle and Kunj were on cloud nine hearing this..their happiness had no bounds….They were looking at eachother..wen a cute innocent question came from Raksh..
Ma papa but how did i come.?…Both Twinkle nd Kunj were embarrassed and remembered the night wen they both Surrended themselves to eachother and broke all their bounds and became one..they both were blushing and thinking how to answer him..but then d nurse entered and took raksh for check up..Now Kunj and Twinkle were alone..they both started moving towards eachother…They were close…kunj pulled twinkle into a bone crushing hug! They both hugged eachother passionately to..make up for the years they were apart from eachother..They broke the hug..
Kunj-I have always regarded u as my siyappa queen ..and will always..ur my son's mother but ..
He goes and searches for a pointed object and sees a knife kept there..he cuts his thumb and wid the blood fills twinkle's hairline..and removes d mangalsutra which had worn and makes her wear it again..NOW U ARE LEGALLY MRS KUNJ SARNA and now no one can separate us…no one..
Twinkle hugs kunj…and says I LOVE U KUNJ!
Saying this kunj whisphers..into twinkle's ears..waise meri siyappa queen…
Kunj-I m thinking to gift raksh wid a little bro or sis?…Will u help me..?..
Twinkle- Innocently…how?.
Kunj winks at her and twinkle understands…chii kunj..and she trys to leave blushingly but kunj stops by holding her hand and pulls her…she lands over his chest..arre…wat chii..our raksh will be feeling lonely na…saying this he moves closer and eyes her lips…Twinkle understands and closes her eyes in approval…and their lips finally meet..they kiss very passionately…wanting to make up for all these years of separation…
The scene changes…
After 4 years…
Its morning…
Kunj wakes up and finds twinkle wearing saree…He gets up and goes towards her…and hugs her frm behind…
Twinkle why so beautiful…I am falling in love with u once again… Twinkle blushes…
Kunj-Vaise twinkle wat abt 1 more child and winks at her…
Twinkle-Fakes anger kunj i m very happy wid my Raksh and Tara..and u…whose jst like a child…i cannot handle u all…
Kunj-Wat did u call me a child!…
Twinkle-Yes!u r my cute bacha!and kisses him on his cheeks..kunj..hold his cheeks and smiles..and he looses his grip on twinkle..she tries running..but kunj stops her…by pulling her hand..and pins her to d wall..
Kunj-U called me a child ri8!Now this child wants a morning kiss!..and now!..
Twinkle- Kunj voh voh u r not a child okay happy..pls let me go..u knw na they will come to d room..anytym…
Kunj -Morning Kiss!
Twinkle surrenders..and agrees..
Kunj comes closer…their lips are jst abt to meet wen…
Ma pappa..they get separate and pretend dng sme work…
Tara and Raksh enters…
Mom dad..yuvi chachu and chinki chachi..has come..they r calling u both down…saying this they leave.. Kunj and twinkle smiles at eachother and remembers d moments they had together..and will have 2gether..and goes down…..
And they lived happily ever after…
HEY!So how was it guyss i was..i onw it was not good enough but i tried my level tell me ur views..via comments..And I want u all to be my friends..will u be????
Loads of love
Sorry for the mistakes??
Hey meethi it was amazing…loved it…
Thank u so very much Soumyad

Hi Meethi … welcome to TEI TU family …. and ya I m also a crazy fan of twinj …. love them both so much ….
Well this os was masterpiece …. i just can’t describe …. u call it not good … i call it fabulous .. marvellous … cute .. emotional .. lovely … yrrr what not …. Afterall we r frnds now so u have to do 1 thing …. i want more writings from u on twinj …
Nd ya plss check out my ffs and os and comment haan ….
Love you loads
Thank u so much Purvi..Thanks for ur warm welcome in Tei Family
..I will surely write more but it would take some tym as i have my exams d next month..yes but if i get time i will surely write..and yup i will read ur ffs and os..pukka and comment also
Love u loads..?
So sweet of u darling …
It was a very cute, nice and funny first attempt. I am sure you will improve and write masterpieces keep on going!
Thank u so much
It was super and this topic you choose is one of my favorite dialogue of kunj like he said to twinkle your my legally married wife and missing them onscreen
Aww Thank u so much..yup this dialouge is my favorite too (same pinch?)..i m also missing them badly on screen?
awesome amazing fabulous cute os
Thank u so very much Purnima
Hii, welcome to tei tu
the os was really amazing.. loved it.. it was mind blowing and a fantastic piece of writing.. keep writing more 
Aww..Thank u so much Yashvee for ur warm welcome in Tei Family…And thank u for appreciating my work..and i will surely try to write more..
Loved it so sweet Raksh was the star of the os ?
Loved it keep writing ?
Thank u soo very much
..Raksh was indeed d star?
Hey meethi amazing loved it
Thank u so very much Presha
Maza aa gya ji padh kr OS fab tha ji fab!!!
Aww…Thank u so much Aanya
Hey meethi.. 1st a warm welcome to u
our TU family and twinj world..And
OH MY GOD… I m IMPRESSED by ur writing yarr it’s AMAZING.. And what you wrote r just SPLENDID.. It’s IMPRESSIVE just like ur imagination.. Ur description r just SUPERBBBB…. 1st twinj world mai akehi u stole heart and my hearts said again and again that i wanna read from u more and more.. Now plz plz plz plz write like more..
I will be waiting 4 ur next writing..And yessss,, I want to be ur friend..may i..??
Well so stay happy always..
Lodzzz of love dude..!!!!
Awwww..I am on cloud 9 reading ur comment..
..Thank u so much for ur warm welcome in Tei family….i would surely write more Priya..and yes i would be very much happy if u be my friend..So friends??…
Take care..and loads of love
OMG!!!!! u r sooooooooooo amazing meethi????luv ur writing sooo much…’s amazing,beautiful,fabulous,awstrucking, marvellous,priceless (I’m lacking of words nw to describe the os)piece…do write such more beautiful pieces..luv u???

Could u plzzz ready post nd see if u can write an ff or a few shot on my idea…plzzzz dey it na nd let me know
Awww..Thank u soo soo much..i would surely continue..
..and yes dear i will write a few shots or ff on ur do tell me ur idea…
Could u plzzz check my post on the tei tu page….the title of my post is “an idea in my mind…New here”
Plzzzz do tell me about ur opinion…would be eagerly waiting for ur reply
Soooo cute name?
Well friends ??
Surely didn’t looked u wrote for d 1st time ever……sooooo cute n adorable it was
Loved it sooooo much….?????
Love u lods?????
Aww..Thank u for liking my name baby
..Yes friends?..Thank u..and loads of love ?
Hey meethi
It was awesome I was lost in it
N I’m alos heartdyiing fan of twinj
Loved it
Thank u so much Ramya..
hey meethi it was just awsm loved it and do write more stories yrrrr love u
Thank u soo very much Adeebarizwan..yes i will surely try 2 write more..
Loads of love?
Awwwieee!! Thats sooo sweet. Loved it. Lovely. Amazing
This is an amazing story line up dear ??..too good…the synchrony with which the story kept gng was fabulous…?
Keep writing more…
See u soon..