Fan Fiction

Lies bring them closer – Ishqbaaz ff Chapter 26

Aarya POV
I watched Rudra Singh Oberoi pace in front of me.
“There are 2.” He kept muttering. I bounced my phone in my lap waiting for Shivaay Jiju or Om’s call.
Shivani came toddling to me and climbed onto the sofa. “Aaru ma….where is Mama?” She asked.
“Baby….mama is outside.”
Shivani lay down on the sofa. “Aaru ma….when Mama comes….I want to see her.”
Rudra stopped pacing. “Shivi!”
He called but Shivani turned away.
“I don’t want to talk to you. Because of you, Mama is not here.”
Saumya gasped. “Shivi!” she exclaimed from the stairs.
What did she mean? “What Shivi?”
Shivani nodded. “Yes Aaru ma……I saw this man go to the house. Somu masi and I saw him go in.”
I looked up at Saumya who had gone pale.
“Saumya….take Shivani to her room.”
Saumya took Shivani out of my arms. “Aaru di…..he thought…”
I scowled. “Saumya, take Shivani to the room.”
Rudra looked puzzled.
I watched Saumya take Shivani to the nursery then I turned to Rudra.
“What…..Did…..You……Do?” I hissed.
Rudra looked equally angry. “I confronted the witch who is tried to trick my brother into marrying her.”
I scoffed. “Her…..your brother forced her to marry him for a child that is not even hers…….I gave birth to Shivani not Di. You…Oberoi brothers keep making my sister pay the price for loving your daughter as her own.”
Rudra gritted his teeth. “My daughter? More like a daughter you are trying to force onto the family.”
I threw a vase from a stand to the floor. “Remember the Malhotra daughter that you slept with?”
He scowled. “Well….how can you… slept with every woman in the country…..well, my sister paid the ultimate price of your behaviour. She had to look after a child I gave birth to. A child that is not even her niece because I was never Shivani’s mother to begin with.”
We heard a gasp. Standing at the door was Pinky witch and Rudra’s mom. Pinky witch looked shocked.
“Oh my mata…….what are you saying Kalmuhi…..are you accusing my Rudra beta for your mistake? My Shivaay was kind enough to bare your sister but now you are trying to tarnish my Rudra’s name. Our Tia and Saumya were much better than this.”
My mood darkened. “Oh aunty ji…..I did not realise that you had not been told about your great nephew’s escapades while he was supposed to be in university.”
Pinky witch’s face turned red with anger while Rudra’s mom’s face paled.
I sat more comfortable as I knew this story would take time.
“Well aunty ji…….your son is not as pure and innocent as you think. You should ask his elder brothers who shield everything like mine did for me. I know you think I am characterless girl that followed your son with a child she claimed to be his. Well, Shivani is Rudra’s child but not mine. I was just an unsuspecting stupid girl caught in his mess.”
I saw Pinky witch scoff mockingly but chose to ignore it.
“I am not saying I am pure or innocent. I lost that many years ago. But I did not want to be involved with Rudra. I mean we all knew about his predator brothers. I was just the mistress of Mr. Malhotra, father of Ria Malhotra. Ria was my friend.” I saw Rudra pale slightly.
“Your nephew slept with her and got her pregnant. Like all rich families, her father needed to save his family name. Don’t you rich people get it that it is the child who suffers when you try to get rid of them. The child does not get any love or support they deserve. A girl falls in love with a man then the father throws her out. She gets cheated by him no one even comes in search of her.”
I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks. “In Ria’s case, I became her surrogate. For a child, I was not ready to bare. My poor sister took the responsibility of a child. I could not help her because I had to keep her away from the hell world I was already in.”
I ran off to my room grabbing my phone because I did not want Pinky witch to see me break down.

Rudra POV
My heart stopped as I watched the person I blamed till now run to her room. I was the culprit for everything and I just did not realise.
How was my bhabhi?
I stormed out of the house without listening to mom and chotima protest.
I reached the hospital soon. As soon as I walked in, there was pin drop silence. I walked to the reception when I heard two nurses whispering.
“Did you hear about Shaurya and Shivaay?”
My hand stilled. Shaurya Raichand?
“Sir, can help you?” The admin staff interrupted my thoughts. I nodded uncertainly.
“Yes, I am hear to see Anika…….”
There were more hushed whispers around me. The admin staff gave me a slip of paper with the room number.
I walked to the room when I heard Jia and Prinku walk out of the room, I was going to walk into.
“Why is she not telling us how she fell?” Prinku asked Jia. Jia scowled.
“God knows. And on top of that Shaurya Bhaiya and Shivaay fought. That also got her upset. She was crying. Where are those two idiots? Paro di would have killed them if she was here.”
I saw Prinku’s hand tremble. What was she hiding? “They took Bhaiya and Shaurya Bhaiya to different rooms. Bhaiya broke his wrist and Shaurya bhaiya has some cuts and bruises. Om Bhaiya is also very angry.”
Jia let out an exasperated sigh.
I watched as the two of them walked away. Slowly I sneaked into the room, I saw the girl from the afternoon. I walked to her side. She was fast asleep.
“You are such an idiot Rudra. How did you not notice that she was pregnant? She has such a huge bump. What if something happened to her? I am so sorry Bhabhi. I did not know.”
I muttered to myself.
“Well you better be. Cause I kept this a secret.”
I looked up to see her sitting on the bed with a tired smile.

Aarya POV
I lay on my bed staring at the phone. As soon as Om called I picked it up.
“How is she?” I squeaked.
“What the hell does your sister think?” he shouted
I got up from the bed. “What do you mean?”
Om growled…..yup…..he did growl.
“Your sister is dating my sister’s killer.”
The phone slipped from my hand. I dove and picked it up.
“No!” I protested. “Anika will never date anyone like that.”
I heard him scoff. “Well, she is with Shaurya Raichand.”
Shaurya Raichand…….shit……of all the people him. Om had told me about the death of Parvati Oberoi…..his eldest sister and Shivaay’s favourite.
“She probably did not know.”
I heard some shuffling in the background. “What nonsense?” Shivaay snarled. “That witch knew about my sister. She knew about Shaurya Raichand. Yet, she did this.”
No! My sister would never do that. She…..she would never. Unless this was………….
“Do the Raichands own a hotel string?” I stammered out.
Om snickered. “String? They control the hotel business in India. They are the hotel moguls.”
My legs turned jelly-like.
My sister had joined hands with our cousins. She was not in love with Shaurya Raichand. She was becoming a Raichand by birth.
“Stay away from them. I am coming.” I hissed.
I heard a lot of commotion.
“What do you mean?” Shivaay shouted.
“The Raichands are family to her.” I could not say more. I quickly cut the call.

Anika POV
I watched from the bottom of my eyelids as Shivaay’s younger brother walked into the room. He hesitated at the door and paced around the room a bit.
He was well-built. I could see he spent hours at the gym. I could also see the immature little boy that everyone had described. From the fidgeting to the sullen expression.
I felt bad for him when I heard his confession.
“Well you better be. Cause I kept this a secret.”
I smiled. He was elated when he heard me that he came barrelling towards me.
“Rudra!” I squeaked. He quickly pulled away.
“Sorry Bhabhi. I….was….” He looked sheepish. I smiled.
“Did you just say that I looked huge.” His eyes went wide and darted everywhere in the room.
He started moving towards the door. “Where are you going?” I asked.
“I guessed you would not…….”
I patted the chair next to my bed. “Sit.”
He came plodding back and slumped onto the chair.
“I am sorry Bhabhi that I pushed you. I thought you were…….”
I placed my hand on his. “That I was the witch who destroyed yourself.”
His expression changed into horror. “No!” He exclaimed. Then he paused. “Well yeah.”
He grimaced. “I did not know that I got hurt so badly because of myself. Had I not slept with Ria……your sister would never have suffered.”
He slumped his head onto the bed. I ruffled his hair. “Rudra, there is no point in crying over what you have done. My sister made some choices and so did I. Everyone has to pay for what they have done.
“But Bhabhi…” He interrupted.
“You should call me Di. I will not be your Bhabhi very long.”
He scowled. “You are going to marry Shaurya Raichand.” I could see his eyes glittering threateningly.
I felt a laughter bubble in my tummy. “SB!” I giggled.
Rudra looked puzzled. “You called him SB?”
I nodded. “Yeah! What else would I call my elder brother?”
He shook his head puzzled. “He is like your elder brother. Oh! Like Vihaan Bhaiya for me and Prinku.”
I shook my head. “No, he is my half-brother.”
“Half brother?” He muttered.
I nodded. “Yup. Ayesha Raichand is my mom.”
He gasped. “You are a Raichand?”
I nodded again. It was like explaining to a five year old.
He got up suddenly. “Bhaiya will be mad at you. He will…..Bhabhi….don’t worry I will save you.”
I interrupted him. “Rudra…..I am divorcing your brother after the children are born.”
“What? Why?”
I grimaced. I knew I would have to tell him. “Rudra, there is something you should know.”
I watched his expressions as I told the story from the beginning. He sat down, walked around, held my hand and finally when I was done, wiped tears that I did not even know I shed.
“No Bhabhi……I will not let you divorce my brother. I will help you get your rights but we need you. Your children will need you one day and no one can replace you in Shivani’s life.”
I shook my head. “I do not need all that Rudra. I just want to be me. For too long, I have been a mother, a sister and everything else but never have I been able to fulfil my dreams. I have a bucket list and I will complete that before I reattach myself to a name or family.”
Rudra held my face and in his eyes, I saw a maturity, I had never seen before. “Bhabhi…….I will help you fulfil all your dreams one by one but you will not leave us. My brother is an idiot and so is that sister of yours.”
He slipped out of the room after a few minutes. As soon as he did, I heard the door open.
“Rudra?” Had he come back?
“No… is not him. What was he doing here?” Came Shaurya’s voice.
I kept silent. He slowly limped up to my side.
“Oh so you are hobbling now?” I asked mockingly.
He grimaced. “Anika….” he whined.
“No Shaurya……please leave.”
He sat on the chair. “Shaurya……I told you to leave.”
He stretched his hand out and held mine. “Shaurya leave.” I repeated.
“She asked you to leave.” My eyes darted to the door and there standing was my husband with a cast around his hand.
Shaurya got up. “I came to check on her. What are you doing here?”
Shivaay stepped up. I brought my hand to the button that calls the nurse.“I came to check on my wife.”
Shaurya mocked. “Well, she certainly needed me this afternoon.”
“Shaurya!” I shouted.
Shivaay looked at me with a mocking expression. “Anika…..why are you shouting? He is your family right.”
My heart clenched. Did he know? What was he going to say?
Then he laughed. “Well not yet but will be as soon as I divorce you? When do you plan to have the wedding?”
Wedding? What was he talking about?
Suddenly the door swung open. Om came in. “What the hell Shivaay? You just walked out of the room.” He went silent seeing the seen.
“What wedding are you talking about?”
Shivaay smirked. “When you become a Raichand that is.”
I looked at him puzzled. “I am a Raichand already.”
Shivaay glared. “Already? Did you forget you are married to me? Now you want to take a new man in your life. Or did you already marry him?”
I felt anger surge through me. He was accusing me of infidelity. For what?
I switched on the bedside lamp. “No… can I? Being married to you is a mistake I can never forget.”
The room was silent for a few moments. “Mistake?”
Shaurya questioned. I felt my dam of secrets that I had kept from my brother breaking. “Yes SB. I never wanted to marry him. We did not fall in love or any of those other fairy tale stuff I told you. We did not have the wedding I described. He forced me to marry him for his niece. For that niece that my sister told me was mine. He accused me of things I cannot even repeat.” I shouted. I could hear the heart reader going berserk.
Shaurya stormed at Shivaay and threw a blow. “How dare you hurt my sister?”

Shivaay POV
The nurses rushed in and pushed us out of Anika’s room. Her readings were reaching an unhealthy level.
“What were you thinking Shivaay?” Om shouted. “I left you for 2 minutes. Aarya told you not to go.”
Shaurya glared at me. “Your sister?” I questioned.
Shaurya nodded. “Yes Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi…….the girl you hurt so much is my little sister.”
He got up and stormed towards me.
“Stop!” A voice shouted. Standing at the end of the hallway was Aarya.
“Anika?” Shaurya whispered.
Aarya walked towards us like some superhero going to kick our butt.
“Sit down.” She growled at us. Om quickly sat down. The two of us posed some resistance. “You better sit down now.”
We took a seat. She walked up to Shaurya. “What are you doing in her life? Your grandmother made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with the two of us 8 years back.”
What was she saying?
“Who are you?” He scowled.
Aarya smiled and scoffed. “Aah so my sister did learn somethings from me.”
She sat next to Shaurya. “Hi Shaurya Raichand. I am your younger sister, twin to Anika Raichand.”
Shaurya froze. “You are twins.”
Aarya smirked and turned to look at me. “Jiju……I thought you were slow but my elder brother is even slower. Shaurya come on. I look exactly like her except for the eyes.”
Shaurya looked at the door behind which Anika was being treated by the nurses.
“She never told me.”
Aarya grimaced. “Well, let’s say we are not speaking terms.”
Shaurya nodded. He looked up and glared at me. Om leaned to my side. “Looks like you might have some issues with your brother-in-law.”
I nodded. We sat silently till a doctor came out. Aarya walked up to her.
“Is she okay?”
The doctor nodded. “Yes, she is fine. She just needs rest. I believe she will be ready to go home tomorrow.”
Aarya nodded. “Can we go in?”
The doctor shook her head. “I am sorry. She is sedated.”
We nodded and sat down.
The next time I opened my eyes. Om was leaning on my shoulder and sleeping. Aarya and Shaurya were sleeping on the other side. I walked towards the door and opened it to see Rudra carrying a bag and Anika walking using his hand as a support. They looked like deers caught in the headlight.
“Bhaiya?” Rudra stuttered out. Anika just looked away.
“Rudra, let’s leave. Saumya told me that my baby girl is missing me.”
Rudra looked at me and then at her. Finally, he nodded.
“Yes, Bhabhi let’s go.”
They walked towards the door. “Anika…..” She lifted her hand to silence me. “No Shivaay. Not anymore.”
I followed them close behind. Shaurya, Om and Aarya were awake.
Shaurya got up and went to Anika’s side.
“I am sorry Baby girl for yesterday.”
Anika had a small smile. “It’s okay SB.”
Aarya rushed up to her side. “Di…..I am so sorry. Please forgive me.” She had tears rolling down her face. “I am sorry. I was trying to…..” She trailed off.
Anika finally hugged her. “It’s okay Aaru. I am just disappointed you did not tell me.”
What! She forgave him and her.
“Anika.” I called again.
Anika turned around. She let out a tired sigh. “Shivaay……I am tired of fighting to prove myself. I am tired of being someone you have defined me. I thought we were getting somewhere but you…you did not even trust me. I don’t think we have anything left between us worth fighting for.”
I looked at Shaurya. “You know what he has done to my sister yet you are with him.” I hissed.
Anika looked at Shaurya then at me. Shaurya expression seemed a bit uneasy. “He made a mistake. He loved your sister. He did not intend to hurt her or even kill her. But love is such a foreign concept for you that you could not even recognise his pain. You told me you loved me but did you? No you did not. You did not feel my pain. So yes, I do forgive him.”
I felt the ground slip from under me. I watched her turn around. Shaurya now supported her.
Aarya stood next to Om watching me.
“Aarya!” Shaurya called.
Aarya looked at him. “Come.”
Aarya looked puzzled. Shaurya stopped.
“You are not married to Om that you will live in the Oberoi Mansion. I am taking your sister and you home.”
Aarya scowled. “I am not going there.”
Anika looked at surprised.
Aarya smirked. “Di….did you think that I did not approach anyone to protect you. I did. I went to our own grandmother but she refused. She blatantly refused over the phone to even talk to me.”
Shaurya looked surprised. “Did you talk to Naani? Cause she has been searching for Ma’s family for the past 10 years.”
Aarya left Om’s hand. “Well, her secretary certainly didn’t get a memo. I called her almost everyday for 2 weeks 7 years back.”
Shaurya looked a bit puzzled. “In 2010, around May?”
Aarya nodded. Shaurya looked pale. “Naani Maasi died then. Naani went for the funeral. Her secretary was asked to not allow any calls.”
Aarya looked upset. “Then it is a sign I guess.”
Shaurya shook his head. “I am your elder brother and I am telling you to come home. I have not given your sister a choice and you shall not get it either.”
Aarya looked at Om.
“But Om?”
Shaurya had a wicked grin. “Well, Aarya now you are a Raichand Princess and men have to earn the right to date you.”
I took a step towards Anika. She took a step behind Shaurya, who glared down at me.
“Stay away.” he hissed.
Aarya gave me a pitying smile. “Don’t worry Jiju. I will convince her.”
She gave Om a small smile and followed her elder brother who was glaring down at her and us.
As they walked away with Rudra, who silently walked ahead.
“How come he is invited with them?” Om grumbled.
“Well, at least you have an invitation.” I grumbled back.
Author’s note: A quick update for my readers. Also Anika is 7 months pregnant now.
I am actually contemplating her losing a child out of the three and her needing Shivaay to be there. And how the two important people of her life putting aside their differences and being there for her. I need your opinion regarding that.
After that Shivaay will be seen dating her and poor thing is going to struggle to get past her monster of a brother. 😛
I will not be updating till I get at least 50 comments or more

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