Fan Fiction

My life is my love (vitharv) (episode 4)

Recap:vividha and Atharv think about each other
It’s morning
Vividha wakes up and get a phone call
Teacher:ha vividha this a call from ur college
Vividha:yes mam
Teacher:vividha there is a bad news
Vividha:what is it mam?

Teacher:the boy who said to tell I love you to u died
Tears roll down from vividha’s cheek
Teacher:we are Leong his body in the college for everyone to see if u want u can come and see
Vividha: (in slow voice)ok mam
Vividha suddenly bath and started to go
UMA:vividha where are u going today no college it’s Sunday vividha
Vividha:ha ma my classmate die ma so I have to go
Ravish hears her and ask
Ravish:which classmate vividha?

Vividha:yesterday balcony boy
Ravish is shocked
Vividha:why God is chasing me like this?
Ravish:I too will come with u

Vividha :ok come soon I will wait
Atharv was about to go outside suddenly wind blows and he saw vividha a smile appears in his face
Atharv:gd morng vividha
Vividha:gd morng Atharv
Atharv:what happened ur face is so dull
Vividha:a issue in college
Ravish:vividha I am ready let’s go
Atharv:where are you going ravish

Ravish I will message u on the way
On the way he messages to Atharv where is he going and why he is going Atharv goes behind them
They reach college
Sai Krishna (principal of that college):today no class because of the death
Vividha:what happened to him?
Sidharth:vividha u don’t get tensed about it
FB shows
The boy telling to Sidharth that I will only marry vividha she is mine
Sidharth:shut up ur mouth or else I will kill u
Boy:nahi she is mine forever
Sidharth stab that boy

Sidharth:no one has right on my vividha
FB ends
Vividha and everyone cries

Precap:Atharv tells vividha that he loves her in front to Sidharth sidharth’s blood boils


Vitharv forever????love u vikkkkuuuuu(Vikram Singh Chauhan)

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