hi Everyone!!. Iam back with 2nd episode and hope you all will like it.😊.


sahana is still shocked while prachi wakes after getting conscious and…

Prachi: doctor why did I faint suddenly?is there any problem ?

Doctor smiles and says: yes…you are pregnant and congrats…

prachi gets shocked..

prachi POV: how did I got pregnant??it’s true that I and ranbir love each other but how can we…..noo it’s not possible.now I should confront ranbir.did he took advantage of me???nooo…he is a good guy but how did I get pregnant?I should confront ranbir now…

thinking this prachi immediately gets up and starts going fast while sahana too accompanies her and..

Sahana: why are you running now?

Prachi(in tension voice): I should confront ranbir now..

Sahana: if you run like this then baby will kick you in anger…

prachi gets angry..

Prachi: shut up sahana!!.it’s not a fun to joke now. Already iam pregnant before marriage and I don’t know how iam going to face the family and how iam going to tell them….

Sahana: first of all why did you became pregnant before marriage?? .you should have waited till your marriage and then you should have become pregnant…

prachi gets tensed…

Prachi: but I don’t know how it happened…I never alow him even to kiss in my hands but though I became pregnant and I don’t know how….I should confront with ranbir now.

Sahana:yes..first confront him…


ranbir is seen sitting in a place (usual place where he used to enjoy with friends) along with his friends and Rhea…

Akash(friend): ranbir..I really feel pity for that girl (prachi)

Ranbir: why?

Akash: you have cheated her and if she comes to know that you are cheating her then she will be broken….


Rhea: ranbir…

Ranbir: tell me baby..

rhea hugs ranbir and..

Rhea: will you do whatever I say?

Ranbir: I will do everything whatever my girlfriend says…

rhea smiles…

Rhea: then you should love my sister prachi..

ranbir gets shocked..

Ranbir: I love you only and how will I love anyone else…

Rhea: I told to pretend to love her and then break her once she starts to love and trust you…

Ranbir: why are you trying to break your own sisters heart?

Rhea: because she is been praised by Everyone but iam always been blamed and that’s why I want to take revenge…

ranbir gets shocked..

Ranbir: don’t you find any other way to take revenge?

rhea gets angry and..

Rhea: I just asked you a help and I dint tell you to ask me questions…so will you do it or not? If you refused I don’t care and I can make this plan work by using some other guy….

Ranbir: ok fine..I will do it but on one condition.

Rhea: what’s it?

Ranbir: when I break her heart and if she is blamed by Everyone then I will really do break up with you because I hate to hurt others but iam doing this only for you… understood?

Rhea: ok..I only want to hurt her heart and so no one will blame her and I will look on it…

Ranbir: fine…


Akash: also if she becomes pregnant and then…

akash was going to tell something but Rhea signals akash without Ranbir’s knowledge and whispers to him..

Rhea whispers to akash: don’t blabber anything or else my plan will get ruined…

Akash: but it’s wrong Rhea…what if prachi becomes pregnant and if she tells or asks to ranbir then what will happen??

Rhea: I will take care of it and you don’t tell anything about it to ranbir or else he will do break up with me…

Akash: ok..

ranbir sees Rhea and akash whispering and..

Ranbir: idiot Rhea.. instead of speaking with your boyfriend what are you sharing with akash??

Rhea: stop doubting me..I just planned a suprise…

Ranbir: ok…sorry.

telling this ranbir gives a flying kiss to Rhea and he goes to his house..



sirat is seen reading books and suddenly she gets a phone call…and she picks it…

sirat: hello ranveer..

Ranveer: hello..

suddenly sirat becomes angry and starts shouting at him..

Sirat shouts: why did you phone me when you don’t care for me huh?

Ranveer: who told that I don’t care for you idiot?

sirat: today is my birthday and you dint even wish me or give a suprise… this shows how you care for me..if you had really loved me then you would have done something for me in this birthday..

Ranveer: first cool down…listen to what I say now…

sirat gets more angry…

Sirat shouts: iam fed up of listening to you always…

ranveer too gets angry as sirat is not even listening to him and he too starts shouting…

Ranveer shouts: enough sirat!! I just called you to tell that my mom died but you are shouting as if I committed a sin!! And due to my mom’s death only I couldn’t wish you or suprise you….

sirat gets shocked and her heart calms down from anger and she feels guilty for her overacting…

Sirat (in silence voice): iam sorry…

Ranveer: it’s okay..and can you come and help me doing my mom’s last rites?

sirat thinks..

Sirat: I will surely come as your mom is like my mom so I will come….

Ranveer(in broken voice): thank you so much. I lost everything in my life and I thought I only have my mom but now she also went away..(ranveer cries)

sirat too feels heartbroken and consoles him..

Sirat: no ranveer…you dint lose everything.you may have lost everything but you have one thing which you dint lose and that will always protect and take care of you and will always love you till the end….

Ranveer: what do you mean?

sirat: I..I..I mean iam there for you always…I love you so much.

ranveer feels happy..

Ranveer: thank you so much and I too love you.

sirat smiles…

Ranveer: ok..I have sent you a cab and you get in that cab and reach here okay?

Sirat: ok..thank you..

Ranveer: fine..

telling this they cut the call and sirat gets ready to go to ranveer’s place for his mom’s last rites and finally she gets readied and goes outside and sees a cab there and gets into the car while something behind follows her….

Sirat POV: iam really sorry ranveer..I really hurted you so much. Hope I will give you so much love and happiness so that you will forget your pain …

its dark outside and car (cab) starts to move but something follows behind which is not known to driver and sirat and when car travels through hills the thunder starts in the sky while sirat gets scared of it…

sirat POV: hope I reach the place soon safely…iam really scared of a thunder…

telling this sirat closes her eyes in fear and thunder sounds get heavy and elsewhere in shiv temple the bell starts ringing automatically in heavy wind while sirat is seen with eyes closed and car travels in dark jungle and suddenly a white soul which was following sirat comes in front of the car in the form of a ghost….

driver sees the ghost and get scared and loses the control of the car while sirat too gets scared and opens her eyes and sees ghost and starts shouting….

Sirat: aaaaaahhhhhhh….


in shiv temple the bell rings heavily ..


due to lack of control the car goes and hits the tree while drivers head hits the staring and sirat’s head hits back of the seat heavily and her head starts bleeding heavily and she faints holding her back of the head in pain…

Sirat (tries to speak): ranvee…(before she calls ranveer she faints)..

the ghost opens the door and takes sirat out makes her fall down on the road and sees sirat and her pendant and the ghost disappears…

her head bleeds heavily and the blood touches sirat’s pendant and the pendant starts to glow in blue colour..


in shiv temple the bell rings automatically …


the pendant’s glow touches sirat’s head where the blood is flowing and suddenly her head injury disappears on pendants glow and the blood too gets disappears while sirat still lies unconscious….

some car passes by that’s side and it stops seeing sirat lying unconscious on the road and the man gets out of the car and he is none other than kartik…

seeing kartik the pendant’s glow stops…

kartik comes and sees sirat and driver unconscious and he tries to wake them up and driver wakes and he goes while sirat doesn’t respond and so kartik lifts sirat in his arms and carries to his car….


precap: ranveer sees white moon on dark sky and laughs..ranbir assaults prachi. Sirat sees kartik proposing rhea

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