hi Everyone!!.iam back with 5 th episode ☺️.hope you all like it..

goenka villas:

sirat is seen lying on the bed with heavy pain while kartik went to take medicines for her…

sirat slowly loses her consciousness and closes her eyes while shesha reaches Goenka villas in the form of a bat and sees sirat lying on the bed by entering in guest room through window and changes her form…

shesha evilly looks sirat and smiles..

Shesha POV: now no one can stop us…now devil’s will rule the earth and humans are going to stay as slaves and fairies are going to bow down in front of us…(telling this shesha evilly laughs)..

shesha comes near sirat and she makes her large teeth appear and was about to bite but heavy wind blows and the windows of the guest room automatically opens and the lighting and thundering starts in that dark sky…

shesha feels something wrong..

Shesha POV: there is something wrong… before anything stops me I should do my work fast or else everything will turn upside down..

thinking this she bends down fast to bite sirat but some white soul comes through window and enters her body and throws shesha out from window and shesha falls on the ground and that white soul comes out from her body and makes shesha get up and that white soul turns to a ghost and stands in front of her…

shesha acts as if she is scared..

Shesha: ohhh…iam scared seeing you..

telling this she laughs evilly and..

Shesha: so you are protecting sirat right??.do you think that iam scared for ghosts??? I have powers to lock you…and iam a powerful devil so no one can stop me from my aim and even you can’t stop me…

telling this she laughs evilly while that ghost attacks shesha which makes shesha injured and it stands before her..while shesha fumes in anger….

shesha shouts: how dare you…I know you are a soul of a dead body and I have powers to lock the souls like you…now see what I’ll do..

telling this shesha recites some mantras to lock that soul but that soul powerfully defeats that mantras which shocks shesha..

Shesha POV: how can that soul defeat my mantras?? It’s impossible…only the powerful princess can defeat my power but how did this soul defeated my power??I will see who is that soul now…

Shesha shouts: who are you???if you are a powerful ghost then change your scary and ugly face into your original Avatar and show who are you….

the ghost laughs evilly making huge ghost sound and turns it’s ugly scary Avatar to its real face which shocks shesha..

shesha gets scared seeing the real Avatar of that soul…

Shesha( in scared tone): princess naira..

Princess naira(soul): iam back to make sirat the princess and she will kill all of you very brutally and you will all burn into ashes soon..this is my oath given to lord shiv. Lord shiv gave me power to return as soul to guide sirat until she becomes a powerful princess and I will protect her till that…..

telling this princess naira turns into fairy naira and laughs at shesha who stands there shocked..

princess naira: I will return when I see sirat is in trouble…

telling this naira’s soul disappears and shesha turns into bat and leaves to her place….

in the room sirat is lying down and kartik comes there with medicines and sits near sirat and slowly picks her in his arms applies medicines in red patches which is there in her neck and face…

sirat slowly opens her eyes and looks at kartik and kartik sees her conscious and he too looks her and they end up with eyelock…

soon they break their eyelock and kartik again starts to apply medicines and sirat feels pain and pushes kartik…

Sirat: please… don’t press please..it is paining too much…

but kartik doesn’t listen to sirat and he pulls sirat and holds her tightly and he applies medicines which makes sirat cry….and finally he finishes applying medicines and consoles her..

Kartik: you are a cute fighter so don’t cry..it will get fine soon…I have applied a good medicine so your injuries will get fine…

by telling this he wipes her tears and sirat hugs kartik with tears and kartik too reciprocates..

sirat: thank you so much mr.kartik. I used to never trust any strangers because whenever I see any men I feel like punching because whenever I see any news always the rape case only runs on the headlines so I always don’t trust men’s easily and also I won’t befriend any friends with men.. but you are really a good person…so shall we be friends??

telling this she moves from hug and shows her hands for friendship and kartik smiles and he too shows his hands for friendship and they both hit their hands as friends….


friends forgive me for not adding pranbir because I typed but it got erased so I couldn’t type it again and so tomorrow there will be only pranbir scenes for sure…so today I end it shortly as I got messed up with these errors….sorry for pranbir fans hope you understand my situation..

ptecap: prachi suicide. Ranbir learns the truth. Rhea worries…

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