hi everyone!!.iam back with 6th episode ☺️.hope you all like it..as I have told today there will be pranbir scenes only …


prachi is walking alone in the road crying and she finally reaches her house and taps the door while inside Mehra house…

Abhi: I heared someone knocked the door..so pragya go and see who it is..

Pragya: iam cooking so you go and see..

Abhi: then aliya go and see..

Aliya: sorry bhai..iam watching important serial and it is going very interesting so I can’t…..

Abhi: useless sister…

aliya gets angry…

Aliya: you too are useless bhai.. because you are asking others to go but why you are not going??

while disha comes there and hits her head with the hand and..

Disha: whoever comes to Mehra house they have to drink boost and come to wait for long at outside because no one will open the door till I come…..

telling this disha comes and opens the door and is shocked to see prachi standing crying..

disha: prachiii…what happened??why are you crying???

everyone gets shocked and comes there near disha and finds prachi crying and pragya pulls prachi and hugs her and makes her comfort and….

Pragya: beta..what happened??is there any problem??

prachi wipes her tears by lying on Pragya’s chest and tells..

Prachi: no maa..I don’t have any problem but I did a huge mistake which you all won’t forgive me…

everyone gets shocked hearing this…

Aliya: prachi beta..did you steal anything from anyone??

abhi gets angry on aliya and…

Abhi: shut up aliya..she is not like you who goes behind money. It’s your habit of stealing when you see someone having more money but my daughter will never take money even if it is lying on road so she won’t steal….

aliya makes a face and..

Aliya POV: what other big mistake is there to do other than stealing??now prachi will tell she stole by mistake and bhai will come and apologize to me for not believing me and I know this only will happen…..

Abhi: prachi beta..every humans will do mistakes. So don’t worry about mistakes and even if you have done a huge mistakes we will forgive you because you are our daughter and this house’s princess..

hearing this aliya makes a face and..

Aliya POV: everyone considers prachi and Rhea as princess then abhi and pragya as king and queen and iam as dustbin to this house….I will surely become queen of Mehra house one day chasing bhai and pragya to dustbin…

thinking this aliya smirks..

Abhi: so tell us what mistake you done prachi…we will surely support you and forgive you…

pragya: yes.. your papa is true so tell us prachi….we will surely support you..

prachi steadies herself to tell while ranbir comes to Mehra house and was about to enter but…

Prachi: maa papa..iam in relationship with parth and I became pregnant because of him…..

everyone gets shocked while ranbir too gets shocked hearing this and he stands there atself without entering the house and..

ranbir POV: what is this prachi blabbering??it’s true that iam cheating her but she doesn’t know about it and when she is in relationship with me then how can she do like this with other men?? Did she stoop low???….

while everyone looks prachi shocked and pragya slaps prachi in anger while prachi cries before pragya…

pragya shouts: talk in sense prachi!!!!. You are so young and how can you…I will accept that you love parth but I won’t believe that you are pregnant….

prachi takes her pregnancy report and gives it to pragya while pragya gets shocked seeing it and looks abhi…

prachi cries and tells: iam sorry maa..pleasee forgive me…

telling this she falls on Pragya’s feet while pragya makes prachi stand up and moves away and cries…

pragya POV: how can my daughter do like this??if she told then I would have got her married but how can…now what I’ll tell to everyone?? How will I face everyone??

suddenly abhi comes and holds Pragya’s shoulder and nods his head and moves towards prachi in strict way which scared prachi…

prachi POV: now iam going to get nicely from papa…

thinking this prachi closes her eyes in fear thinking abhi would beat her but to everyone’s suprise abhi comes and hugs prachi which shocks prachi too…

abhi: prachi beta…iam not angry at you. As I said I will support you…

pragya is shocked and..

Pragya: but abhi…

abhi goes near pragya and keeps his lips on her mouth and..

Abhi: ahhhh..

but pragya removes Abhi’s hands and..

Pragya: now what will we tell everyone?? She have committed a sin..

Abhi in strict voice: stop pragya!!. don’t think pregnancy as sin or something. This is not 19 th century to punish if they become pregnant before marriage but it’s 21st century and nowadays it’s common like this everywhere….we should not get scare to tell anyone and if you feel wrong then I have a plan and will you agree with it???

pragya: I will agree with you. Is it abortion??

Abhi: no..I won’t abort my grandchild..

Pragya: then what??

Abhi: we will keep prachi and parth marriage within 2 days by approaching with parth’s family and I hope parth with agree for it as he loves prachi and when prachi delivers baby we will tell people that due to improper growth stage prachi delivered the baby soon which won’t cause anyone in doubt…are you okay with it??

pragya thinks but agrees and abhi comes near prachi and..

Abhi: you love parth truly right?

Prachi(without any option): yes paap..

Abhi: then you are ready to marry him right?

prachi’s heart is broken as she loves ranbir only but without any other option she..

Prachi POV: I can’t refuse because if I refuse then they will doubt me about me and parth. To save Rhea I have to do this only….

Prachi: yes iam ready papa…

ranbir who have heared everything is totally shocked and gets more angry…

ranbir POV: how can prachi stoop so low?? If I had really loved her then how would I have felt??…..chi…how cheap she is??thank god her mom and dad doesn’t know that we were lovers orelse they would have broken…..did she cheat me??did she pretend to love me like I iam doing to her??I will confront prachi for sure….

telling this ranbir goes out of Mehra house and starts to walk on road while abhi asks prachi to rest in her room as she is pregnant..

Abhi: prachi..you go and rest in your room and we will arrange for your marriage okay?

prachi fakely smiles and goes to her room and lock the room and sits near the bed and she cries….and she phones parth and tells and..

prachi: now leave my sister…

Parth: I will leave your sister on our marriage day…tell the family that Rhea went to Kolkata with her friends okay?

prachi gets angry and..

Prachi: you told that you will leave her once I announce it to family then what is this next drama?

Parth: shhhh… Don’t shout mrs.parth. if you want Rhea alive then do whatever I say or else come and take your sister’s corpse…

without any option prachi agrees and cuts the call and she cries more thinking about ranbir and she never realised how she became pregnant because of her problems and she decides something and takes poison tablets and looks at it…

prachi POV: death is better than living…iam sorry ranbir because iam helpless. If I die then parth will also leave my sister and I will also get rid of him…in next birth we will live together ranbir…

telling this she eats the tablets..

after she consumes poison she gets up and looks through window at sky and suddenly she sees ranbir walking on the road and she gets emotional and she thinks…

Prachi POV: I want to talk to ranbir one last time before death…

thinking this prachi decides to meet ranbir and she jumps out through window and goes near ranbir and ranbir sees her and gets angry and holds prachi in anger…

ranbir shouts: how dare you prachi??how dare you cheat me…how can you stoop low like this?? Did you pretend to love me??tell me prachi…did you pretend to love me??

prachi is shocked thinking how ranbir heared her talks while ranbir repeatedly asks prachi in anger..

Ranbir shouts: tell me prachi..did you pretend to love me??

suddenly white colour comes out from prachi’s mouth and she falls down in semi conscious shocking ranbir…ranbir bends down and holds prachi and looks at her shocked….

Ranbir: what did you do prachi??did you consumed poison??

prachi nods slowly and tears comes out from her eyes and..

Prachi slowly whispers: I am sorry ranbir..I really love you but…

prachi closes her eyes before she tells something and ranbir feels pain in his heart as he always thinks he is cheating her but his heart feels pain as she was always was there near him and he dint recognise his heart as he was only concentrating on RHEA’S motive and he reminisces how he enjoyed with her and he cries…

Ranbir shouts : prachiiiii..though I was pretending but my heart liked you…please get up…..

telling this he takes her to hospital and admits her and while he leaves her hand during the time when prachi is taken in stretcher he feels something and some fb flashes him..

ranbir holds his head as flashes comes before him and he thinks..

Ranbir: what are these flashes?? Why iam getting flashes like this??who are they??what is happening with me???


precap: prachi gets some flashes. Hoodie man is shown. Shesha locks naira’s soul. Sirat and kartik falls on water tub and goenka’s sees them together. Rhea worries..

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