Fan Fiction

life is an unexpected journey [swasan raglak twinj and manan] episode 2

Manan part
So it’s the night..the 1st night of marriage
Nandini and manik came in the room followed by maniks family.everyone is very hapy.the room is decorated with red roses and ballons and candles…above the bed
is written that two with roses..the room is just superb….nandini looks at the room..
wow such a nice room it is..sshe thinks
they bid goodbye and now only manan are in the room..
manik-um if you wanna change I will wait outside
[manik thought that from morning nandni is in those heavy dresses so she must be feeling tired]
Nandini nodded
Manik went outside.

Nandini is changing..
Nandini pov
I am feeling so awkward…I have never been with any guy in life and suddely an unknown person that to this manik is with me..
She took half an hour changing,
Manik is bored and now after 20 minutes he is feeling angry..what the hell she is doing.dont she know I am standing outside..if someone comes what they will think?
Nandini opened door.
Manik entered and thought of directly going to bed a he was very tired but to his surprise the clean and neat bed was now full with nandinis jwellery and clothes.
What? she had not even picked it up?so lazy manik tohught.
He sat on the couch thinking nandnini will clean it..but nandu was sitting infornt of mirror combing her hairs and did not pay any heed to manik..
Manik was now nearly 11 o clock..manik felt very frustated can this girl be so….
But then nandini got up…she picked her lehenga
Manik-oh you can keep it in cupbor….
But nandini had already thrown it on the chair.
Manik was dumbfounded
Nandini-oh I will keep it tomorrow I am tired..
He didn’t know what to say..he always kept his room cleaned but nandini….
Manik sat on the bed and immediately got up as he sat on something pointy.he looked was nandini earings…

Oh gosh this girl..nandini is now on the couch doing something on her fon and smiling.
Manik-um nandini your earings..i think you forgot to pick it up
Nandini-[not even looking at manik]oh then keep it on table plz
No reply.she was too busy in her fn..
Manik took those earings and kept on table..he was feeling very anry now..
Manik-nandini when will you sleep?
Nandini-after 1 o clock.its my time.i never sleep before 1 o
Manik-1oclcok??but we aretired so I think you should sleep now…

Manik never liked his lights on during sleep..but this girl wil sleep at 1 0 clock means its 2 hours more..
Nandini-no no I am talking with nawya[nawya is nandus sister.]so I will notbu you can sleep if you want
Manik-actualy I don’t have habit to sit with light on.
Nandini-but how can sit with lights off?
Manik-you are on fn so need of lgiht
But nandini felt angry.what the hell he think of himslef?just because he wana sleep he will turn off light even if others are wake….
Manik turned of light..
Nandini got up.she thought she might go in balcony and sit.
She was walking and suddnly tripped on something

Manik sat on the bed upright
Manik-wht?what happened..
he turned on the lgihts
nandini was sitting on the floor.she tripped on a ballon..
manik laughed
nandini-oh why are you laughing?i got hurt
manik-oh sory.
He came towards her…
Nandini looked at him..
Manik-show me..
She showed him her was red..
Manik-oh wwait I will bring paste
Nandini-wait mom had given..see in my purse.
Manik opened her was full of makeup kit,tissue paper,and for some reason burgers..
Manik thought why she needed burgers?
He got the paste which was so dry

Manik-um your paste is finished
Nandini-oh its not that..i told you to look in purse not in handbag
Manik-oh sry.[he lloked at the handbag which was like a if she uses purses as handbags how will I know?]
Manik brought the paste
Manik-show me your leg.i will paste it.
Nandini was frightened

Nandini-no I will do it.
Manik-are but..
Nandini-I said na I will do it
He left..she is my wife and stil behaving as if I am some weirdo..
Nandini now kept the light on..this was very frustating for manik..still he didn’t say anythingg.
At last nandu came on bed..
After about one hour nandu felt like someone is pushing her..she sat upright and saw manik asleep and his legs are all apart…he took all the bed for himself…poor nandu hadno place
Nandu called him 2 3 times but he was in deep sleep.
Nandu touched maniks hand bbut imediatley withdrwan.she felt shy and awkward…she looked at him..he was so cute nandu thought and laughed but at the same time manik was woken and he saw nandu looking at him and laughing
Manik-hey why are you laughing at the middle of night
Nandu felt silent
Nandu-no no actualy you were sleeping like donkey..[she immediately felt silent..wht she had said..]I mean [manik was looking angry]

Manik-oh realy and 1 hour ago you were snoring like hippo
Nandu-hey what
Someone knocked on their door..its cabir
Cabir is laughing..
Cabir-oho not slept yet?good going?
Mukti-anything hurting?
Both laughed
Aliya-oho manik plz be slow and soft ha…
All of them laughed harder
Cabir-hehe how is bhabi?is she tired
Cabir-oho don’t get angry plzzz bechari bhabi
Mukti-oh manik dnt get angry or you will do it to hard
They laughed harder
Dhruv-want water?i think it must have been over na..
All are laughing very hard
Aliya-oh this on the 1st day itslef wow bhabi you are very modern

Manik-got to hell
Nandini threw pillow on manik
Aliya-ouchhhhhhh!!!!!!ehehehehh what happeed??????
Manik looked at nandu and threw another pillow at her
All were laughing outside thinking what must be going inside……..

Sorry guys cant post twinj and swaragini today.i am damn busy guys I am very very sryyy.i willl post it tommorow guys..and thnxxx for your valuable comments…and forgive me I am realy sry…see you soon guys..tcc lvuu alll and once again sryy..

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