Fan Fiction

A Lifeless Sanskaar’s Love Story – Chapter 1

I am back guys with the episode 1 of my new fan fiction… Guys thanks for making me reach +100 comments….Guys some of you thought that it’s my way of increasing numbers of comments but by god I had nothing such in my mind… I was also disappointed that many of you changed your name and commented or changed the email ID but the name was same, guys play fair… I don’t want to deliver a long lecture but please……………… Ok so the most awaited thing… THE COUPLE….I was confused as I don’t want to disappoint anyone so let’s see how I have shape upped the story☺Both Swasan and Ragsan will be a part of this story….


I was looking towards her… she came near the bed in which I was lying and with her sweet smile asked me once again, “Excuse me, how are you feeling? ”

I didn’t know what to say because physically I was fit but mentally my world ended long ago with her… my reply was just a fake smile… Her sharp look said that she know very well that I was lying and it turned out to be true…. she gave me a sharp look and said, “I hate liars Sir..sorry for being rude towards you but I know you are lying! ”
I was amazed how does she knows but I remained quite and looked up towards her…. she came and sat on the bed yet remained distanced from me… and continued, “Hi… I am Swara Kapoor, a psychiatrist… I know you are physically perfect but not fine from inside! ”

Now I gave her a quite rude look as how can she say that I am a psycho… Am I??

She said with a lovely smile, ”I am sorry if you take my words bad but you can share your problems with me not as a patient but as a friend and I may help you out from that problem! ”

Ok but how can I trust her like that… Ok fine she saved my life but I can’t share my secrets with her without knowing her… no I know her she is a psychiatrist and named as Swara Kapoor and she is quite humble and humanity lies in her… which is not found in people today!

I was fighting with my thoughts when a hand was placed on my hand which turned out to be Swara’s… her touch was very friendly and I thought of sharing my pain to her maybe it will bring relief to me…. Till now I haven’t said a single word and I opened my mouth slowly with hesitation.

I said and I was quite nervous, “Hey! I am Sanskaar Maheshwari! Actually no more a part of anything… I may sound boring and stupid but I was in love with a girl named RAGINI!! ”

The episode ends on Sanskaar’s face…..

Precap:RagSan’s Live Story’s revelation ( Alot of RagSan scenes for my RagSan fans?) Both RagSan and SwaSan will be playing a major role in Sanskaar’s life coz I don’t want to disappoint my readers… Do comment……


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