It’s our first morning at Malaysia….Morning is not only sun rise…… But a beautiful miracle of nature….that defeat darkness…..and spread light to the earth….
We all wake up with a bright smile…. We already decide will go to Batu Caves is a limestone hill that has a series of caves and cave temples ….. It’s a place where highly visited by tourist…. At the same time swara also can pay a visit to temple for prayer…. Even we are different religion but it’s doesn’t matter in friendship…. We always respect each other and will celebrate most of the festival together…. No matter what three of us can’t enjoy any festivals to the fullest without each one presence…..
We reached there… Before further to explore the place swara join the prayer while angel and me was waiting at the lake in a bench at there…..
Swara in mind it’s really wonderful that visit a temple in early morning because it’s bring a lot of inner peace in ourselves….. While take a round in the temple after prayer, again a person hit me and made fall down…..
Ohhhh….. God!!! Really not again! Since I reached Malaysia it’s my second time fall down…. Why can’t my day complete without falling down which making my mood off….
I come to sense with a sound of the person who make me fall because I was busy arguing in my mind…..
Swara: Seriously!!!!! ????You! Not again! I think you really need to get an appointment now mister…..
Guy: An appointment? For what????
Swara: obviously to get treatment for your eyes…. You have problem with your eyes that’s why you always bumped to me right….. And if can I think you should get treatment for your attitude problem mr arrogant…..
Swara leaves the place after uttered the word while the guys fully boiled with anger??? and he didn’t even get the chance to reply back her….Swara went to Zoya and Angel and narrated the whole story which just happened with her…. While listening to the story angel and zoya laughing like mad person…..
Swara: zoya and angel “You both so mean yar….. My mood already off because that guy and you both are laughing” with a pout face….
Zoya: what Swara? Don’t sad my baby girl…. Don’t care about the incident…. Why should you spoil your day with that incident…. We come here for enjoy right…. So please smile…..
Swara: Zoya, you really know how to convince me to fast….. hahaha….. ok… I won’t think about it and spoil our day…. Let’s start our exploration in this place…. But I really wish I won’t meet him again girls…
Angel: But swara….. Seriously it’s really funny yar….. Pity that guy…. Hahaha…. I think in his life he never had faced a girl like you ….. Especially the way you commenting him really unique…… ???hahahaha…..
Swara: Angel I was the one pity not him! He is an arrogant guy… he didn’t said sorry never be a gentleman by help me get up once I fall…..
Zoya: hahahaha….. Sorry…. Ok now let’s go breakfast at nearby restaurant….
After 3 hours walking around Zoya and Swara resting in bench nearby lake while Angel throwing some food for fishes…. While Swara looking around the lake she figured out a guy at nearby place…..
Swara: Zoya not again yar…. I just wish don’t want to meet that guy…. Again I meet him….
Angel: Which guy you are talking about Swara? ( Angel already take seat beside them after throw food for fishes)
Swara: The one I told in morning….
Zoya: Where is that guy?
Swara slowly pointing the spot the guy standing through eyes…..
Zoya & Angel together: Seriously!!!! He is hot and handsome Swara!!!!! And you said he is not???? ???
Zoya: But did y……
Before Zoya complete her word….. The guy walk to our spot which make eyes get widen…. Ohhh!!! No! Why he is coming here??????
Guy: Hai Zoya!!
Swara and Angel shock??? how he knows Zoya…..
Zoya: Hai, Sanskar Sir! What are you doing here???
Sanskar: Just come for a holiday with my friends…..
Zoya: Wow….. You too sir….. Even I took holiday for 2 weeks for coming here for a holiday….
Sanskar: yeahhh!!! Finally you took holiday…. You should take some rest Zoya…. Don’t always focus on career take some rest by going for holidays too…. You deserve holiday….. Ok … bye Zoya got to go…. My friends will wait for me…..
Zoya: ok Sir….
During their conversation Angel and Swara just keep quite……
Angel & Swara: How you know him????
End of part 2…..
The guy was Sanskar….
So will Swara meet him again???
3rd Day they will leaving for Langkawi….
How will they meet again? Is it they will bump to each other again?
Amazing it wasabi nice
Tq bresh….. So sweet of u for always give comments in my ff….. ,???
Plz upload nxt ASAP can’t wait. .. also wanna know sanskar’s opinion abt swara
Will upload it soon dear…… Maybe next will be his point of view….. Wait and read and do give comments…..
Awesome dear…
Tq Anu Ann……