Fan Fiction

My Life’s Miracles (Part 27)

Previous part

I’m sorry my dear friends….. I know it’s already few days I didn’t update my story so sorry for that….. And don’t bash me after read this part….. Please bear me for a few updates to found out what really happened…..
Angel’s Monologue
I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh, but I never looking back on the laugh will make me cry. The hardest part is waking up in the morning remembering what you were trying to forget and wish it were all happened in past is a worst nightmare which will gone once woke…… But still I need to wake up and face the reality…….

It’s already 2 years pass since the incident happened….. An incident which we lost our smile forever…. An incident which took Swara forever from us…. An incident which change all of us…. An incident which changes Sanskar as a human robot who just full filled his responsibilities without any emotions…… An incident which turns everything upside down……Today is Swara’s death anniversary…. It’s already 2 years…..
Arnav hug Angel from the back and place his chin on shoulder…. What are you thinking Angel?
Angel couldn’t help her tears… She turns and hugs Arnav tightly…..
Angel: Why Arnav??? Why should God take Swara from us forever!! She just lives a happy life for a while… She never had been happy as those days in Malaysia….. Why should the God jealous of her happiness and took it in awhile only? Why should he give all happiness in one time and took out in a time? She never complained even her life is very hard and full of torn! Why he so cruel to our Swara?? With nonstop tears and sobbing….

Arnav: I know Angel you are sad….. We can’t fight with things which already listed in our destiny and faith….. It’s all already written in the beginning….. We couldn’t find the reasons behind all this but we just can keep pray and have faith everything happened for a good reason…. I miss our Swara too but we just can pray she stay happy wherever she was…. I lost my sister which is newly found on that day…. Little tears escaped from his eyes….If I can bring her back alive, I will do anything……
SW’s Company

A young man leaned in a chair while holding a small photo frame with tears….. Yes, it’s none other than our Sanskar who still mourning over Swara his beloved wife’s death anniversary…… The photo taken on his wedding with Swara at Cameron Highland…. 2 years past since the day Swara left this world….. I’m leaving a lifeless life…. If I have the opportunity I’m willingly will left this world with my Swara but I can’t….. She won’t like it….. I guess I’m the most unlucky man in this world who lost his wife the day after the marriage…..
After all night chatting with Swara, we went sleeping….. Our sweet dreams disturb with a phone call in early morning….It’s was Ahil on the line….
Ahil: wow…. Can you guys both fast get up from the bed…..We all wait for you for lunch….. We know that you are newly wedded still you both need to eat also with laughing teasingly….
Sanskar irritatingly “You’re such disturbance Ahil…..” with that he cut the call…. He put the hp back at the bedside table and the turn she his princess was sleeping peacefully hugging him tightly making his chest as pillow…… She didn’t even get disturb with the phone call just now…. Don’t to want wake her up, so I kiss her forehead and try release the hug to have bath but she make the grip more tightly and snuggle more to my chest hide her face……..

Sanskar: Swara…. Wifey…. Let me go dear, I need to take bath …..
Swara: No….. Let’s sleep for awhile more….. With that she hugs Sanskar more tightly….
Sanskar: I want to sleep to dear….. But Ahil just called me said everyone is waiting for us….. They still haven’t had their lunch…. Swara release the hug and open her eyes slowly and kissed Sanskar on his cheecks “Good Morning, hubby”….
Sanskar: It’s not morning, wifey… It’s afternoon ready….. While kissing her cheecks….
Swara: I don’t care….. I just wake up…. So for its still morning….. Sanskar laugh and get off from the bed and went to bath….
After get ready, we leave to Gonbei Restaurant which provide Chinese cushiness…Swara and me enter the restaurant, our friends looking at us teasingly….. We ignored their look and have a sit…. Before I sit, Arnav and Ahil said “Sanskar come us gout for awhile”…….
I didn’t sit hearing them….. I can see the restless in their eyes even their voice sound calm…..
Swara: You guys eat first then only go talk about the office works……
Arnav: Don’t worry sis…. Just for awhile only.. … While waited for the food it’s better that we finish our works…….with that they leave the place….

Linda gives a fakery coughs to have all our attention…..
Zoya: What Linda?
Linda: So, how was your day yesterday Swara with wink?? Now all eyes on me….
Swara start to blush…… “Girls nothing happened as you all think…..”
Zoya: Swara, we didn’t ask what happened yesterday….. We just ask how your day…… What are thinking about?
No Swara already red as a tomato….. “ i…i…. did…..didn’t think about anything…..” with stammering voice……
Angel who sits beside Swara side hug her and said “Girls enough….. Don’t tease her more….. Look her face, she look so red…. You girls can guess right seeing her neck…..” all start to laugh…..
Swara eyes turn wide hearing Angel’s comment…..She get the mirror from the bag and have a look…. There was a big love bite on her neck……. It’s not mean they do anything else…… It’s just only a love bite nothing else…..Sanskar said want take time for their relation because their relation goes too fast…..
Angel takes a scarf from her handbag and put it around her neck which can hide the love bite….. Thank god the guys already left this place and didn’t see the bite mark….
Swara: Tq, Angel…..
Angel: No need thank me, Swara….. As long you have a best day while wink at her….
Swara: stop girls…… she hides her face with shyness…..
Zoya seeing Swara’s uncomfortable change the topic…. Girls, where you want go after this???
Angel and Linda: Don’t know…..

While Swara lost in her thought…..

Next: wait…..

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