Guys sorry for mistakes in previous part, reread it.
Hii.. guys
Sorry for wait but m back…bcz of xmz m on leave…Aanya
Sooo… lets strt
Precap: flashback start…
Lets start
(In fb) 2000BC
Swaragini nd shijin are on seraching for food on a mountain
Shij:ohh god i want rabbit their blood is?? yum yum
Swa:shut up bro noo.. u dnt kill those cute rabbits they r cute like me
Rag(scream from another side):yeah i got 3 rabbit? who want a meal
Shij:(run there) ohh i lov u my sis
They start having their meal
Swara too came near to them
Swa:no.. u know na i hate to kill cute things
Ragini give her a black cat
Rag: i know ur never harm cutes theory hav ur meal… after 5 Half human came here
Swa:yeah i hate them..(in mind^^except one? my love)
Rag:(^^in mind??only Laksh is good among them^^) yeah they are our rivals
Shij:dnt forgot ur sister in law is from them
Rag:we know
Swa;but tell me why they are our rivals…i mean some of them are very humble
Shij:mmm… okk come on i tell u
They strt walking
Shij: there was a time when humans half immortal nd we mortals live happily together but one but a half immortal killed a human nd to hide that he eat the person as u both know humans r very tasty slowly slowly the human blood become his weakness he killed them when he catched he washed humanz brain nd all the blame came to our grand father he tried to calm humans but humans r very aggrssive nd short tempered …
Rag:soo humans killed our grand pa
Swa:but he was too strong he can kill anyone easily
Shij:noo nd u know who was that half immortal person grand pa’s best frnd before 500 years war was declared between humans n us half immortals were with them…many people were killed nd that scenerio is a black shed in our history.. from that time we strt hiding from everyone bcz human blood is our weakness if ones we drink that we loose our control we became beast
Rag:ohhh… but where is that person who betray grand pa
Shij:no one knows
Swa:but dp uncle nd mo yeon also half immortal
Shij:every breed have good ppl nd they r good who alwys with us
Rag:ohhh this is tooo emotional
Swara stand up nd say
Swa:I promise one day i finish every hatred from this world
Shij:no.. i hate humans bcz they have a emotional heart which make them fool we nver can be frnd
Swa:nd half immortals
Shijin give him a killing look
Shij:noo… xcept mo yeon nd dp uncle no one can came near us
Rag:bro if i fall in love with half immortal so what would u do
Shij:I kill that beast…
He run from there
Swa:ohh nooo… what will we do now ufff Sanskar
Rag:my Laksh…ohhh
Both look at each other with puppy face ???
Both turn to listen whistle
N sanlak grab them from back
Sanskar hug swara
Laksh hug ragini
San:ohhh baby what r u doing here u know how much i missed u
Swa:ohh sanskar we need to talk
He grab her in arms n take her up to a long tree
Laksh lift ragini nd run up to mountain’s peak
Swa:sanskar why u never listen to me i want to know about ur family
San:listen swara dnt talk about these non sense i love u u love me is this not enough for us huh
He kissed her lips but she pushed him
Swa:noo.. plz try to understand bcz i want to live with u forever
San: we live forever together dont u trust me swara?
Swa:i trust this is the only reason i m here with u…but if shijin acknowlegded about u he killed u
San(whisper):before that i kill him
Swa:what u say??
San: i said i have somthing for u met me tommorw at 9 ok bye
He kissed her lip nd jump down nd run fast from there
Meanwhile @Raglak
Lak:sooo… someone is looking in bad mood wht happen
Rag:shijin tell me somthing about half immoltals
Lak:about us?? What
Rag:leave that u met me tomorow
Lak:noo.. u met me tomorrow
Rag:the thing is same u met me or i met u
Lak:(he whisper in ber ear)i hav somthing soecial for u
Rag:but.. i was thinking about ur nd my parents meeting
Lak:first we met..okk
He give her a kiss nd leave
SR come back to home nd silently sit in their room(no one know they came late home)
Dp came to room
Dp:princess’s when u came ?? Do u need somthing
Swa:uncle how do u know we were not at home
Dp:mm…i ..i came before
Rag:ohhh plzz uncle plz? dnt tell all these to papa
Dp:dnt worry about.. came to court plzz
He greet them nd leave with evil smile
Shekhar nd shomi are sitting on throne
Shijin came there with her fiance Mo yeon
Both looking perfect together?
Shekhar:i declare my son rome’s successor nd his wife next Queen of Rome they rule on state of Roman
Shomi: i declare Swara nd Ragini will be the Owner of all powers they rule over Vampire’s power without them this place under drought nd femine bcz they born to rule powers their heart are the source of Rome’s powers
Then swaragini enter to court like princess
Shekhar crowned shijin nd mo yeon
Shomi crowned Swaragini
Shij:i prove myself for the favour of this state nd fight like a warrior for everyone
Mo yeon:i prove myself best for Rome nd people nd prove that all half immortals r not evil
She hold shijin hands nd sit on their throne
Swaragini look at each other
Swa:mmmm… i would like to say i love my dress
Rag:mmm.. i love my necklace
Everyone look at them with tension…but wht to do with their kiddish nature
Next day…
Party for them…
They speech in front of their kingdom (SR reading from written notebook by DP)
Everyone claps for them ….they all r very happy n celebrated the party …..
After party …
Ragini ; u know swara m sooo happy today …??
Swara: me also …?..but y u happy ????
Ragini: m happy for shinjin n moyon ….plus m happy for us also
Swara yes….we will rule the vamp kingdom … Yahoo …m happy …that will be so interesting …when I will be queen na ….I will make rule that no vamp will kill my rabbits ….(pout)
Ragini : ur rabbits ????
Swara: yes? all the rabbits in the world r mine ?
Rag: huh u will never grow up …. Accha listen …m going out now …okk I will see u after an hr …
Swara: where u going ?
Rag. Wo.. Wo… I will tell later ../
Sw; okk (mind* ya go go …I also hv to go to meet my Sanskaar )….
They leaves …
Swara sitting near a beautiful lake under moonlight….Sanskaar keeping head on her lap n laying ….
Sanskaar: u r looking too beautiful my love …
Swara: thnxx …
San: hmm… Today I hv something for u ….?
Sw: what ??
San : take out a cute white rabbit ….
Sw: Rabbiitttt????… Sanskaarrrrr u brought me a rabbit .//eeeeee I loveeee uuuu ???(kisses the rabbit)
Sanskaar: oh hello I brought rabbit u should kiss me
SWA: sanskuuu dont tease me??….
San: .. Hmm …Ikenw u will love it ….
S: how ?
San: vamp loves rabbit bloods na … So ..
Sw: what ? u think I will kill it…!!!! Nooo ( hug rabbit )
San: ? y!
Sw: I love cute things ….I never kill rabbits ??
Raglak …..
Rag:ohh laksh m soo happy today
Lak:ohh so come on share with me??
He kiss her but she push him
Rag:noo romnce now… lets walk
Laksh: ragini this is for u ….( takes out a silver glitter pandant )
Ragini: wow its nice … ( she expand her hand )
Lak put it on her hand n as soon as he put. Ragini screens out in pain …her plam got injured n became blue
Ragini: Aaaaaahhh…..(blood tear came out of her eyes )
Laksh: rag kya hua…r u OK….(held her n see her hand became blue) hie it happen?
Rag: m sun shine vamp na …. So silver hurts me ….
Laksh ( mind^ good to know about ur weakness?) ohh m very sry love …
Other side …. Sanskaar did the same with swara but with gold chain ….
Sanskaar: m so sorry shona … I didn’t knew that gold metal hurts u …. ( mind I knew it …just wanted to confirm… (Smrik)
Sanlak leave drop them to their palace… n they r riding on their back
They kiss each other n leave but someone notice sanlak
@ShiYeon room
Mo yeon:shijin i want to tell u something
Shijin: yeah say
Mo Yeon: if i say i m hiding somthing from u…
Shijin:n u r hinding wht??
Mo yeon:noo frst tell me can u forgive
Shijin:if i die bcz of that i forgive u my love but if my family be in a little pain so i never forgive u…nd dnt know wht will happen
She tensed n hug him
Mo yeon:I love u shijin
Shijin :love u too my love
@Dark place
Sanlak r standing nd a men come near to them
Men:i m proud of u my childs
Sanlak hug him…
… be continue
Precap:Romance…n many more?
Plzz comment guys???? love u alll
Wanna ask guys…anyone of u have problm with romntic stuff???
Fact of the part: Egyptians also had their share of vampire lore and blood suckers. The Egyptian goddess Sekhmet was known for her taste for blood; and according to the Egyptian Book of the Dead, if a certain part of the soul called the ka didn’t receive adequate offerings, it left the tomb to drink blood.
Swara n ragini r impossible.. I live my dress n I love my necklace ??
Awesome..swara is too cute??
Nice awesome
Loved raglak
Interesting episode and loved Raglak scenes. Eagerly waiting for more Raglak romantic scenes. Plz post next part ASAP with more Raglak romance
Awesome dear…..