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Living in an illusion Part 7
Raghavendra took Siya to a hospital.Geetanjali Devi,Arjun and Mishri were also there.Siya was shocked to see Abhi and Pragya lying unconscious on the bed.
Raghavendra:Abhi is here with his love Pragya.Abhi is your own sister Pragya’s lover,not yours Siya.
Siya was stunned.
Raghavendra explained Abhi and Pragya’s tragic love story to Siya.Siya’s eyes got filled up with tears.
Raghavendra:I showed Abhi and Pragya’s photograph to Arjun and Mishri.They told me that Abhi and Pragya are the coma patients of Arjun’s dad who is a doctor.After falling off the cliff,both were saved by some people and took them to Arjun’s dad’s hospital.Their lives were saved.But unfortunately both slipped into coma.I informed your dadi and she also came here to see Pragya and Abhi.
Geetanjali:Siya beta…you are not Pragya.You are Siya.Your man is Raghavendra,not Abhi.
Raghavendra:Siya…till now you were living Pragya’s life.Now please identify yourself and live your own life.
Siya looked at him emotionally.
Siya:When I was with you,I was Siya,not Pragya.That’s why I fell in love with you even though my mind was drifting apart.
Raghavendra smiled emotionally.
Dil Thoda Jazbaati Hai
Bhar Jata Hai Baaton Se
Arjun-Mishri were surprised.
Mishri:Siya loves Dr.Raghavendra like we wish.
Arjun:Ya Mishri.This is what God wanted and that’s why he created so many awkward situations.
Raghavendra cupped Siya’s face in his hands and looked at her emotionally.
Raghavendra:I always wanted to tell you this.But I could’nt say that.Now I am telling you.I love you Siya.
She closed her eyes emotionally.
Ye Phir Chhalke Yun Aankho Se
Ho Jaise Rait Zara Si
Slowly she opened her eyes and said:I love you too.
Haath Mein Teri Khushboo Hai
Sach Poocho To Ab Yun Hai
They embraced each other emotionally.
Tu Chehre Pe Mere Thehra
Ho Jaise Ret Zara Si!(
Arjun,Mishri and Geetanjali smiled happily.
Geetanjali:Earlier you had an incomplete wedding.So I want you both to get married again following all legal procedures.
They smiled.
Raghavendra and Siya were so happy that they came closer joining their foreheads together romantically.
Tu Chehre Pe Mere Thehra
Ho Jaise Ret Zara Si!(Atrangi re).
Siya and Raghavendra got married.
Arjun:Wish you both a very happy married life.
Mishri:Enjoy guys.
Raghavendra and Siya smiled:Thank you.
Siya-Raghavendra were having icecream in a street shop.
They were surprised to see Akshara with a boy there.
Akshara was surprised to see them and went near them.
Raghavendra:That day you did not believe us though Siya and I were not in love with each other.But I thank you for calling off our engagement.Because of that I realised that my soulmate is Siya.
Akshara:That time itself I knew that you both were saying the truth.But I pretended to be not believing you as I wanted our engagement to be called off.Because I was in love with a man named Uday.
Raghavendra and Siya were shocked.
Akshara:Thinking that you betrayed us,my mom thought that her choice was wrong,So she allowed me to choose a man for myself.Thus she accepted Uday as my man.Sorry for hurting you both.
Raghavendra:It’s ok.Glad that like me,you also got the love of your life.
Akshara smiled.
Akshara called Uday to come near them and introduced Uday to them.
Akshara:This is Uday;my husband.
Raghavendra:Nice to meet you.
Siya:We wish you both the best.
Uday-Akshara smiled:Thank you.
After a year….
Geetanjali Oswal threw a party.There were not only Raghavendra and Siya to make the party colourful,but also Abhi and Pragya.Because a few months back Abhi and Pragya recovered from coma miraculously.Geetanjali Devi got them married.
Abhi to Pragya:Pragya…I thought we got separated forever.I can’t believe that we are together.
Pragya:Yes Abhi.Our love is pure and divine.That’s why God blessed us specially and united us.
Abhi pecked her forehead
and they embraced each other.
Raghavendra to Siya:Earlier your heart was deeply wounded by the tragedy which Abhi and Pragya faced.But now Abhi and Pragya are living happily in front of us.Are you happy now?
Siya:Yes.I am very happy for Abhi and Pragya.I am also happy that I got a man who stood by me in my worst phase of life.You are my everything Raghavendra.
He smiled.
They shared a romantic eye lock.
Raghavendra-Siya and Abhi-Pragya enjoyed the party together.
The end.
Thank you so much for lovely story
Thank you.
What a lovely chapter!!! It was really surprising to see that Abhi and Pragya were alive and in coma!! Glad to see that they didnt die. Siya-Raghavendra confession was heart touching. Glad to see that everything became ok and that even abhi and pragya gained consciousness. My favorite scene was Siya-Raghavendra confession and my favourite character was Raghavendra because despite knowing everything, he continued to love siya unconditionally. favourite couple was abhi and pragya
Thank you very much.
Wow such a beautiful story with an apt ending. I liked all scenes . My most favourite scene was when Raghavendra made Siya to realise till now she was living the life of Pragya. Now she has to identify herself and live as Siya. And Siya telling though she was leading imaginary life of Siya her mind was full of Raghavendra. She has fallen in love with him..That dialogue was so heart touching and the way they each other confessing love was beautiful. In this episode that was the best part. Glad that Abhigya is alive and Arjun – Mishri is treating them.It was surprising to see Akshara loved someone else and appologized Raghavendra and Siya for being rude that day. Glad that in grant way Geetanjali conducted wedding of Raghavendra and Siya. Happy to see Abhigya getting cured from coma and they getting romantic with each other. Though Abhigya is always favourite for me at this story I liked Raghavendra and Siya’s pairing bit more. Their emotional bonding made me to like them very much. My favourite character was Raghavendra as despite of knowing truth he truely loved Siya and made all efforts to cute her. I really liked this story very much.
thank u so much.I have posted a SiRav OS named The model and her photographer.
I will surely read that one by today evening