Fan Fiction

Living Together (RagSan SS) shot-8

Click here for shot 7

Sanskar came home night at1am,after finishing his fake busy schedule..he sees ragini who is awake,sat on bed holding some file..
Ragini:u came
Sanskar:hmm.y u havnt slept yet..
Ragini:i hav
Sanskar face fell as he thought she was waiting for him but no..she is awake bcz of her work…
Ragini:had din?Sanskar:hmm
Ragini:ok.. get fresh..
Sanskar nodded…

He came out after getting fresh nd sees ragini who is already on bed after closing her work..he too lies on bed beside her.. Ragini turns at him nd hugs him placing her head on his chest..
Ragini:missing u..
Sanskar smiles smirking..

Sanskar:im getting sleep baby..we will talk later.. let me sleep dear.
Ragini(sadly):hmm..ok..good night
Sanskar:good night
Next day also sanskar went office before ragini wake up…nd he came home after she slept…3days passed…Ragini missed sanskar so much..even sanskar too missed her but his ego cant let him back off in his plan..
Ragini back hugs sanskar who is getting ready for office..
Sanskar:u woke up

Sanskar:get fresh..
Sanskar:kya baby
Ragini:can u come early today..we will go has been 4days we didnt had time to spent..missing u so much..

Sanskar:no baby i cant..i hv meeting..even im too missing u..give some time..all will be fine…all will be fine(he stressed this sentence again smirking)
Ragini nodded sadly…
After 2 days..sanskar came home from office nd sees ragini who sat on sofa ,lost somewhere..
Sanskar (goes towards her nd placed his hand on her shoulder):where are u baby..what r u thinking..
Ragini:kuch was ur meeting..
Ragini:oh..then how is ur day with swara..

Ragini:i hav seen u with swara in ur car on the way while i was back to home frm office..
Sanskar smiles inside as he intentionally did he wants to make her feel that pain ,whenever he sees ragini with her boss…
Ragini:u r super bsy right?..was it with her(she askd painfully)
Sanskar:u r mistaken baby..we r together for business purpose..
Ragini looked at him confused..
Sanskar:yeah..swara’s dad nd i dealing one big project together nd she too joined..thats y we r together..thats it..

Sanskar:haan baby..i think u must hav seen when we r coming to office after meeting one of client..
Ragini:y didnt u told me before..
Sanskar:i forgot being busy..sorry baby

Ragini nodded but she felt something fishy nd she doesnt like sanskar being with swara as she is his ex- gf nd she knw swara still loves sanskar.after thinking so much she brushed off all thoughts keeping trust on sanskar…

@next day

Sanskar was in office..ragini was calling sanskar continuously frm last 1hour..but he was not answering her call..she messaged him..but he doesnt care..He says to ragini photo which was in mbl.. sry baby..i have to do this to make u realize ,how much pain i hv got when u r bsy with ur work ignoring sry baby….
Sanskar came home late nd doesn’t found ragini in home..its nearly 12 at night..he got tensed..he immediately called ragini..
Sanskar:hello ragini..where are u..are u in office??
Ragini:no sanskar..vo..
Sanskar:then ??where are u..

Ragini:in delhi
Sanskar:what ..delhi???Ragini:haan..i had to cme to meet one of client..
Sanskar:did u went alone??Ragini:no…sravan sir nd ria with me
Sanskar clenched his fist hearing sravan..

Sanskar:how could u go like that..without telling me..couldn’t u at least feel to inform me? how could u..(he shouted in rage)
Ragini:sanskar calm down..i called u many times but u didnt answer my call nd i sent u message ,u didnt even bother to read it..i knw u r busy but i cant able to believe that u dont hav 1min time to read my msg..
Sanskar recalled ,mng when ragini called him many times nd her messages..he pulls his hair frustrated…he says to himself i should hav read that message..if i had read that ,i would have stopped her ….he cursed himself being stupid..
Ragini:hello sanskar.

Sanskar cuts d call nd throws mbl angrily..
Ragini again calls him but it gets switched off..
Sanskar breaking the things in room angrily,he cant able to digest the thing that sravan nd ragini are together..

@next day
Ragini gets sanskar call..
Ragini:hello sanskar..what happend ,im trying to call u since last night..are u ok.. ok..when will u come..
Ragini:tomorrow mng..
Ragini:bye..missing u
Sanskar smiles sarcastically nd cuts d call…

Ragini reached home..she knocked d door nd got shocked to see swara who opened d door…

Swara:ohh..u came(disappointed voice)
Ragini:what r u doing here jst preparing coffee for sanskar..
Ragini:im asking y r u in my home
Swara:excuse me..its not ur home..its sanskar home..
Ragini(irked by her behaviour):fine.. tell me y r u in sanskar home
Swara:ask sanskar..he only called me here..

Swara:haan.last night he called me..btw..thank u so much
Swara:for going delhi..u should hv stayed some more days there..i would hv get Chance to spend time with sanskar..
Ragini:what nonsense are u speaking..
Swara:oh..u didnt get..thats ok..

Before ragini could speak ,sanskar came..
Sanskar:ragini ,when did u came(he askd coldly)
Ragini:now only(she answered sternly)
Swara:ok sanskar ,i will go now..we will meet in office
Sanskar nodded smiling..ragini looks at swara angrily..
Swara gives a attitude look to ragini nd leaves..
Ragini:whats going on sanskar
Sanskar:what are u talking about
Ragini:y did u called swara here..
Sanskar:ohh..i felt alone nd

Sanskar:so i jst called her to discuss about business..
Sanskar:haan baby..
Ragini:u r not ditching me na..

Sanskar:what r u talking could u think like that..kyun dont u hav trust on me..(he said sarcastic,recalling when ragini askd him same question )
Ragini:its not like that sanskar..i hv trust on u..but not on swara..
Sanskar:leave about swara..u hv trust on me naa..thats enough..if u r doubting me..then tell i will cancel all contracts with swara..tell baby

Ragini:no sanskar i hav trust on u..
Sanskar:then cool need to take going to office..u go nd take rest,u must hav tired..saying he goes smirking,leaving ragini in thoughts..she is thinking about swara words nd now a days sanskar behaviour nd all..

NIVE:sorry dear..i couldnt able to fulfill ur request.. Im not getting anything good ideas, about epilogue..nd i dont want to ruin whole story ,giving bad give some time dear..i will update really sorry dear..


Im Tejaswihollic & a crazy ragsanian/tevarian... Wattpad id -Lahari_RS

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