Fan Fiction


Hey lovely people!!!

Link for previous chapters- Click Here

Sorry for the delay…Here’s the next chappy…





A whole week has passed since the last encounter of mine with Shivaay.I didn’t hear from him directly after that unfortunate day, Though I received a couple of calls from his office assuring me to continue my job as Mr. Oberoi will not be having anything to do in person with my former workplace but I never stepped into that office again.

I had applied at few other places and given some interviews too but their response was still pending.

So here I’m sipping my coffee sitting near window, watching rain drops sliding on my window panes while being temporarily jobless.Since childhood I had been in love with the smell of wet grass and soil…and the sound of rain, it just happens to soothe my soul.

“Mumma!!!”Aru came to me, jumped on my lap and made herself comfortable

“Hey angel!Are you done with your homework?”I asked her, moving my fingers in her hair

“Yes!” She replied along with giving a mischievous smile before I could understand SPLASH…

She was about to do it again but I tricked her this time palming the splashing water as much as I can and threw towards her…She giggled making me laugh myself…We kept on playing for sometime

“Mommy! I want to eat ice-cream”Aru suddenly spoke

“No baby! Bad idea…You will catch cold”I tried to make her understand…

“Mumma! Please na…just one…please…”She pouted cutely Requesting

“No means no…I will bring ice-cream for you tomorrow”

“Mumma please!”She said this time sadly…

Ugh…How can deny my daughter like this…

“Okay…Let’s go “I spoke and get astonished seeing sudden change of expressions …as she yelled “yay!!!!!”

“Oh bete ki, Such a drama queen! “I chuckled…


This whole week passed for me in a blur.Here I’m siting in the office trying to distract myself with work. But alas!It’s not working…

After that day at parking lot I didn’t dare to meet Annika or Aarya…She was about to pass out that day but somehow managed to move towards her car…I wanted to ensure she is fine so tried to block her way but What I heard next crumpled my soul…

“You are a disgust to be called as a man, friend, lover , fiance and most importantly a father Mr. Oberoi…NEVER EVER dare to cross path with either me or my daughter.”She screeched on top of her voice , shut her car’s door with a loud bang and went away…Leaving me again in the pool of misery

“Sir!…Sir!”My Secretary Ms. Sameera called upon boggling her head from the cabin’s door.

“Yes?”I asked not even lifting my head from the documents I was staring upon since afternoon…

“Sir! Mrs. oberoi is trying to contact you for a long time..You aren’t able to pick her call…”

I hmmed while looking towards my switched off phone…I hadn’t been to house since last two days… How could I knowing someone there betrayed me…I was just staying here only in the office in upper floors having spare rooms..

Yesterday Rudra brought Arnav here only…But I made both of them leave quite early.

“What she said?”I asked her least interested…

“Umm to contact her as soon as possible otherwise she will be visiting you here”

“Okay..”I said while a slight frown formed on my face..”Anything else?”

“Yes sir!Your meeting with the Paradise Group is in One hour at ‘Exquisite’ Restuarant ”

“Restuarant! Why Restuarant not here?”

“Umm I don’t know Sir…their executive insisted”

“Okay Sameera!You will be accompanying me too…We will leave in 15 minutes… Arrange necessary documents”

“Yes Sir!” With this she left while I started preparing for the meeting…

“I know somewhere I’m making My son Arnav to suffer too but I don’t know what to do…Right now my heart just want my daughter…My Aarya more than anything and anyone…I want to pull her into my arms and never let her go…” I opened my drawer and pull another phone of mine…

“Did you get it?”I asked the person on the line…

“No Sir!not till now”I replied…

“I want it, goddammit…Make it faster”I angrily replied and cut the call without further speaking…

I collected necessary files and move towards the door…

After reaching the Restaurant we moved towards our already reserved dining area… I must say The Restaurant was quite lavish

There was still a little time left for the meeting to be started…few executives of The Paradise Group had already arrived but not the CEO himself till now…We have waited for this meeting for quite a long time…I also came to know that this Restaurant belonged to The Paradise Group only…

My phone rang, I looked for the caller and saw his name appeared…I excused myself and moved towards outside…not wanting anyone to listen.

“Yes?”I asked looking towards a lady and a little girl coming out from the Icecream parlour in front of Restuarant across the other side of road..

“Sir!I got something…You really need to know this…”Before I could hear exactly what he was saying my breathe hitched up looking upon the scenario in front of me
Because that lady and girl were none other than Annika and Aarya…

I looked towards them…Annika was speaking on her phone holding Aarya’s one hand while she was looking over something on road

I so much wanted to ran towards them …To speak to Annika and engulf my daughter in my arms, before I could act upon or even think further I saw Aarya breaking herself free from Annika’s grip and running towards the road…

And next I saw a highly speeded car moving towards her…I looked towards Annika’s horrified expressions and her shouting heart stopped beating and then….

PRECAP-“Your doubt was right…that b*t*h is here with her daughter and her daughter……………………”


So here’s the next Epi…How’s it please tell me by way of your lovely comments…

Love you all a lot…

Take care always..



My Mission:To be so busy loving my life that I have no time for Hate,Regret,Worry,Fret or Fear. Wattpad Id-@Ashlyn_G

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