Fan Fiction


Day two—
‘Hey will you stop at least’ the moron behind me screeched. I didn’t even acknowledge him, and just like that strutted towards the deep forest. ‘Am I out of my head? Yes! Am I outta my mind? double yes!’ and the annoying noise continues. ‘Hey will you please shut your annoying ass mouth!’ For god sake I was traumatized by his squeaky voice, which he was doing on purpose. He grinned at me cheekily and bowed down as if he had finished his world class opera on the best note yet. ‘Thank you’ ‘Thank you, I am honored by the response’ he waved to the non existent audience which he presumed were applauding him, so dumb. ‘Quit the act alright’ I said to him and turned to walk away. Before I could turn I could see his lips formed a pout which I found adorable and irritating all at once.

I looked at my phone finding it fully charged but of no use. There was no lone ass network here. I was so tired of finding my way out here, my throat was barren and was scratchy from the thirst. Since I was abducted without my notice (note the sarcasm) I was left with nothing, had they at least notified me that they are going to abduct me on so and so time I would have brought my belongings. And just to increase my luck (the pettiness is so high) I was stuck with the demon with charming smile (not my observation, it was of all girls of my college). ‘The day I saw you was the day my life ruined’ he was again ranting. No matter how many of our mutual friends tried to bond us we would be polar opposites always.

‘And the day you bullied me, that day I swore to destroy you’ he seethed behind me, perfect practice for his next play. He was a president of student body and also led “Art and Theatrics” a minor program organized by our college, he was so nerd. ‘I have apologized to you a dozen times already drama queen’ I rolled my eyes at him. He just scorned at me, poor him couldn’t come with the better come back, always the pity thing. He just huffed and trumped like a small kid who was being scolded by his mother. He threw me one last glare and barged beside me. I laughed at his childish antics, gosh can he be matured for once. And here I thought that only girls would be at the high end of mood swings but there’s always an exception.

The day before:
‘I can ask the same question to you Mister’ I gritted at him. That’s when I observed that he was also tied as me. He sighed frustrated. ‘I can’t stay at the same place as you, my sanity will be long gone’ He huffed. Oh god! What is his problem? ‘What the f**k is your problem?’ I exclaimed at him. He saw me with the narrowed gaze and just ducked his head. ‘That’s what I thought’ I retorted.

I have to do something, I can’t be tied up all night here, but what can I do? Think T! What did that guide tell us on the last summer? YES! I got it. Since I was tied to my ankles, my wrists and lastly on torso, so I could do nothing but wriggle in certain angles to get the ties one by one. I kicked off my canvas, and brought my right leg over left and vice versa and believe me it f**king took whole hour, but finally the ties got loose around my ankles and I was fast to kick that off too. Since my hands were tied behind I had to do a little circus here. I tried to bring my tied hands to front by bringing it from back.

I had to struggle a lot on this particularly, but I didn’t give up, I was about to be free so first slowly I brought my wrists down my hips, which were previously resting on the middle of my back. I managed to sit on my tied up wrists which hurt like b*t*h, cause just after wriggling the ropes and sliding them down your back you suddenly sit on your wrists then they would definitely hurt like hell. And it was not that difficult to bring those hands under my back thighs and I finally did a fetal position to get it to the front. I inserted my toes in the ropes and pulled the wrists upwards to loosen up the tightness, which worked. Thank god. I rotated my wrists in 45° angle as well as 180°. When the ties got loose and my wrists were free I just jumped from the excitement and I soon winced regretting the act cause stupid me forgot to untie the ropes around my torso. Which wasn’t that difficult task but I screamed my lungs out seeing Kunj watching me with wide eyes as big as soccer ball. It would be comical if I was the third person here, but suddenly being watched in the light less room would creep anyone.

‘What?’ I squeaked out. He didn’t reply just stared at me dumbly as if I had just landed from outer space. I ignored him and turned to the large window to escape but stopped in mid way since he told me so. ‘You can’t escape alone’ he voiced out, Great! Now what? Should I help him out? Nah! Helping others had led me here so why now?! I just turned back but he again interrupted me, ‘You owe me, you have bullied me enough’ God have I not apologized to him already. ‘No, I got detention of one week for that, so no I don’t owe you anything’ I told him. ‘At least have some humanity or isn’t there enough morality in you?’ he questioned me. I just rolled my eyes at him, not believing that at this moment he has time for preaching. He gave me those eyes which I couldn’t resist, I told myself that this would be the last time that I will be helping him.
Little did I know that helping him out would be such a problem, had I known that he would be this annoying I would have left him to rot there.

Okay guys I am late I am sorry but here it is… Any mistakes sorry for that and I have not proof read so sorry again…. leave your feedback and let me know whether you all liked it.. There’s this girl Maggie who writes Twinj and Devakshi FF’s I think you all know her right? We are friends since forever and the other day while chatting with her, we realized that it would be great to do collab I mean co-writing the FF but let us know your opinion then let’s see whether or not we will write together… Go read her Devakshi FF’s she writes awesome… Shout out to Meghana….You go girl….

Thanks ??



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