Categories: Fan Fiction Original

Love is in the Air Epi-2

Sorry guys i sd dat louis is of 20 years as he is in 4th year
2 clear d confusion there are 2 sis n 1 bro nd deir kids are as follows :
1st elder sis michelle has 3 kids 1st louis ,2nd rosetta,3rd anabella
2nd bro william has 2 kids 1st elizabeth nd 2nd victor
3rd sis lily has 2 kids 1st laura nd 2nd maria

Now lets continue
after 15 mins louis enters nd den she agn strts gttin weird feelin bt peace .louis was sweating like anything ,hairs dishevelled he threw back pack n sat down on sofa and den got out his energy drink and starts sipping and den after 10 mins gets up 2 freshen up after he agn lands up in d hall in his black tracks shirtless making laura his gaze and act 2 read a
book just not 2 get dat embarassing feeling 2 both but he strtd walking straight 2 her nd stood just infrnt of her shocking laura n asked hw do i luk 2 u?laura eyes widened at his question n made her think what does he want 2 lisen bt den he sd my build is nice isnt eat wt any grl wud luv 2 hv in her hubby laura eyes grew in bewilderment n den lowered her gaze and got embarrassed bt stl louis interrupted y arent u answering u can look up at me im just ur czin bro (not any stranger or luv crush trying 2 say nt 2 shy) emphasizing more on d word bro which brought laura 2 her senses nd sd ya gud build n den agn strtd going through d book bt den louis agn interrupted n modelled fr her at all angles nd askd her how he looked (ofcourse he was talking abt his build nt dat he was already handsome)laura sd ya gud n den engaged herself n den louis put his shirt on and sat agn nd den dey did nt talk anything else.

after a few days wen laura was at louis home she found him sitting on sofa watching sm kind of movie along wid his family nd en sd 2 her dat i reaaly like u(dear in d sense dat she was his bst czin n most religious n mannerd )

after sm days in 7th std vacats of laura dey all went 2 their farmhouse it was green soothing place wid a small villa just infrnt of d large gate whch made dem all happy 2 scream .all d kids really enjoyed dat place as dey had nothing 2 do except fun n one wud bother them as all moms wer superbzy cooking dem new cuisines ,new dishes fr every meal.louis had brot his bffs along just 2 enjoy 2 d core.

everyday in der wud be lik dream just 2 eat ,drink ,sleep ,play ,lisen 2 music or watch a movie ,no worries abt exams or studies as it was summer vacats bt ppl sd dat sm ghost spirits remaind in dat plc bt no 1 botherd bt tl one day wen louis frnd gt hit on head wen der was none behind him in d darkness of farm bt all thought them 2 be joking as dey wer mischievous d same night wen louis n his frnds wer barbecuing meat rosetta was awake fr dem 2 serve dem barbecued meat bt all of sudden she gt ill nd vomitting

next day at nit wen d grls wer hving fun tym maria (lauras small sis) came crying 2 elizabeth dat louis hit her all gt shockd hearing dat n enquired wt did u do dat louis did so bt she sd she did nothing n louis wntd 2 raise d games excitment n so he made her six score because of which all the boys tried 2 get scores by hitting her.laura n elizabeth wntd 2 no d real matter n went down stair but noone was der after dat they hit the bat n ball just so dat dey dnt play fr days n regret deir mistk bt ddeir plan backfired n dey got d ball n bat n came searching fr all grls who had already hid knowing deir plan of bulleying grls by ovehearing deir cnvrsation bt d boys wer 2 smrt and went searching fr grls n found dem in 1st floor with silence n darkness n fear n opnd d window n entered in horrifying d grls 2 run .dis was nt all the boys plan bt louis n evry one obeyed louis vicor n some of deir other czin had caught all bt laura was nt yt caught louis evn hurt anabella(louis 2nd small sis)though he loved her more dan rosetta (louis 1st small sis) in his madness of game(or u can influence of bad spirit)evry one gt horrified at louis abnrmal behavior bt as he had caught all she didnt no wt was actually happning wid d grls she came fearless b4 louis n stood louis asked dont u fear me her anser shocked him more dan her action she sd dat she was only afraid of god n none else.louis stood back staraight nd stared laura n left all grls as if his madness got lost in her anser n den all d super moms decided do snd him 2 sm priest nxt morning

Precap pic of louis kissing his gf seen by elizabeth ,laura,victor.

Ppl please commnt if u lik coz ur feedbacks matter 2 me d most lik i hv alrdy sd im writing fr d 1st tym n d scenes btween louis n laura r nt so intense bcoz laura is stll a school grl n at such age love is pure independent of anything else d scenes wl gt sensual n intense after a bit we undrstand deir chemistry


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