Hello people…thanks for your comments….i know they married infront of jesus but i couldn’t think of any other twist other than this one. please try to understand and they pirs will remain ragsan and swalak…..roshini is in this for sometime only….so today’s episode begins:
ragini runs out of the room crying…she says why me..this only happens with me…why god….swalak couldnt see this anymore…they came to her and swara consolled her….she says ragini dont worry sanskar is still ur husband…remember u married infront of jesus..ragini wipes her tears and says yes i am his lawfully wedded wife but he promised that roshini to marry her. that will never happen because I LOVE YOU RAGINI said a voice behind them. they turn and see sanskar. he continues i will never marry her because i know this time she has also come behind me for money but i wont fall in that trap again. saying this he pulls ragini close and hugs her tightly. She hugs him back tightly and says i dont want to lose you or i will die.sanky says shhhhhhh dont talk about death because i will not let you die… they hug for a long time. swalak were happy seeing and swara was jumping and hugged lucky and kissed him on the cheek. Lucky says babe be careful…i will take you to our room if you dont stop hugging me saying this he winks and swara was shocked. swara had a plan and she stop ragsan from kissing and tells them about her plan. they like it and lucky says whose wife is she..nd gives her a kiss on her cheek. swalak and ragsan go back to their rooms.
@Swalak room:
swara enters and sees the whole room is dark. she goes into the washroom and gets changed. when she comes out she sees the whole room is lit with candles and sees lucky in the center with his back turned. he was wearing track pants and jacket. she goes to him and says what happened baby….are u angry or sad? lucky turns and says i am upset bcz from now onwards u will take care of the house and i will not be able to spend time with you…and on top of tht roshni’s problem. swara says is tht all or is there more. she goes to him and puts her hands around his neck. she says i will always have time for u ok….and gives him a peck on the lips. he pulls her closer and holds her tightly. he says promise me tht u will spend time with me at night. she says why only night…i will at daytime as ok…now lets go to sleep. he says our night has only begun and kisses her. it starts from slow to a passionate one. he lifts her up and goes to the bed which had rose petals on it…..they consummate their wedding night…..the candles blow off.
Precap: ragsan night…..mission get rid of roshini…
sorry for the short epi…will try make it longer
love it
plz update regularly
Very nice
Superb waiting for nxt.
wow…..very nice….
waiting for next update