Hello guys sorry for late update I might not be able to post daily some days. Please forgive me.

On the requests of Srijani,Paro and Sapna there will be one more character.

Kaira- Daughter of Karthik and Naira.Twin sister of Kairav.Loves her brother and mother and wants to help her brother so that both of them can meet their father.

Let’s start the episode:-

It’s been 8 months after Naira left home all the Goenkas and Singhanias were in contact with her all the time but she never talked to Karthik all these months. He has been living in guilt. Dadi was angry with Naira but after she thought about it thoroughly she felt Naira was right. The Goenkas were upset with Karthik and he just helps himself by keeping himself busy with work.

There in USA Naira was sitting on the couch when her stomach started to pain(guys Naira was a month pregnant when she came USA and I took 8 months leap) Liza was in the kitchen when she heard her screaming in pain she went to Naira.

Liza- What happened Naira??

Naira- My stomach is paining I think it’s time for delivery.

Liza- Ok let’s go to hospital first.

Naira and Liza go to hospital and the doctor informs them that it was the time for Naira’s delivery. Naira is taken to ICU till then Liza calls Naksh and informs him about it. Naksh rushes to Goenka villa.


Everyone comes down.

Manish- What happened Naksh?

Naksh- Papa Naira is in her labour.


Everyone turns around and see Karthik at the doorstep. He just came from office.

Episode freezes.

Precap- A boy and a girl.

Sorry guys for this small episode I am bit confused with story please give me some  suggestions in the comments.

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