Fan Fiction


Here next part.

          “Oye if you touch me then i will cut your fingers and if you came near me with wrong intention then i swear i will kill you” said swara.”Then what will i do?” asked sanskar.”I don’t care but don’t make me sleep” said swara.Sanskar was thinking now what to do.Then suddenly there is a phone call from swara’s sister ragini.Swara attend the call.”Haan di” said swara.”Shona will u come home because we are missing you so much,today is sunday and i think sanskar is also free.So why would you join for lunch” asked ragini.”Ok di we will come” replied swara.”Sanskar, di invited us for lunch,so get ready we are going my home” said  swara.Sanskar was in deep thoughts.
             “Shona you go i have some work and i will pickup you in evening” said sanskar.Swara get angry and throw a  pillow on sanskar face before going to washroom.But nick of the time sanskar catch the pillow.Swara change the dress and came out from the washroom and sanskar is already changed the dress.”Jaan i am waiting downstairs” said sanskar and taking his phone he left.Swara angrily went towards mirror and talking to herself.”Idiot after my marriage it’s first time we are going my home but he didn’t want to come and said silly excuses” murmuring swara.
             When swara got ready she went to downstairs.Sanskar was talking on the phone seriously.After ending the call he saw swara who is already present there.”Shall we go jaan” asked sanskar.Swara didn’t replied and directly went outside and sat in the car.Then sanskar followed swara and he take the driver seat.While driving swara didn’t speak anything but sanskar was continuously speaking.After dropping swara ,sanskar turn the car and said “jaan i will pickup you 7’o clock” before leaving.Swara was spending some quality time with her family.But she is missing sanskar very much.She is waiting when will sanskar come and take to their home.Otherside sanskar is planning something.
               Somehow time flew away.Now time is 7’o clock.Sanskar sharply came swara home and take swara to their mansion.After reaching mansion they both went inside the mansion.”Jaan go and freshnup,you look so tired” said sanskar.”Are you forgetting sanskar that i told you something on morning” asked swara.” I didn’t forget anything you go and freshnup” replied sanskar.Swara angrily went to their room.After taking the towel she entered the washroom.But as soon as she entered she is surprised to see washroom.The washroom is decorated with candles and bathtube is full of rosepetals.There is a some note near mirror.”Get ready jaan tonight is very special” swara read the note.



    After reading the note swara automatically blush.She entered the bathtub and playing with water.After half hour swara came out from the washroom.She is wearing casuals.Then she went downstairs for searching sanskar.But sannskar is not in the hall.She then confusedely entered kitchen where sanskar is trying mix flour and water.She laughed at sanskar because there is some flour on sanskar face.”Don’t laugh jaan,here i am getting difficult to make roti but you are laughing at me” said sanskar.”Oh my god sanskar you are really cute in this face” said swara before pulling his cheeks.”jaan how many times i told you,don’t call me cute” said sanskar fake angrily.”But it’s the truth you are looking so cute” said swara before sat on the kitchen counter.”Come i will help you” said swara and trying to take bowl.”No jaan today is my day and i will be on your service full night” said sanskar.
             Swara take the tissue paper and cleaning sanskar face which is covered with flour.Sanskar was preparing dinner and swara was watching him continuously.After half and hour sanskar prepare the dinner.”Jaan you go and sit in the hall,i will go and freshnup.Swara went to the hall and surfing internet with random stuffs.After freshnup sanskar went to the kitchen and take the food vessels.Sanskar is going outside with vessels.”Sanskar where are you going? Dinning table is here” asked swara.”I know jaan you just wait and watch” said sanskar.After arranging dinner on outside sanskar went inside and came near swara and closed her eyes.
                “Sanskar what are you doing?” Asked swara.”Shh jaan keep quiet and walk” said sanskar.When sanskar take his hands off swara slowly opened her eyes and got mesmerised.The dinner is arranged near swimming pool and the pool is decorated with rose petals.The scenario is totally romantic.

             SWIMMING POOL

     “Sanskar it’s beautiful” said swara.”But not more than you” said sanskar with intensity and swara blushed after hearing sanskar statement.Sanskar pulled the chair for swara.Swara sat on the chair and sanskar serving dinner on the plate.Swara take the first bite and feed sanskar.Sanskar surprisingly looking at swara.”I just feel to feed you” said swara.Then sanskar take the food and feed swara.They both finished the dinner.After finishing the dinner sanskar extended his hands towards swara.”Will you dance with me jaan?” asked sanskar.”Yes ofcourse hubby” said swara and get up from the chair.Sanskar placed his around swara’s waist swara put her hands around sanskar neck.They both danced slowly.Time is now 10’o clock.Swara is now full excited she is thinking what he will do next.
             “Ok jaan i think it’s quiet late we will go inside” said sanskar.”What?That is it i told you to don’t make me sleep until morning but it’s just 10’o clock.”Jaan there are more things waiting come” said sanskar.They both entered the mansion and went to the one room which is full of sofa.”Jaan now we are going to watch movie” said sanskar.

        Sanskar played a romantic movie but swara being a adamant she played a horror movie.”Jaan i thought to make this night romantic but you are spoiling everything” complained sanskar childishly.”I don’t care if you play romantic movie now then i will definitely sleep” said swara.They both sat on sofa.As usual swara was watching movie with great interest but sanskar is really scared.After sometime swara saw sanskar who is watching movie with half closed eyes.She gave a look towards sanskar you are not going to change.She then went close to sanskar and placed her head on sanskar shoulders.Then she take sanskar hands and placed around her waist because she know that sanskar is not ready to accept that he is afraid.Sanskar surprisingly looking at swara.”I am so scared sanskar and i promise i will not disturb you” said swara and kissed sanskar cheeks.Sanskar is now smiling like an idiot and looking at swara and swara is watching movie.Until movie ending sanskar didn’t turn his side,he is only watching swara.
              After watching movie they both left the room and swara got little sleep.”Sanskar i am getting sleep now what are you going to do it’s only 12:30.” asked swara.”Don’t worry jaan i already prepared something” said sanskar.Sanskar take swara outside the mansion.They both went towards car parking.Near parking there is something near car which is covered by plastic cover.Then sanskar removed the cover.After seeing the thing swara eyes are sparkling.It’s a bike which is infront of them.Swara has a dream to bike ride with sanskar.It’s like her dream will become true.Sanskar sat on the bike.”Come jaan tonight is ours” said sanskar.Swara sat on the bike.As soon as swara sat on the bike sanskar start the bike with full speed.They are rounding the city.Suddenly swara hugged sanskar very tightly which sents shivers to both of their bodies.
               Sanskar turn around and saw swara but she didn’t look sanskar,she is only tightly hugging sanskar because it’s her dream to bike ride with him that too at night.

     They are wandering around city around two hours.Now the time is 2:30.In this two hours they didn’t speak anything.They are feeling each other.Suddenly sanskar stopped the bike.”Jaan get down” said sanskar.They both get down from the bike.”Actually i have longtime wish that i want to hold your hands and walk on the road at night time” said sanskar.Swara didn’t speak anything she hold sanskar hand and start walking.Like today sanskar had some magic on swara that she is doing whatever he is saying.

To be continued….

            Let me think…

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I will stop thinking about u when TOM catches JERRY and has him for dinner

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