Fan Fiction

Love is beautiful emotion (Episode 39)

thank uuuu guys for your lovely comments.ohhh i am sooooo happy.i am fit and fine completely recovered.thank u.and sory for late update

swara was sitting in front of karan looking at his poker face.she was little tense and uncomfortable with silence.she looked at her left side table where sanskar,lucky and ragini was sitting hiding their faces.
swara finally breaking the silence:karan! do u want to say something.karan take deep breath
karan:ragini! i am sory to say that…..but…….
swara:but what?
karan:i can’t marry u he finally blurted out.all three coughed and swara’s eyes widened.
swara looking at him with big round eyes:what???/

karan little tensed:look i’m sory but i really can’t marry u.its…its not your fault.its just i am committed to a girl.i love her very much and i can’t marry to someone else.swara’s face glows up immediately.karan looked at her confusion.swara looked at them and nodded.they stands up and walked toward them and sit opposite to each other.
karan shocked:u all are here.
swara excitedly:u solved our problem.
karan:what problem?
ragini:actually karan i’m ragini.she is swara.karan looked at them in confusion.
karan whisper:swara…ragini???
karan with narrowed eyes:what is happening here?
sanskar:just relax we will tell everything and then they explain him everything.karan face was beaming
swara happy:ask your parents to cancel this marriage.karan’s face expression changes.
karan whispered:i can’t.
lucky angry:what do u mean? u still saying u will marry ragini. ragini places her hand on lucky to calm him.lucky takes deep breath.
sanskar:why? is there any problem.

karan:my parents don’t want me to marry that girl.
karan little angry:same low thinking….all looked at each other.
karan:mine and her standard don’t match they shook their head in disbelief
swara:your parents are living in london for about 20 years…still the think like that? karan didn’t said anything but looked very very angry.
lucky:is she loves u? a smile appeared on karan lips.

karan:more then anything.all smiles.
sanskar:make your parents understand importance of love its not right to run from problems
karan:i am not running.i don’t know what to do.i can’t go against my parents will.
swara and ragini looked at each other and suddenly yelled:we have an idea…three boys looked at them horrified.
sanskar:why are u both yelling.we are sitting here only not at corner table.he said pointing at corner table.swara and ragini giggle and looked at the table.a single person was sitting there.swara’s face turned pale looking at the person.that person passes a smirk to swara.swara’s hand started trembling.
karan excitedly:what is it?
ragini:we tell dadi about this and i am sure when she talk to your parents they will agree.
karan little tensed:are u sue.she is your grandmother.and maybe her thoughts resemble to my parents.

ragini laughed and said:u don’t know her.she is a rockstar.haan na swara? and all looked at swara.who was becoming more pale with passing second.
sanskar tensed:swara what’s wrong.and looked at the direction where she was looking.but there was nothing except empty table.
swara:no..nothing sanskar looked down at her trembling hands and get more tensed and hold her hands under table.
sanskar:are u alright.swara felt safe and put her other hand on sanskar.he looked at her face and a smile appeared on his face.
lucky:soo what are we waiting.go tell your dadi.swara and sanskar looked at lucky.
ragini giggling:have some patience lucky.swara quickly pulled her hand from sanskar.sanskar frowned.
swara:no ragini i think we should sole this as soon as possible.lucky and karan nodded vigorously.sanskar was looking at her deeply.
all stands up to leave.
ragini:karan u come with us.

swara:u guys go i will just come.saying this she went to a corner and takes out her phone.
swara take deep breath and said:hello bhai…
ranveer:hello princess u called this everything okay?
swara:everything is fine i called to ask.are u okay?
ranvver straighten up:i am fine princess.why?
swara little tensed:no…i..i was not feeling good therefore.
ranveer:princess tell me what’s wrong? NOW
swara rubbed her sweated hands on her jeans.
swara:no..its nothing just worried for u.i didn’t met with for two days na…that’s why
ranveer:hmm…okay princess take care.
swara:g bhai…u too take care. and she hung up and turns but was shocked to see sanskar standing there looking at her with narrowed eyes.swara clears her throat.

sanskar:why are u sweating?swara rubbed her palm on her forehead nervously.
swara:i am not sweating.sanskar comes close to her in one sec and hold her from shoulders.
sanskar in loud yet gentle voice:tell me what is bothering u.u are looking very pale.tell me.swara avoiding eye contact.
swara:its nothing.u are over thinking.leave me.sanskar make her see him.and goes close to her face.
sanskar:i can catch your lie just looking at your stop trying and tell me.plzzz.swara looked at his pleading eyes.then looked away.
swara:u have no right to know anything.sanskar tighten his grip at her.then leave her.and goes from there without looking at her face.swara bite her lower lip and lowered her eyes.
all were present and looking at dadi.they had told her everything about karan and his love but didn’t tell about lucky and ragini’s love story.
dadi:i didn’t know that they can do that.
ragini pleading:plz dadi talk to them how can they break hearts like this plzzz and blinks her eyes twice.dadi chuckled.
dadi whispers in her ear:why are u soo u love someone?ragini blushed.dadi looked at deeply

dadi loudly:swaraaaa!!! swara who was drinking water coughed hard.all looked worried by dadi sudden loud voice
swara looked at her with narrowed eye and said:dadi i know its a very big shock but don’t yell so loudly its not good at this age.u know u can get heart attack.all giggle
dadi:u come here.swara goes near dadi.she hold her ear and twisted.
swara:aaaaa!! dadi….
dadi:u started hiding things from me
swara:i didn’t hide anything…aaa… its paining dadi leave na…
dadi putting her hands on her waist and said with fake anger:my laddo is in love and after knew it u didn’t tell me.i know laddo will never tell me anything but uuuuuu…how rude and make pout face.ragini and lucky looked at each other.swara giggle.she put hands on her shoulder.
swara:oooo!!!….my cute little dadi….i was going to tell u but before that u fix her marriage.

dadi frees herself and said:i am not talking to u…and u too she said glaring at ragini.swara and ragini giggle.
swara acting:ragini i think u should forget your love.dadi is angry who will talk to karan’s parents.and karan u too i’m sory and winked to ragini.
ragini also stands up and said:swara i think u re saying right i should forget about him and started fake cry.lucky gets worried and was going to her but sanskar hold his hands.
sanskar whispers:they are doing drama soo chill.
dadi quickly goes toward ragini:no..laddo don’t say like this.i will talk to his parents.they will agree.u don’t worry.and make her see her.
dadi:u should have told me about this.nothing is more important then your happiness.ragini’s eye sparkle and she nodded.dadi hug her
swara pouting:i’m leaving.

dadi:u melodrama..come here.swara smiles and trio share an hug.
dadi:tell me laddo who is he?swara and ragini open’s their mouth.swara gets up and makes lucky stands in front of dadi.
swara gigglinget dadi dadi meet lucky.pointing to them.ragini also giggle.
swara:annnnnd…ranveer bhai had already said yess.
dadi shocked:what and looked toward ragini.she nodded with smile.
dadi:then if he is ready then i am also ready.swara screamed and hug ragini.
after sometime dadi comes out from room and her face was glowing.
dadi:karan u parents happy.karan gets happy and bends to get blessings.ragini and swara’s eyes bugged out at his act.they coughed.
dadi:be happy.

dadi:now u all go freshen up and come for lunch.they all nodded.and leaves.


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