Fan Fiction

Love is beautiful emotion (Episode 44)

“Swara crying: plz let me go. Sahil only smirks swara keep begging him sahil get irekd he stopped the car at some weird place and drag swara out brutally and drag her into the house swara:plz leave my hand plzzz sahil take her to some dark room with very dim light swara start hitting on his hand sahil gritted his teeth he throw swara on ground and take out his gun and keep it on swara’ s head swara start shivering
Sahil in angry: I don’t want to kill u this easily but if u didn’t shut your mouth I am going kill u now your choice shut your mouth or get ready to fog start appearing in front of her eyes and she collapse with ground sahil laughed loudly at that.he tied her on chair and goes outside.

Sanskar,ranveer,ranbeer and neil were sitting in the hall of sanskar’s mension (in shimla)
(Neil is police inspector)
Suddenly they get a video message in ranveer phone ranveer open it with shaking hand
Sahil loudly: hello big bro how are u?
Ranveer angrily: where is swara?
Sahil fake sadness: I came out from jail after 5 years instead of asking about my well being u are asking about her.
Ranveer shoutes: where is swara? Sahil laughed
Sahil: so gd to see u like this but don’t worry she is fine for NOW (stretches last word)
Sahil: want to see her. He show them swara unconscious and tied.

Ranveer: leave her this is between u and me. Sahil smirked
Sahil: isn’t she beautiful bro and slid his finger on her face.anger and fear arose in their eyes.
Sanskar loudly: don’t u dare to touch her I will break your each bone
Sahil:oh mr.sanskar maheshwari. Possessive boyfriend
Ranveer:u want revenge from me then hurt me not her.
Sahil looked at him angrily: I spend 5 years in that horrible place 5 years he almost shouted.
Sahil:just because of her I don’t like to talk I like action u all have 5 hours.each hour will be a lesson for her he smirked.
Sahil:I have heared she had no mother to teach her lesson so lesson no 1 he moved toward her.
Ranveer:don’t.sahil slapped hard on swara’s face she wake up screaming due to extreme pain. All stand up clutching their fist.
Sahil:so dear swara its your lesson no 1 never poke your nose in others matter like u did 5 years it.
All shout:sahil.
Sahil : I don’t like shouting.dear swara wanted to talk with your brothers and boyfriend.swara nodded quickly.
He smirked and place phone infront of her.

Swara crying:bhai,sanskar plz take me from hete plz she cried hard.a tear escaped from their eyes looking at her like this.neil looked at broken state of all
Neil: shona don’t worry until we are alive nothing will happen to us.sahil take phone back.
Sahil: u all have very less time speed up and cut the call but before that they again hear swara’s scream full of pain.
Sanskar punch on the wall angrily and ranveer throw his phone which after striking with ground divides into different pieces.ranbeer and neil looked at each other.pain and anger were shown in them.
Neil loudly: this will not help we have to do something quickly getting angry is not the solution
Ranveer in broken tone:this is all because of me.sanskar closes his eyes and remember when sahil was dragging her.
Sanskar:I am sorry I was not able to save her.neil gets very angry.
Neil:both of regrets and I will go to save her he kicks the glass table and its glass fall down making loud sound.
Neil angry and shouting:this is not the time for regrets we have to quick he will be giving her pain.he put his hand on ranveer shoulder
Neil pleading:swara need his most loving brother plz this is not the time to break down.ranbeer put hand on sanskar’s shoulder and noddes.ranveer and sanskar look at each other and determination entered in their eyes.
Ranveer in steely voice: sanskar due u remember car’s number.

Neil:lets go toward security headquarter they all run outside not wanting to waste a single moment.they reached their after rush driving.
Ranveer in authortative voice: I am ranveer singhania I wanted to check some cctv cameras.
Neil:here is the orders

Officer:sure sir.sanskar,ranveer and neil were checkibg footage gut ranbeer were talking on phone.trio back get straight looking at house where sahil dragged swara.
Sanskar:lets go trio came out but was extremely shocked to watch………..


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